2018届江苏省宜兴中学高三作文练习 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2018届江苏省宜兴中学高三作文练习 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读83195cf359f5f61fb7360b4c2e3f5727a4e92479


They say \(逆境)of life can be useful. President Abraham Lincoln showed us how this is so.

One of his officials, Edwin Stanton, frequently found fault with the president and criticized him ---- sometimes in public. Lincoln seemed to show great patience with him. The president was asked why he kept such a man in a high level position.

Lincoln characteristically responded with a story. He told about a time he was visiting with an old farmer. He noticed a big horsefly biting the side of the farmer's horse. Lincoln said he reached over to brush the fly away. As he did so, the farmer stopped him and cautioned, \

Even life's many adversities and problems have their place. They may cause us to change directions. Or motivate us to greater achievement. Or keep us moving along when it's easier to go nowhere.

Are you simply making the best of a bad situation, or will it make the best of you? 【写作内容】

1.用约30个词概括这段短文的内容; 2.用约120个单词发表你的观点,内容包括: (1)列举自己或他人的例子,谈谈如何处理逆境。 (2)谈谈你对逆境的看法。 The passage narrates an instructive story of Lincoln visiting a farmer and his way of responding to bad situations, indicating that the bad situation makes the best of a person. (30 words) The story reminds me of Helen Keller who became deaf and blind when 19 months old. Living in a world of darkness and silence, she found that communication seemed only a dream for her. However, she didn't give up and struggled to lead an active life. Eventually, under the guidance of her teacher, Helen learnt to read and write and later became a famous writer. On a personal note, what Helen Keller and Abraham Lincoln did has shown us whether one will succeed or fail depends on how he deals with bad situations. As we all know, lift is a road to unexpected challenges. Only when we make the best of a bad situation will it make the best.(120 words)

People who are your age, like your classmates, are called peers. When they try to influence how you act, to get you to do something, it’s called peer pressure. Your peers influence your life, even if you don’t realize it, just by spending time with you. It’s only human nature to listen to and learn from other people in your age group.

Peers can have a positive influence on you. Maybe another student in your science class taught you an easy way to remember the planets in the solar system. You might admire a friend who is always good at sports and try to be more like her or him.

Sometimes, your peers can influence you in negative ways. For example, a few kids in school might try to get you to skip class with them; your soccer friend might try to convince you to be mean to another player and never pass him the ball.

Teenagers are the most likely to fall prey to peer pressure. So, their parents and teachers should make sure they don’t submit to it. And the solution is not in isolating them from their peers. It’s in teaching them to make good choices in life. 1.用约30个单词写出上文概要;


(1)哪位同龄人对你的影响最大;(2)举例说明他或她对你的学习或成长的影响; (3)你怎样看待同龄人之间的影响。 The passage explains what peer pressure is. This pressure has positive and negative on our lives. Teenagers give in to peer pressure quite easily, so they should be taught to make good choice. This reminds me of my classmate, Landa, who is the top student in our class. She has a positive influence on me. Once she noticed that I was about to give up halfway after spending ages struggling with my maths homework, so she offered to help me with it. Unfortunately, she couldn’t solve the maths problem straight away. But she kept trying, and worked on the problem for several hours, I was very moved. I was very moved. Since then, her firm determination to overcome difficulties has inspired me whenever I has been in a tricky situation. From my perspective, since peer pressure is very important, we should get closer to those who have a positive influence on us, and keep away from those who do not.

There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence.

The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence.

Finally the day came when the boy didn’t lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone.

The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said, “You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave scars just like these. And no matter how many times you say you're sorry, the wounds will still be there.” 1. 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。

2. 以“Anger management”为题,谈谈你的想法(120词),内容包括:


Anger management A bad-tempered boy finally learned to properly manage his anger following his father’s advice---hammering nails into the fence. And he was also made to understand that venting anger can do irreversible harm to others. (35) If anger is expressed in harmful ways, it can lead to problems---sometimes for you and often for others around you. People with poor anger management are more likely to have problems with personal relationships; what’s worse, they can experience anxiety, depression, even problems with alcohol. In a word, it can affect the overall quality of your life. To keep your anger in check, you need to recognize what makes you angry and identify the warning signs of anger in your body, so that when you are about to lose it, you can get out of the situation, taking a walk or using other distractions from the situation. But if you feel your anger is out of control, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance from a psychologist or a support group. (131)

学校图书馆需要购置一批新书, 现向学生征求意见。假如你是李越,你认为学校图书馆最需要购置科普类图书 (popular science books)和文学类图书(literary books)。请你用英语给图书馆王老师写一封100—120词的信,推荐这两类书,并分别说明推荐理由。

Dear Mr. Wang, Knowing that our library is going to buy books, I’d like to give some suggestions. What we need most are popular science books. Usually popular science books explain basic principles of nature in a simple and interesting way. They help us understand science subjects better and arouse our curiosity about scientific discoveries. In addition to reading for knowledge, we read for fun and inspiration. That is why I recommend another category of books:literary books. Classic works, written by masters, present great thoughts through fascinating stories and language. They not only offer us joy and excitement, but also encourage us to think critically. I’ll be glad if you can consider my recommendation. Yours sincerely, Li Yue