新视野第三册Unit56 含答案 联系客服

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测试成绩报告单 请注意:客观题已由计算机自动判分;主观题这里只提供参考答案,将由任课教师批改。 试卷:Test 2 L 试卷编号:Unit56 姓名: 登录:2014-11-20 17:50:06 学号: 交卷:2014-11-20 18:48:22 试卷满分:100 班级:13物机B1 上机地址: 图例: Right Wrong To be marked by instructor

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Part 1 Understanding Short Conversations

(每小题:1 分)

Directions: In this section you'll hear some short

conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear. 1.

B. Father and daughter.

C. Brother and sister.

D. Boyfriend and girlfriend. 2.

B. Father and daughter.

C. Brother and sister.

D. Husband and wife. 3.

A. Mother and son.

A. Mother and son.

A. Baseball is a very boring sport to him.

B. Baseball is much more popular than all others.

C. Basketball will become liked by more people.

D. American football will grow in popularity. 4.

B. Floods and storms.

C. Rebuilding cities.

D. Music and foods. 5.

B. The man's insurance.

C. Sicknesses covered by insurance.

D. Ways to pay for one's illness. 6.

B. Walking.

C. Studying.

D. Planting trees. 7.

A. Animals are dying.

A. Reading.

A. The value of insurance.

A. The city of New Orleans.

B. Animals can care too. C. People depend on animals. D. People are failing. 8. B. Return home. C. Fuel the car. D. Drive a lot. 9. B. Cars overturned in the streets. C. Several houses destroyed. D. Trees pulled out of the ground. 10. A. The man will join the conservation group. B. The man will plant trees in the forest. C. The man will cut down trees in the forest. D. The man won't go with the woman today. Part 1 Understanding Short Conversations (每小题: 1 分; 满分:10 分) (In the case of True/False type of questions, A stands for True and B for False, or A for Y, B for N and C for NG.) 小得对学生答案 Correct 题 分 错 A. Damage done by last night's winds. A. Go on a hot date. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A D C A D B C C A D D D C A D B C C A D Subtotal: 9 10. 1 Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening! 放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦! Part 2 Understanding Long Conversations (每小题:1 分) Directions: In this section you'll hear a long conversation or conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog. 1. B. Buy some flowers. C. Go to the store. D. Give her mom a vase. 2. B. It is difficult to find a good gift. C. It is too expensive to pay for dinner. D. It is too early to eat dinner out. 3. A. It is hard to wrap the vase. A. Wrap Mothers' Day gifts.