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单词 1 campaign n. 战役;运动;政治竞选活动 vi. 参加运动;从事活动 【词语辨析】 campaign,war,battle和action (1)campaign 指在某一地区所做的一连串有固定目的的军事行动或为达到某一特殊目的所做的一连串有计划的活动。 (2)war 指的是战争的全过程,具体包括campaign和 battle。 (3)battle 指战斗或会战。 (4)action指军事行动(战争中的小事件)。 2 strength n. [U]力量;力气;体力;意志力;坚强; [C,U]优点; 长处 strong adj. 强壮的;牢固的; 坚强的;强烈的,浓的 strengthen vt. 加强,巩固 with all one's strength 用上全身的力气 2 strength n. [U]力量;力气;体力;意志力;坚强; [C,U]优点; 长处 strong adj. 强壮的;牢固的; 坚强的;强烈的,浓的 strengthen vt. 加强,巩固 with all one's strength 用上全身的力气 3 concerned adj. 关心的;担心的;与……有关的 concern n. 关心;忧虑 v. 与……有关,涉及;使忧虑,使担心 be concerned about/for… 担心…… all people concerned 所有有关人员 be concerned in… 与……有牵连 as far as…is concerned 就……而言;依……看来 【经典句式】 It concerns me that… ……让我担心。 What concerns me is… 让我担心的是…… 【活学活用】 (1)_________________is our lack of preparation for the change. 让我担心的是,我们对事态的发展缺乏准备。 (2)There is growing ______________violence on television. 人们对电视上的暴力内容日渐忧虑。 4 complain vt. &vi. 抱怨;发牢骚 complaint n. 抱怨;诉苦;投诉;控告 complain that… 抱怨…… complain (to sb)about/of 抱怨……;诉说…… make a complaint 抱怨;投诉 1 cut down 削减(cut sth down/cut down on sth); 砍倒;缩短 cut in 插嘴; 插入;把……插进 cut off 切掉;中断;切断……的供应;隔绝 cut up 切碎 2 give out 分发;发布,公布(消息等);发出(光、声音等);用完,耗尽 give away 泄露;赠送;颁发 give back 归还;送回;反射 give in (to) 认输;投降;屈服;交上;呈上 give off 发出(光、声音等);散发出(气味) give up 放弃;停止;抛弃 【活学活用】 (1)He has __________to my views. 他已让步,接受了我的看法。 3 think about 考虑到;关心;替……着想 think of 想到;记得 think of…as 把……看作/视作 think over 仔细考虑;慎重思考 think up 想出;发明 think back 回想;追忆 【活学活用】 (1)All he ever ____________is money. 他想的只是钱。 4 take相关短语 take in 吸收;理解;欺骗;收留;改小(衣服等) take on 呈现;露出 take up 占据;拿起;开始从事 take down写下;记下 【活学活用】 1.Mr Li, our English teacher, always makes his lessons simple enough for the students to _______. A. take off B. take up C. take in D. take down 2. He had nowhere to live, so we ______ him ______. A. took; up B. took; in . took; over D. took; away 3. Don't be ______ by products promising to make you lose weight quickly. A. taken off B. taken out C. taken away D. taken in 5 get的常用结构: get doing 开始做--- get+宾语+adj 使---处于(某种状态) get+宾语+done使---(完成) get+宾语+to do 使/让---做--- get+宾语+doing使---开始做--- eg. They soon got _____ together.(talk) You must get the work ______ ahead of time.(finish) Alexander tried to get his work _____ in the medical circles.(recognize)


句型 Sandstorms in China appear to have increased in recent years as a result of “desertification”. 因“荒漠化”越发严重,中国近年来发生沙尘暴的次数明显增加了。 【要点解读】 不定式的三种时态形式: to do没有明显的时间意义或在谓语动作之后表将来的动作。 to be doing表示正在发生的动作或与谓语动词同时发生。 to have done表示动作发生在主句谓语动词之前。 语法 动词不定式 动词不定式具有动词特点,可以有自己的宾语和状语,组成动词不定式短语。动词不定式的肯定形式是to+do;其否定形式是not to+do。完成式:to+ have done;进行式:to+ be doing。 具体用法: 1、作主语 To see is to believe. 但在英语中,常用it作形式主语,真正的主语即动词不定式放在后面如: It's wrong to play tricks on other people. 2、作宾语 不定式作宾语有两种:一种是及物动词后直接跟带to的不定式,另一种是―及物动词+疑问句+带to 的不定式‖。 1)及物动词+带to的不定式结构: 只能跟动词不定式的动词,常见的有:want, wish afford, agree, aim, appear, ask, decide, demand, desire, determine, expect, , happen, hope, intend, manage, offer, pretend, promise, prepare, refuse, seek, t, undertake等。 He managed to solve the complicated problem The stranger offered to show me the way. Mr. Smith undertook to build a new plant in South Africa. 2)动词+疑问代(副)词+不定式: 常见的动词有:advise, decide, discuss, find out,, know, learn, regard, remember, see, teach, tell, understand,等。常用的疑问代(副)词有what, when, where, which, how, whether等,但不包括why。 He does not know when to start. I will show you how to deal with it. 有时,不定式可由it代替,而把不定式放到后面去。这可以用这一结构表达:动词(find, think, consider, feel等)+it+形容词+不定式,it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式。 She considers it necessary to make friends with them.

We find it difficult to finish all the homework before 9 o'c


3)love,like,begin,start,hate,prefer等词后面可以接不定式,上述动词后面除接不定式外,还可以接动名词,意思无很大区别。 I like swimming,but I don't like to swim now.我喜欢游泳,但我现在不想游。 4)stop,forget,remember,go on,try等词或短语后面可以接不定式。上述动词后面接不定式和接动名词意思大不相同。 例句:When the teacher came in,the students stopped talking;when he came out,the students stopped to talk. 当老师走进来时,学生们停止说话;当老师走出去时,学生们又开始说话。 3、作表语 一般情况为主语是不定式(表示条件),表词也是不定式(表示结果):To work means to earn a living. 另一种情况为主语aim, duty, hope, idea, job, plan, problem, purpose, thing, His aim is to study abroad in the near future. 4、作宾语补足语 1)tell,ask,want,order,teach,invite,warn,wish,help,get,wish,help等词后面常接不定式作宾补。如: I tell him not to go there by bus . Edison's mother taught him to read and write. 2)let,make,have,see,hear,feel,watch,notice后面接不带to的不定式作宾补。如: The boss makes them work 16 hours a day. She was heard to sing in the next room.( 若变成被动语态,要加上to) 3)不定式作定语 He gave me an interesting book to read. 如果动词不定式和前面所修饰的词构成动宾关系,若动词是不及物动词,后面就得加相应的介词. Have you got some pens to write with? 5、不定式作状语 作原因状语: They are quite surprised to see the great changes taking place in the area. 作目的状语: She raised her voice to be heard better. 作结果状语: He got to the station only to be told the train had gone. 二、不定式的时态与语态 主动式 被动式 一般现在时 to do to be done 现在完成时 to have done to have been done 现在进行时 to be doing / 完成进行时 to have been doing / 1.We decided ___________________________ this plant.


2.She pretended ________________________ when her


mother came in.她妈妈进来的时候她假装正在看书。 3.He seemed _______________________ his promise.他似乎已经忘了自己的承诺。 4.Jack seems ________________ you for two hours.杰克好像一直在等你,有一个小时了。 5.James is the fourth brother __________________ the Second World War.詹姆士是被卷入二战的第四个兄弟。 6.This book is said ______________________ into English.据说这本书已经被译成英文。 三、“疑问句+不定式”结构 疑问词who, what, which, when, where, how后加上不定式可构成一种特殊结构,同样一句话里,可以用从句和不定式两种结构来表达,意思没有区别。 试比较:I don’t know how I could get back to the village. I don’t know how to get back to the village. 四、不定式的固定句型 1.It’s easy(hard, difficult, important, right, wrong, possible, necessary…)to do… 找到你很容易。________________________________________ 21.It takes sb. some time to do … 读这本书花了我三天时间。_______________________________ 3.…have/has to do… 天晚了,我们不得不回家。_______________________________ 4.there be … +to do 今天没什么重要的事要做。_______________________________ 5.only to do 他搬起石头却砸了自己的脚。________________________________ 6.have/has no choice but to do 她别无选择,只有躺下来睡觉。________________________________ 五、不定式主动表被动 He only has a small room to live in.(He 是 to live in 逻辑上的主语。) Mother always gives her little daughter some picture books to read. (her little daughter 是to read 的逻辑主语) 选择题 1. I can’t stand ____ with Jane in the same office. She just refuses ____ talking while she works. A. working; stopping B. to work; stopping C. working; to stop D. to work; to stop 2. My advisor encouraged ____ a summer course to improve my writing skills. A. for me taking B. me taking C. for me to take D. me to take 3. The director had he assistant ____ some hot dogs for the meeting. A. picked up B. picks up C. pick up D. picking up 4. Many buildings in the city need repairing, but the one ____ first is the library. A. repaired B. being repaired

C. repairing D. to be repaired 5. If there is a lot of work ____, I’m happy to just keep on until it is finished. A. to do B. to be done C. done D. doing

6. ----Did the book give the information you needed? ----Yes. But ____ it, I had to read the entire book. A. to find B. find C. to finding D. finding 7. ____, the pay isn’t attractive enough, though the job

itself is quite interesting. A. Generally speaking B. On the contrary C. In particular D. To be honest

8. The crowd cheered wildly at the sight of Liu Xiang, who was reported ____ the world record in the 110-meter hurdle race.

A. breaking B. having broken C. to have broken D. to break 9. ____ as an Olympic event, a sport must be played in at

least 75 countries on at least 4 continents. A. To accept B. Having accepted C. To be accepted D. Accepting

10. ----It’s no use having ideas only. ----Don’t worry. Peter can show you ____ to turn an idea into an act.

A. how B. who C. what D. where 11. There will be more than 750 projects ____, creating nearly 40,000 jobs this summer, including 15,000 in a

Youth conservation Corps. A. started B. to be started C. starting D. to start

12. As far as I know, ____ their task ahead of time, they often stayed up late into the night. A. finishing B. having finished C. finished D. to finish 13. ----Can I have the document right now? ----Of course. Wait a minute and I’ll have my secretary ____ it for you. A. to print B. printing C. printed D. print 14. Another primary school is reported ____ for children


in Wen Chuan now.

A. to have been built B. to have built C. being built D. to be building

15. Obama’s African father returned Kenya when he was 2, ____ him ____ by his white, Kansa-born mother in Hawaii.

A. leaving; to be raised B. left; to be raised C. leaving; raising D. left; raised 16. Finding her car stolen, ____.

A. a policeman was asked to help B. the area was searched thoroughly C. it was looked for everywhere D. Mrs. Green reported it to the police

17. ____ happened to be no one in the building when the fire broke out.

A. It B. There C. This D. That

18. ----He ran for 40 minutes to catch the football team’s bus, only ____ it had just left.

----What a bitter disappointment he had!

A. found B. to find C. finding D. having found 19. I’d like to take you and Su out tomorrow evening to dinner, but I have something important ____.

A. to be attended B. to attend to C. attended to D. to attend

20. Mr. Green was driving carelessly and his speed was above the limit. He was the very one ____.

A. blamed B. blaming C. to blame D. to be blamed 用动词的适当形式填空

1. ----Manager, do you have something __to be typed________________ (type)at this moment?

----No, thanks. I’ll call you if any.

2. All of them try to use the power of the workstation ________to present__________ (present) information in a more effective way.

3. The pressure _____to compete_____________ (compete) causes Americans to be energetic, but it also puts them under a constant strain.

4. ----Is Bill still working in his office?

----I’m afraid not. He is said _____to have left_____________ (leave) his position already as he has been fired.

5. Police are now searching for the woman who is reported to _____have been missing___________ (miss) since the flood hit the area last Friday.