【步步高】高考英语大一轮复习 单元知识汇总 Book 6 Unit 17 Laughter 北师大版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章【步步高】高考英语大一轮复习 单元知识汇总 Book 6 Unit 17 Laughter 北师大版更新完毕开始阅读7d4353750875f46527d3240c844769eae109a321

I told them the 13 and mentioned some names on the name 14 ,the young man said that he also 15 those names and it must be the phone of one of their friends. 16 ,both of the young men politely mentioned how 17 it was that I took the time to hunt for the owner.I really didn’t have anything to say,because in my 18 I was just doing the right thing.

I never considered 19 the phone—it wasn’t mine.I immediately tried to find out the owner,because that is 20 what I would want someone to do if either I or any of my family members lost phones.

Eventually the owner 21 ,sincerely expressing a lot of thanks.I was very happy that the 22 part was that I didn’t say who I was—give my 23 ,or number.I strongly felt that the purpose of helping others is not for 24 .Helping others is more than enough for me and it is the most endless joy of life. 5.A.phoned C.worked 答案 C

解析 “我”把它捡起来,而且它还能运行!work运转,运行。 6.A.how C.when 答案 D

解析 “我”拨通几个号码看看是否(whether)能弄清楚这是谁的手机。 7.A.Unluckily C.Naturally 答案 A

解析 不幸的是只有一个人接了电话。unluckily不幸地。 8.A.recognize C.consider 答案 A

解析 接电话的人不知道“我”捡到手机的号码。recognize认出,辨认出。 9.A.decision

B.opinion D.sentence



B.why D.whether

B.rang D.helped



C.announcement 答案 B

解析 根据接电话的人所说的话,即“你努力弄清楚是谁的手机,真好。”可知,这是对方在作出评价(opinion)。 10.A.said


C.ordered 答案 B


解析 因为(接电话的)那位女士不知道这是谁的手机,“我”的朋友建议(suggested)我们回到捡手机的地方。 11.A.station C.house 答案 C

解析 根据空后的“...that we found the iPhone 5s in front of.I knocked on the door...”可知,此处应填house。 12.A.smiled C.refused 答案 D

解析 answer the door意为“(听到敲门或铃声)去开门”,故选D,表示“应门”。 13.A.point C.service 答案 B

解析 此处指代第一段中讲到的故事。 14.A.paper C.list 答案 C

解析 根据上文中的“I started looking through the name list”可知,此处应用list。 15.A.forgot C.stopped 答案 B

解析 年轻人说他也有(had)这些名字,这一定是他一个朋友的手机。 16.A.Then C.However 答案 A

解析 结合上下文可知,此处表示动作的先后关系,不表示因果或转折关系。then然后,接着。

17.A.eager C.clever 答案 B

解析 两个年轻人都说“我”花时间去寻找手机的主人,这真是令人赞叹(wonderful)。

B.wonderful D.kind

B.Instead D.Therefore









B.phone D.gate

18.A.presence C.value 答案 D



解析 in one’s mind在某人头脑中,在某人内心,为固定搭配。 19.A.keeping C.buying 答案 A

解析 “我”从来没考虑过保留这部手机,因为它不是“我”的。keep保留,留下,符合语境。

20.A.practically C.exactly 答案 C

解析 “我”立刻设法找到手机的主人,因为如果“我”或“我”的家人丢了手机时,这也正是“我”希望有人做的。exactly恰好,正好。 21.A.got up C.turned up 答案 C

解析 最终,失主出现了(turned up),真诚地表达了谢意。 22.A.worst C.hardest 答案 D

解析 “我”感觉最好的(best)是“我”没有说“我”是谁。 23.A.name C.reason 答案 A

解析 由上文中的“I didn’t say who I was”可知,“我”没有告知对方自己的名字(name)或号码。

24.A.companion C.freedom 答案 D

解析 “我”坚定地认为帮助别人不是为了得到回报。return回报,报答。 Ⅲ.语法填空

W:Hi!It is nice to see you.25.Where have you been these days?

M:I went to Beijing for business.I left last week and returned yesterday

B.success D.return

B.hand D.idea



B.picked up D.kept up



B.repairing D.throwing

morning.Because it was Friday yesterday and the manager wasn’t going to work on the weekend,I had to spend the whole day 26.(in) preparing(prepare) a report about my Beijing business trip.I 27.worked(work) on it until I got a headache,but I finished the report in time to send to the manger just half an hour before the end of the workday.

W:No 28.wonder you are looking so tired!You have been working much 29.too hard. M:That’s 30.why I come here to the park to relax a bit. W:How was your business in Beijing?

M:I could say it was 31.a success.I was able to return 32.earlier (early) than I had planned.I 33.had thought (think) my trip would last two weeks and I would have to spend Christmas alone.

W:Congratulations!I hope you can enjoy 34.yourself now.Let’s get together sometime. M:OK.Good bye! Ⅳ.写作素材(关于错误)

1.现在人们往往很难抵制各种诱惑。 2.这会导致做出一些错误的决定。 3.因而会受到别人的责骂。 4.为了消除错误,人们要明辨是非。 5.不要害怕犯错误,但必须学会改正。

提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用which引导的非限制性定语从句。 连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)

Nowadays it is difficult for people to resist all sorts of temptations,which will result in making some wrong decisions.Therefore,they will be scolded by others.In order to get rid of mistakes,people should tell right from wrong.Don’t be scared of making mistakes,but you must learn to correct them.