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applaud赞同 mirror镜子.反entail需要 射 Supposedly据说 strive 努力 consequently因此 devalue货币贬flexibility灵活obligation义务 Fulfill履行 值 性 1. Taxes are an obligation which my fall on everybody. 译文:交税是每个人应尽的义务。

2. We applauded the authority’s decision not to close the hospital. 译文:我们赞成当局不关闭这家医院的决定。

3. The doc tors instructions must be fulfilled exactly; the sick mans life depends on it . 译文:必须遵照医嘱,因为这关系到病人的生命。

4. Do these opinion polls really mirror what people are thinking ? 译文:这些民意测验果真能够反映人们的所想吗?

5. I prefer to think of memorization as a stepping-stone to flexibility in use of words and phrases. 译文:我认为记忆是掌握单词和短语用法的灵活性的好手段。

6. In her office memos she tended to devalue the work done by her staff . 译文:在办公记录中,她总是贬低下属的工作 。

7. The history of railroad transport has partly been a history of striving or greater efficiency and profit . 译文:铁路运输的历史从某种意义上说即是人们追求更高效率和更大收益的历史。

8. He took on the new post without having the faintest idea of what it entailed . 译文:他上任之前对牵涉的职责等事宜一无所知。

9. He is supposedly one of the greatest experts in t hat filed . 译文:他被认为是该领域最权威的专家之一。

10. Absolute secrecy is essential. Consequently, the fewer who are aware of the project the better. 译文:极度机密是必要的,这样知道该工程的人就会越少,这样就越好。



(take on) With his promotion, he has taken on greater responsibilities. 2.他感到他没有必要再一次对约翰承担这样的责任了。(make a commitment) He felt that it was not necessary for him to make such a commitment to John once more . 3.闲暇时玛丽喜欢外出购物,与她相反,露西却喜欢呆在家里看书。(as opposed to)

Mary likes to go shopping in her free time , as opposed to Lucy who prefers to stay at home reading.

4.说好听一点,可以说他有抱负,用糟糕的话来说,他是一个没有良心或没有资格的权利追求者。(at best, at worst)

.At best hes ambitious ,and at worst a power-seeker without conscience or qualifications. 5.我们已尽全力想说服她,但是却毫无进展。

(strive, make no headway) We have striven to persuade him but still made no headway.


sack expansiveness sphere sustain sour clue define depression division equality 1.Some people do, and some people do not, believe in equality of opportunity.有的人做,有的人不这样做,相信机会平等

2.He sustained a great loss from the death of his father.他持续的从他的父亲去世了很大的损失

3. Police have still found no clue as to the whereabouts of the missing woman.警方仍然没有发现任何线索,失踪女子的下落。

4. In designing a bridge, one must allow for expansiveness 在设计一个桥,必须允许膨胀性

5.One of the workmen was sacked for his always being drunk.其中一名工人被解雇,他总是喝醉了

6.When boundaries between countries are not clearly defined , there is usually trouble. 当没有明确界定国与国之间的边界,通常有麻烦

7. Gardening is outside the sphere of my activities.园艺是我的业余活动 8. She said that the hat made me look silly, but perhaps that was sour grapes.她说,这顶帽子让我看傻了,但也许那是吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸。 9. The newspapers are full of such depressing news nowadays as crime, natural disasters, and rising prices.报纸上充满了这样令人沮丧的消息现在是犯罪,自然灾害,以及价格上涨

10. The division of the world into developed and underdeveloped nations is a gross simplification.世界划分为发达国家和欠发达国家是一个粗略的简化


1. 因特网的普及给人们提供了迅速、方便地获取信息的机会。(access to) The popularity of Internet provides people with quick and convenient access to information.

2. 既然他不同意这个计划,再考虑此事就没有多大意义。(there is not much point in)

Since he doesn’t agree to this plan, there is not much point in thinking about it any more.

3. 我本人没有看过这部影片,不过它应该是一部很好的片子。(be supposed to) I haven’t seen it myself, but it is supposed to be a very good film. 4. 如果你不努力,终将一事无成。(end up nowhere) If you don’t work hard, you’ll end up nowhere.

5. 美国有义务首先采取行动禁止核武器。(up to, take the initiative)

It’s up to the United States to take the initiative in banning nuclear weapons.


await spot mask overtake pose judge distract cue undermine offend 1.By the age of 20, Mozart had written some ten operas and was well prepared for the demanding audiences that awaited him Vienna. 译文:到20岁时莫扎特已经写了十多部歌剧,并且为正在等待他的维也纳观众做好了充分准备。

2.After only three years in the American market ,our US sales there have overtaken those in Japan. 译文:来到美国市场仅仅三年,我们对美国的销售额就超过了日本的销售额。

3.Earthquakes pose such serious danger to the country that Japan has become a world leader in earthquake prediction ,earthquake-proof construction techniques ,and disaster preparedness by both civil defense force and the general public。


4.American artists often took their cues from European literary salons and art schools and cultured Americans traveled to Europe to become educated.


5.A serious of body explosions has undermined all hopes for a peace solution in the Middle East. 译文:一系列的人肉炸弹袭击使中东和平进程的所有希望都破灭了。

6.When realize the police had spotted him, the man made for the exit as quickly as possible. 译文:当那个男人意识到自己已经被警察认出来的时候他飞快地向出口跑去。

7.Many of the scientists and engineers are judged in terms of how profitable their achievements are .
