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语法重点:不定代词/副词的用法、动词bring 和take的区别 难点突破:不定代词在各种句式中的变化方式 知识目标:能运用所学知识点进行灵活运用 复习步骤设计:

(一)词汇复习Revision of the words and phrases learnt in Unit 19-20。dictation of the main ones and important sentences. (此环节可根据中考词汇表顺序进行听写检查)

(二)对话操练(Dialogue Acting—ask Ss to say out some sentences

using Can you hear anything/ anybody ?/ Can you bring me something to eat ?etc.(此环节也可以采取学生达标积分制进行,学生可自由组合进行) (三)语法复习:

1)“something /somebody/somewhere/everywhere ”意为“某物/某人/某地/到处”用于肯定句中,“anything /anybody/anywhere ”用于疑问句中,“nothing /nobody/nowhere ”用于否定句中。

例解:①The question is so easy that _____ can answer it easily.

A. nobody B. somebody C. anybody D. everybody 此题应选用D项。从前面“The question is so easy”中看出 “所有人都能轻松回答这个问题 ”,而此句为肯定句,所以不能用“ anybody”,而应该用“everybody ”进行表达。

② _____ can live on the moon because there is no air or water there. A. Everything B.Something C. Nothing D. Anything 此题应选用C项。从动词“…on the moon because there is no air or water there.”中看出 “没有东西可以生长在月球上面 ”,所以应该选用“ Nothing ”进行表达。

③ There is ______ wrong with my computer. It doesn’t work . A. something B. everything C. nothing D. anything 此题应选用A项。从后面 “It doesn’t work .”中看出“电脑肯定有毛病了”,所以 “nothing”是逻辑错误,此句为肯定句,所以应用“something”进行表达,不可能说“一切东西坏了”而常说“某东西坏了”,故B项是错的。 2)bring /take 为“带有方向性的动词”, 以说话人的方向为准“bring ”表示“拿来,带来”,而“take”则表示“带走,拿走”。

例解:④ Don’t ____ it away at the moment. I want it here.

A. bring B. take C. get D. carry 此题应选用B项。从后面 “I want it here .”中看出“说话人此处需要它”,所以“不要把它拿走”是符合逻辑的,所以应用“Don’t take it away”进行表达。 ⑤ Please find your text book and _____ it to school tomorrow. A. take B. get C. bring D. carry

此题应选用C项。从后面 “it to school tomorrow.”中看出“说话人叫学生明天把书本带到学校去”,所以学生往往会选“take”表达,但是英语中听话者和说话者共去的地方应该用“bring”表达。 四、巩固拓展


语法重点:1)有连词but和and,so 等连接的并列句 2)反身代词的使用方法


2)不同语境中的反身代词用法 知识目标:灵活运用所学知识进行交际的能力 复习步骤设计:

(一)词汇复习Revision of the words and phrases learnt in Unit 21。dictation of the main ones and important sentences. (此环节也可根据中考词汇表顺序进行听写检查)

(二)翻译操练(Practice—ask Ss to say out some sentences using “and, but ,so” etc.(此环节也可以采取学生达标积分制进行,学生可自由发言进行) (三)语法复习: 1)连词“but”意为“ 但是,然而”,为转折连词,“and ”为并列连词,在并列句前相等于一个“无意义的引导词”,“so”意为“所以,因此”,具有具体的意义。

例解:①He is very young,____ he is also very strong and quick. A. but B. and C. when D. so

此题应选用B项。从前面“ He is very young,”中看出 “他很年轻”,而后面的“他也很强壮、聪明”,两者之间应该是并列关系,而不是从属关系或因果关系,更不是转折关系,故只能选用“and”连接。

② It’s not whether (是否)you win or lose, ___ how you play the game. A. so B. and C. but D. when

此题应选用C项。从前面“It’s not whether (是否)you win or lose”中看出 “你的输赢并不重要”,而“你如何进行的过程才是重要的”,可以看出是前后转折的关系,故只能选用“but”连接。

2) 反身代词有称自身代词,有第一人称和第二人称的物主代词和第三人称的宾格形式加上词尾的-self/ -selves 构成。其意义为“某人自己/某人亲自/某人独自”等。

例解:③Xiao Ming fell off the tree and hurt _____badly yesterday. A. her B. himself C. him D. herself

此题应选用B项。从前面“Xiao Ming fell off the tree and… ”中看出 “小明从树上摔了下来”,而“弄伤了他自己”,不可能是弄伤了另一个“他”,更不可能是“她自己”了,故只能选用“himself”才符合语法和逻辑。 ④Help _______ to some fruit,Lucy and Lily.

A. herself B. themselves C. yourself D. yourselves

此题应选用D项。从后面的“Lucy and Lily.”中看出是主人在招呼她们两个“随便吃点水果”,而“Help yourself/yourselves to sth ”为固定结构,不能用其他人称的自身代词,故只能选用“yourselves”才符合语法和逻辑。 四、巩固拓展



难点突破:形容词、副词的比较等级的规则与不规则变化形式 知识目标:灵活运用所学知识进行会话、交际的能力 复习步骤设计:

(一)词汇复习Revision of the words and phrases learnt in Unit 22。dictation of the main ones and important sentences. (此环节也可根据中考词汇表顺序进行听写检查)

(二)翻译操练(Practice—ask Ss to say out some sentences like Jim is the tallest in his class. / Who jumps the highest in your school ? / Lucy is nearly as tall as Lily. etc.(此环节也可以采取学生达标积分制进行,学生可自由发言进行) (三)语法复习: 形容词、副词的比较等级的规则变化为①单音节和部分双音节的形容词、副词的词尾+er,est ,分别构成比较级和最高级形式,②部分双音节和多音节的形容词、副词的词前+more, most分别构成比较级和最高级形式,如red- redder-reddest / more careful ,the most careful /,etc. 特别要注意各种等级的信号与等级的相互一致性。

例解:1、 Lucy ran _______ than Han Mei did.

A. more fast B. much faster C. much more fast D. very fast

此题应选用B项。从 “…than Han Mei did. ”中看出 “Lucy 跑得比Han Mei快”,而“much”用于修饰和强调比较级,故只能选用“much faster”结构。 2、 Drawing is not ______ interesting ____ music.

A. so ,as B. more , as C. less, as D. as more ,as

此题应选用A项。从 “…interesting…”中看出是原级,故否定的原级结构应该是“not so /as …as ”故只能选用A项。

3、LiLei is the second ______ boy in his class.

A. longest B. longer C. highest D. tallest

此题应选用D项。从 “…the second…”中看出是排行榜第二位,故应该用最高级结构,而表示人身高的形容词必须用“tall”,不能用“high或long”。 4、 It is _____ today than it was yesterday, isn’t it ?

A. much cold B. less colder C. less cold D. far cold

此题应选用C项。从 “…than it was yesterday…”中看出是比较级结构,但是“less ”后面只能加动词原形,故B项是错误的,而A项和D项中应该用“colder”表示,故也是错误的。

5、 Lucy did far ______ than Lily. A. more badly B. worse C. more good D. more careful

此题应选用B项。从 “…than Lily”中看出是比较级结构,“far”用于强调比较级,但是“badly ”的比较级不是“ more badly”,而“did”后面又需要用副词的比较级,,故 A项C项和D项都是错误的。 四、巩固拓展