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发布时间 : 星期四 文章各院课程名称翻译参考部分更新完毕开始阅读827850c66429647d27284b73f242336c1eb93091

37. 微机接口技术Interface Technology of Micro Computer

38. 系统分析设计与UML语言System Analysis & Design and UML 39. 计算机应用信息系统Computer Application Information System 40. 计算机应用基础Fundamentals of Computer and Application 41. 信息系统分析与设计Information System Analysis and Design 42. 专业英语(信息管理与信息系统)Professional English for Information Management &System 43. 信息组织与检索Information Organizing and Retrieval 44. 专业英语(软件工程)English for Software Engineering

十一. 数学与计算科学系 The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science 1. 常微分方程Ordinary Differential Equations

2. 概率论与数理统计Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 3. 数学分析Mathematics Analysis 4. 高等代数Higher Algebra

5. 高等数学概论A Survey of Advanced Mathematics 6. 高级语言程序设计Advanced Language Program 7. 高等数学Advanced Mathematics 8. 计算方法Computational Methods 9. 计算机图形学Computer Graphics 10. 计算智能Computing Intelligence

11. 空间解析几何Space Analytic Geometry 12. 数学模型Mathematical Model

13. 数字信号处理Digital Signal Processing 14. 微积分Calculus

15. 线性代数Linear Algebra

16. 信息科学概论An Introduction to Information Science 17. 信息与编码Information Theory and Coding 18. 运筹学 Operations Research

十二. 其他

1. 军事理论 Theory of Military

2. 大学英语/语文 College English/ Chinese 3. 计算机应用基础 Computer Application Base 4. 应用写作Applied Writing

5. 思想道德修养与法律基础 Ideological-Moral Cultivation and Basic Law 6. 马克思主义基本原理 Fundamental Principles of Marxism

7. 毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和三个代表重要思想A Summary of Mao's Thought, Deng's Theory

and the Important Thought of Three Represents

8. 中国近代史纲要Chinese Modern History Outline 9. 社会主义经济理论 Economic Theory of Socialism 10. 体育普修课General P.E. 11. 体育选修课Optional P.E.

12. 资源与环境 Resource and Environment 13. 地球科学概论 Introduction to Earth Science

14. 自然科学前沿 The Forefront of Nature Science 15. 普通心理学 General Psychology

16. 宪政与人权 Constitutional and Human Rights

17. 岭南文化地理 Culture and Geography of Lingnan Area 18. 语言艺术 Art of Llanguage

19. 社会学概论 Introduction of Sociology

20. 当代中国社会问题透视 Perspective of Modern Social Problem in China 21. 音乐/ 美术/ 舞蹈/书法鉴赏 Appreciation of Music/ Art/ Dance/ Calligraphy 22. 计算机信息检索 Computer Informational Retrieve 23. 普通/科学逻辑Common /Science Logic

24. 中西文化比较 Comparison of the Chinese Culture and the Western Culture 25. 当代西方哲学思潮 Contemporary Trend of Western Philosophic Thought 26. 新经济与高科技 New Economy and High Technology

27. 当代世界政治与经济 Contemporary World Economy and Politics 28. 世界三大宗教 The World's Three Major Religions 29. 中国哲学智慧 The Wisdom of Chinese philosophy 30. 科学技术史 History of Science & Technology

31. 国际公务员制度 National Civil Service Servant Policy

32. 中华文化名家选讲 Selected Lectures of Virtuosos in Chinese Culture 33. 数学方法论 Mathematical Modeling

34. 数学的过去、现在和未来 Mathematics’ Past, Present and Future 35. 形势与政策Situation and Policy 36. 社会实践 Social Practice 37. 学年论文 Term Paper

38. 毕业实习 Graduation Practice 39. 毕业论文 Thesis