2018-2019学年外研版四年级英语下全册教案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2018-2019学年外研版四年级英语下全册教案更新完毕开始阅读80626ca5534de518964bcf84b9d528ea81c72fae

T: If we will have a picnic, I will take a kite. I will take a ball. I will take bread. I will take an apple. I won’t take rice and noodles. Look, here’s a piece of paper, now, let’s try to find: how many students will take the same things with me. OK? We are going to have a picnic. Will you take …… ? Report: Step6.Summary 说说通过本节的学习你都学会了哪些知识呢?教师帮助补充。 Step7. Homework 假设你明天要去北京旅行,你将要带什么东西?把所要带的东西的图片画出来,并用I will take…口头表达出来。 板书 Unit1 Will you take your kite? 设计 We are going to…… Will you take……? Yes, I will. No, I won’t Yes, I will. No, I won’t. 教 后 记 年 月 日

四 年级英语集体备课

主备人 本学期总第 时 本模块第 课时 授课 日期 课题 Unit2 Will it be hot in Haikou? 课型 新 授 教学目标1.能听、说、读、写有关天气的单词,sunny\\rain\\snow\\windy\\cloudy. 2.能够灵活运用句型“Will it be hot in Guangzhou? Yes, it will. \\ No, it won’t 教学重点难点1.表示天气的单词sunny\\rain\\snow\\windy\\cloudy的听、说、读、写和本课主要句型的灵活运用。 2.将表示天气的单词融入句型“Will it be … in … ?”和“It will be … in …” 并灵活运用它们。 教具:磁带、录音机、单词卡、世界地图和中国地图等 教学过程 复备栏 Step1: Warmer 1、Greetings T: Hello, children! Ss: Hello, Miss Yao! T: How are you today? Ss: I’m fine. Thanks .And you? T: I’m great. Thank you very much. Look! What’s the weather like today? Is it windy today? Ss: No, it isn’t. T: Is it sunny today? Ss: Yes, it is. T: What day is today? Ss: Today is Tuesday. T: What day is tomorrow? Ss: Tomorrow is Wednesday. T: Will you have English on Friday? Ss: Yes, I will. / No, I won’t. 2、Say a chant. T: Boys and girl, let’s say a chant,ok? Ss: OK! T&Ss: Cold ,cold. It’s very cold. Close the door. Hot,hot. It’s so hot. Open the door. Cool! 3、复习关于天气状况的单词:sunny, windy, cloudy,rain,snow,hot, cold, warm, cool.(在黑板上画出对应的天气符号。) T:Now, let’s play a game with TPR. Ss: Great! Step2: Presentation 1) T: Today a guest will come to our class. Look! Who is he? Ss: A robot. T: Yes. Can you act out a robot? Ss: Yes, we can. T: Will it do everything? S1: Yes, it will. T: Will it do the housework? S2: Yes, it will. T: Will it do our homework? S3: No, it won’t. T: Will it help children learn? S4: Yes, it will. 2) T: The robot wants to join us. Let’s welcome. The robot brings us a present. Listen! What is the robot doing? Ss:播报天气。 T: “天气”用英文是”weather”。Today the robot wil broadcast the weather. Now , you should find out China from this map as fast as you can. (出示世界地图) T: Now look at the map, what will the weather be like in Beijing? T: Now who can tell me ,what will the weather be like in Beijing? Ss: Windy. T: Very good! Will it be windy in Beijing? Ss: Yes, it will. It will be windy in Beijing. T: Great! Today we are going to learn Unit 2 Will it be windy in Beijing? (板书课题) T:Look! Where is it? (出示中国地图) Ss: Sanya. T: What will the weather be in Sanya? S: It will be hot in Sanya.(用双手手背在额头上擦汗。) T: Look! Where is it? Ss:Changsha. T: What will the weather be in Changsha?(出示warm的