综合英语第一册unit1-12课后答案 联系客服

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They didn’t see each other since he turned his back on her. 自从他拒绝帮助她,他们就再也不联系了。

3. stick it out =not to give up 坚持到底

e.g. As long as you stick it out, you will have your day. 只要你坚持到底,你总会成功的。

Be brave, and stick it out! 勇敢一点,坚持到底!

4. go through so much =to experience so much pain and stress 经历辛苦

e.g. Why do you quit now after going through so much? 经历了那么多艰辛,你怎么现在放弃了


2. Word comparison


tighten: if you tighten your grip on something, or if your grip tightens, you hold it more firmly or securely

e.g. Stefano’s grip tightened and his tone became colder.

strengthen: to make something stronger or more effective, or to become stronger or more effective

e.g. They have been strengthening their border defenses in preparation for war. lengthen: to make something longer or to become longer e.g. The days lengthened as summer approached.

widen: if you widen something or if it widens, it becomes greater in measurement from one side or edge to the other

e.g. The river widens considerably as it begins to turn east. 2.

disturbed: not thinking or behaving normally because of mental or emotional problems e.g. This is a center for emotionally disturbed teenagers. bothered: worried or upset

e.g. He doesn’t seem too bothered about the things that are written about him in the papers. worried: when you are worried, you are unhappy because you keep thinking about problems that might happen in the future

e.g. If you’re at all worried about his progress, do discuss it with one of his teachers. troubling: something that is troubling makes you worried or nervous

e.g. Some troubling questions remain about the legal status of human cloning . 3.

as to: about

e.g. He was uncertain as to which road to take.

in terms of: if you talk about something in terms of something or in particular terms, you are specifying which aspects of it you are discussing or from what point of view you are considering it e.g. Paris has played a dominant role in France, not just in political terms but also in economic power.

concerned: involved in something or affected by it

e.g. I’d like to thank everyone concerned for making the occasion run so smoothly. regard: to consider or have an opinion about something or someone


e.g. Her parents always regarded her as the cleverest of their children. 4.

influence: to affect the way someone or something develops, behaves, thinks, etc. without directly forcing or ordering them

e.g. His writing was greatly influenced by Henry James.

impress: if something impresses you, you feel great admiration for it e.g. Cannon’s film impresses on many levels.

affect: to have an influence on someone or something, or to cause them to change e.g. Both buildings were badly affected by the fire. shake: to make someone feel very upset or shocked e.g. The murder shook the whole town. 5.

handling: the way that someone deals with a situation or person e.g. I admired your delicate handling of the crisis.

dealing: the activity of buying, selling, or doing business with people e.g. penalties for drug dealing

treat: to behave towards someone or deal with something in a particular way e.g. I treat remarks like that with the contempt that they deserve.

manage: to be responsible for controlling or organizing someone or something especially a business

e.g. He’s not very good at managing people. 6.

complain: to say that you are annoyed, not satisfied, or unhappy about something or someone e.g. She complained that no one had been at the airport to meet her.

criticize: if you criticize someone or something, you express your disapproval of them by saying what you think is wrong with them

e.g. His mother had rarely criticized him or any of her children.

disapprove: to feel that something or someone is bad, wrong, etc. to not approve e.g. I strongly disapprove of under-age drinking.

blame: to say or think that someone or something is responsible for something bad e.g. I blame his mother. She does everything for him. 7.

outlook: the likely future situation

e.g. The outlook for the economy is bleak.

future: someone’s future, or the future of something, is what will happen to them or what they will do after the present time

e.g. His future as prime minister depends on the outcome of the elections. view: what you think or believe about something e.g. She has strong views about politics.

condition: if you talk about the condition of a person or thing, you are talking about the state that they are in, especially how good or bad their physical state is e.g. You can’t drive in that condition. 8.

stuff: It is used to refer to a substance or a group of things or ideas, etc., often with a description


of their general type or quality or saying who they belong to, without saying exactly what they are e.g. There’s sticky stuff all over the chair. staff: the people who work for an organization

e.g. The entire staff has done an outstanding job this year. matter: physical substance in the universe

e.g. Some scientists believe that there is about ten times as much matter in the universe as astronomers have observed.

means: a way of doing or achieving something

e.g. For most people, the car is still their main means of transport.

3. Synonym / Antonym

Give synonyms or antonyms of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used. 1. Dealing with AIDS strengthens the bond of friendship, encourages emotional and mature growth.

Synonyms: tighten, intensify, enhance

2. I was the most carefree person in the world. Antonyms: unhappy, wretched, miserable, cheerless

3. My whole life was changing so fast that I couldn’t keep up. Synonyms: quickly, rapidly, swiftly

4. Everyone said that I must keep a positive attitude for his sake, because attitude means everything.

Antonyms: negative, doubtful, pessimistic, uncertain

5. She thought that the trip would do me good; she said that I was not the one that was dying. Synonyms: benefit, profit, advantage

6. David had lost weight, had purple lesions all over his body, and was very pale. Antonyms: gain, increase, gather

7. All I want you to do is to remember me, enjoy life and be careful. Synonyms: cautious, alert, watchful

8. The fifth of June, 1996 marked the end of my best friend David’s life. Antonyms: beginning, start, commencement

4. Word derivation

Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate form of the given word in the brackets.

1. Let’s go for a picnic tomorrow unless the weather forecast is unfavourable. (favour) 2. A successful business needs good organization. (organize) 3. The ring was not at all valuable; in fact, it was almost worthless. (worth) 23

4. Your job will be to see that no imperfect product leaves this part of the factory. (perfect) 5. The floor of the attic needs strengthening if we’re going to make it into a bedroom. (strong) 6. He is ashamed of what he has done. (shame) 7. She expressed her gratitude to me by inviting me to dinner. (grateful) 8. In youth, he showed great promise, but finally he turned out mediocre. (young)

1. favour (n.) 好意,喜好,偏爱,特权 favorite (adj.)流行的,喜爱的

favorable (adj.) 有利的,赞许的,良好的,顺利的,偏袒的 favoritism (n.) 偏爱,偏袒,不公平 unfavorable (adj.) 不宜的,不理想的 unfavorite (adj.) 最不喜爱的,最讨厌的

e.g. A teacher should not favour any of his pupils. 教师不应该偏爱任何一个学生。

What are your favorite sports? 你最喜爱的运动是什么?

He soon won the favour of his boss. 他很快赢得了老板的青睐。

The condition (being) favorable, he may succeed. 条件有利的话,他有可能会成功。

2. organise (v.)组织,有机化,安排 organism (n.) 生物体,有机体

organisation (n.) 组织,团体,有机体 organisational (adj.) 组织的,编制的 organiser (n.) 组织者

e.g. When that happens, I organise my defence. 如果这样的话,我的任务就是组织防守。 The army is an extremely complex organism. 军队是一个极其复杂的组织。 In fact, it might help you improve organisational performance. 事实上,它可能帮助你改善组织的表现。

3. worth (n.)价值,财富

worthy (adj.) 有价值的,可尊敬的,值得的,配得上的 worthiness (n.) 值得,相当,有价值 worthful (adj.) 有价值的,宝贵的 worthwhile (adj.) 值得(做)的

worthless (adj.) 无价值的,无用的,可鄙的 unworthy (adj.) 无价值的,没有优点的 unworthiness (n.) 不值得,无价值

e.g. Do not underestimate his worth. 不要低估了他的价值。

His achievements are worthy of record. 他的功业是值得记载的。

He chucked his money away on a worthless plan. 他把钱白白花在一个毫无价值的计划上。 Such a conduct is unworthy of a decent citizen. 这样的行为不是一个正直公民应有的行为。 A little pain wouldn't make up for her unworthiness. 一点点疼痛不能补偿她的无价值。

4. perfect (adj.)完美的,完全的,十足的; (v.) 改进,美化 perfection (n.) 完美,完善

perfectionist (n.) 十全十美主义者