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题型 公共英语组 体裁 字数 应用文(便条、邀请函及回函、通知、简短私人和业务不少于信函、简短传真和电子邮件、100词 简短广告、简短产品与厂家介绍、简短产品使用说明等) 不少于350词 分值 题量 命题作文 40% 1 看图画或图表作文,给出关键词、段首句、规定情景、提纲或围绕某一主题等作文 题型 命题作文 根据已给关键词、段首句、规定情景、提纲或围绕某一主题等作文

不限 60% 1 英语专业组 体裁 应用文(根据已提供的信息,如图表、概括性说明等撰写报告、信函、内容较丰富的广告、使用说明等) 不限 字数 不少于200词 分值 40% 题量 1 不少于350词 60% 1 1


Part I

Directions: Write a MEMO based on the following information. Write more than 100 words.

Suppose that you (Albert Meyer) are a supervisor of Kee & Co., Ltd. The chief of operations (Hans Smith) wants to adopt the “clock-in” system to increase productivity. You write a memo which covers the following issues:

1) You agree with Hans Smith in terms of increasing productivity in the company; 2) You express doubt that “clock-in” system can tighten control over employees and increase productivity;

3) You would like to meet Hans to discuss other means of motivation. Part II

Directions: Write a report based on the following information. Write more than 350 words.

The pie chart shows the first four largest market share beer makers in Shanghai. Write a report to the marketing manager of your company describing the information below, give some reasons for the situation and offer your solutions.


Market share of sales income in Jan.,2008Heineken5%Reeb10%Tsingtao15%Kirin4%Others1%Suntory36%Suntory BudweiserTsingtaoReebHeinekenKirinOthers Budweiser29%


Part I

Directions: Write a LETTER based on the following information. Write more than 100 words.

Suppose your company ordered 50 printers. However, when the goods arrive, you find that one printer has been damaged. Now you are requested to write a letter of complaint against the supplier, Blue Company, for the damaged machine.

Part II

Directions: For this part you are required to study the following chart carefully and write a report of more than 350 words. Your composition should

meet the requirements below:

1. Describe the information shown in the following chart. 2. Predict the trend and give the reasons.



Part I

Directions: Write a report based on the following information. Write more than 200 words.

The table below provides some information about the proportion of smokers in males and females (between the age of 18 and 25) in China.

Summarize the information by reporting the main features. Males Females Part II

1975 10% 5%

1980 22% 13%

1985 35% 22% 1990 37% 34% 1995 36% 37% 2000 30% 32% 2005 28% 27% Directions: Write an essay based on the following information. Write more than 350 words.

Nowadays, some universities offer graduate students skills that assist to find employment, but some people believe the main function of university should be to access knowledge for its sake. What’s your opinion?


Part I