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发布时间 : 星期一 文章2020新课标高考英语二轮 专题限时集训:3 细节理解之数字确定更新完毕开始阅读82ecb91a588102d276a20029bd64783e09127de2

She believed that beauty is an attitude,and when you look after yourself properly,it would be a winning attitude.If you looked beautiful on the outside,Lauder believed you would feel beautiful in the inside,and from there,the possibilities are endless.

Estée Lauder died on April 24,2004,but her contribution is remembered.Today Estée Lauder is a recognized brand name in over 110 countries.“Why are all brides beautiful?”she asked.“Because on their wedding day they care about how they look.There are no ugly women—only women who don't care or who don't believe they're attractive.”Beauty is a state of mind and Lauder believed that her products could help anyone achieve that state of mind.

【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了雅诗兰黛夫人的传奇人生。 8.When Esther was young,she dreamed of becoming . A.an actress C.a salesgirl

B.a businesswoman D.a chemist

A [考查细节理解。根据第二段第二句“Esther had always wanted to be an actress,dreaming of having her name in lights”可知,Esther年轻时的梦想是成为一名演员,故A项正确。]

9.From the passage we know that Esther first learned about cosmetics from .

A.her uncle C.her husband

B.her father D.herself

A [考查细节理解。根据第三段最后两句“Schotz was a chemist who had devoted most of his life to creating‘secret’skincare products.Esther joined him”可知,Esther是从Schotz那里了解化妆品的,故A项正确。]

10.How old was Esther when she passed away? A.She was 86. C.She was 106.

B.She was 96. D.She was 110.

B [考查数字计算。根据第四段第一句“In 1930... when she was 22 years old”可知,在1930年她22岁;根据尾段第一句中的“Estée Lauder died on April 24,2004”可知,她于2004年去世;据此可知,她去世时是96岁,故B项正确。]

11.What is the text mainly about?

A.The secret of success. B.A good hardware store. C.The life story of Estée Lauder. D.A great cosmetics brand.

C [考查主旨大意。通读全文可知,文章主要讲述了雅诗兰黛夫人的传奇人生,故C项正确。]