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B: I'm sorry. You're right. I should have asked.

2.A: Do you think you could keep the noise down? B: I'm sorry. Am I keeping you awake?

A: Yes. And another thing, would you mind not making long distance calls. B: I'm sorry. I thought you wouldn't mind.

3.A: That radio's pretty loud. Could you turn it down, please? B: Sorry. Was I disturbing you?

A: Yes. And something else, please don't borrow my clothes without asking. B: Sorry. I guess I wasn't thinking. I won't do it again. 4.A: You don't have to play that record so loud, do you?

B: I'm sorry. Has it been bothering you?

A: Yes. And please ask me the next time you want to use something. B: I'm sorry. I meant to ask you.


John:Have you had a good time these past few days? 这几天玩得怎么样啊?

Lily:Yes. Kunming is really a beautiful place. 好极了。昆明这地方真漂亮。

John:Thank you. You're welcome here anytime you want. 谢谢夸奖。什么时候想来就过来玩儿。

Lily:I'm afraid I've been a bother these past few days. 这几天真是太打扰你了。

John:Don't mention it. You know, we're old friends. 别这么客气。咱俩都老朋友了。

Lily:Well. Please come to Beijing if you have time, and let me do the honors. 好。有时间的话,一定来北京玩儿,让我也尽尽地主之宜。 John:Okay. Have a safe trip. 好的。一路顺风。

情景对话:我要和网友“约会”了 Dialogue

Anne: Hey, Den, what's up? Den: I've been busy lately.

Anne: Doing what?

Den: I've been spending a lot of time on-line. Anne: On-line?

Den: On the Internet, talking to people in chat rooms. Anne: So have you met someone yet?

Den: Lots of people! Yesterday over one hundred people wanted to talk to me! Anne: About what?

Den: About anything and everything. Anne: Really?

Den: One even said that I was his dream girlfriend.

Anne: What? Wait a minute. Don't you mean dream boyfriend? Den: Oh, I forgot to tell you I pretendedto be a 16-year-old girl. Anne: Are you nuts?

Den: I had to. Nobody wants to talk to me as a guy. Anne: I don't know about this, Den. Den: But now I have a new Internet friend.

Anne: You mean the guy who thinks you're Ms. Right? Den: Yeah, we're meeting on Friday night. Anne: You are what? Have you lost it?

Den: I gave up on looking for a girlfriend and now I'm making friends! Anne: But he thinks you're a girl. He'll want to be more than friends! Den: I know, so I need your advice.

Anne: If I were you, I'd get a good psychiatrist. Notes

1. 对话中Den在网上聊天的时候假装成一个16岁的女孩子, 并且还要和新认识的网友约会。他在聊天室里跟很多人聊天,Anne问他都聊些什么,Den说About anything and everything. 就是无所不谈。

2. 注意两个人见面打招呼时Anne说what's up? 最近如何? 在口语当中很常用。

3. Den说最近一直很忙, I've been busy lately. Anne又问到Doing what? 这里就包含了一个词组, be busy doing something, 忙于做某事。例如:I was busy doing my laundrywhen he called last night. 他昨晚给我打电话的时候,我正忙着洗衣服呢。be busy with something or someone,忙于做某事,忙于应付某人。例如:I'm busy with my papers. 我忙着写论文。She's busy with the client. 她忙着接待客户。

4. Den回答I've been spending a lot of time on-line. 这里用了现在完成进行时态,表示从过去到现在一直在做某事。例如:She has been writing to me since last year. 从去年开始,她就一直在给我写信。

5. 当Anne知道Den在网上装成一个16岁的女孩子的时候,很惊讶,问Are you nuts? 你疯了?nut是干果的意思,做“发疯”解释是一种俚语用法。

6. Den说I had to. Nobody wants to talk to me as a guy. 我必须这样,因为如果知道我是男的就没有人愿意跟我聊天了。Anne却不同意,说I don't know about this, Den. I don't know about this. 表示“我不怎么同意这件事”。当你无法同意别人所说的话,又不想跟他争吵时,就可以用这句话结束讨论,改变话题。

7. Ms. Right和Mr. Right都是表示理想的伴侣, 也就是公主或白马王子。上面的dream girlfriend和dream boyfriend表示梦中情人。

8. give up on doing something放弃做某事,对话中原句是I gave up on looking for a girlfriend and now I'm making friends! 我不想找女朋友了,我只要交朋友。make friends with someone这个短语是“和某人交朋友”的意思。

9. 当Anne知道Den周五要跟一个男网友见面时,更惊讶了,Have you lost it? 你疯了?跟上面的Are you nuts?是一样的。

10. 最后Den想问问Anne对此事有什么建议,Anne的回答是If I were you, I'd get a good psychiatrist. 如果我是你,我就要去找一个好的心理医生看看了。If I were you, I would...是个虚拟语气句式,表示“如果我是你,我就会??”。给别人建议时,若要强调自己和对方是站在同一战线的,就可以使用这个句式。

情景对话:At a Hotel 在旅馆

Hotel and motel rates vary considerably. In major cities and resort areas, it is advisable to have reservations.

1.A: Do you have any vacancies?

B: Yes, we have a nice room on the fourth floor. A: How much is it? B: $45.00 a night, plus tax.

A: Can I see it, please?

B: Certainly. Would you come with me? 2.A: Do you have a single room for two nights? B: We only have a small suite. A: What's the rate?

B: $50.00 a night, including breakfast. A: Fine. Could you show it to me, please? B: Of course. Just follow me.

3.A: Can I reserve a double room for next week? B: You can have a room facing the ocean. A: How much would it be? B: $55.00, including tax.

A: Could I have a look at the room? B: Sure. Come this way, please.

4.A: Do you have a double room with twin beds? B: I can let you have a room in the new wing. A: What's the daily rate? B: $60.00 a night.

A: Could you show me something less expensive? B: Yes, of course. Right this way, please.

情景对话:At a Bank 在银行

Banking hours are usually from 9:00 to 3:00, Monday to Friday. Sometimes you can't get service in a bank unless you have an account there. 1.A: I'd like to change these pesos, please. B: How do you want them?

A: It doesn't make any difference. B: Did you want anything else? A: Yes, I'd like to open an account.

2.A: Would you cash these travelers checks, please? B: How would you like them? A: In ten dollar bill, please. B: Is there anything else?

A: Yes, I'd like to know how to send money to France. 3.A: Could I change these pounds for dollars, please? B: Do you want small bills or large? A: It doesn't matter.

B: Do you want anything else?

A: Yes, I'd like to know the exchange rate for yen. 4.A: Could you change these for me, please? B: What would you like?

A: Twenties and some smaller bills, please. B: Anything else?

A: Yes. Could you tell me my balance? Here's my account number.

情景对话:Asking for Change 换零钱

It is sometimes difficult toget change without buying something, so it's a good idea to carry change with you at all times. If you need change, you can buy something inexpensive like candy or a newspaper and ask for the coins you need. 1.A: Excuse me, but could you give me some change? B: Let me see. Are dimes and quarters OK? A: I want to make a long distance phone call. B: Then you'll need small change.

2.A: Sorry to bother you, but do you have change for a one? B: I'll have to look. What do you want it for? A: I need it for the parking meter. B: I can give you quarters, if that'll help.

3.A: Pardon me, but I was wondering if you could break a one. B: Let me look. What do you need?

A: I need the change for the stamp machine. B: I think dimes and quarters will do.

4.A: Excuse me, could you give me change for a dollar? B: I'll see what I have. What do you need it for? A: I want to get cigarettes.

B: You can use quarters, dimes and nickels. Meeting old friends 老友重逢

Many people shake hands when meeting after they havn't seen each other for a long time. 1. A: I haven't seen you for ages. You haven't been sich, have you? B: No, I've been in California for the past month. A: How nice. Where were you exactly? B: San Diego. I got back yesterday.

2. A: It's nice to see you again. Have you chaged jobs? B: No, I've been visiting relatives. A: That's nice. Where?

B: I went to visit an uncle of mine in San Francisco. 3. A: You haven't been around much lately, have you? B: No, I've been away on vacation. A: Oh? Where were you?

B: Palm Springs. I've got a cousin there.

4. A: Well, hello, stranger! Have you moved or something? B: No, I went to California for a few weeks.