2014学年度广州市高中二年级学生学业水平测英语试题(精校完美版,含答案) - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2014学年度广州市高中二年级学生学业水平测英语试题(精校完美版,含答案) - 图文更新完毕开始阅读7b395528f524ccbff12184aa

endangered because people hunt them for food and for sport. They are also threatened by war, and humans cutting down their forests for farmland, fuel and housing. Life for these gentle giants isn’t peaceful.

45. What is a silverback according to the passage? A. Any gorilla with silver fur. B. Any male gorilla in the group. C. The leader in the gorilla family. D. The oldest gorilla in the group.

46. Where would you expect to find a silverback gorilla sleeping at night? A. In the trees. B. On the ground. C. With the baby gorillas. D. Away from the others.

47. The underline word “they” in Paragraph 2 refers to ________. A. fighters

B. hunters D. gorilla families

C. baby gorillas

48. What is the main purpose of the last paragraph? A. To describe the lifestyle of mountain gorillas. B. To summarize the details of the passage. C. To explain why mountain gorillas are endangered. D. To examine the behaviour of mountain gorillas. 答案:45-48:CBBC


You’ve seen restaurant reviews in newspapers, or perhaps in magazines or on the Internet. You’ve read those reviews when you wanted to know about the quality and price of the food at a

new restaurant. But who writes the articles? Who gets paid to eat? Those lucky people are food critics.

Food critics are journalists who eat at restaurants and write reviews that give readers the feeling that they have visited the restaurant themselves. The articles almost always include a description of the restaurant, for example, whether it is nicely decorated or has a beautiful view of the ocean. The menu, prices, and service are generally described as well, but a food critic's main task is to write about the food.

For food fans, dining involves all the senses, not just for the stomach. Food critics may tell readers about the colors of fresh vegetables, or the rich smell of a perfectly cooked chicken. They will mention whether they were listening to soft music while they ate, or the noises of pots and pans being washed in the restaurant's kitchen. And most importantly, they will describe the taste of every dish on the table.

All of this may sound easy enough, but food critics do face some challenges. First, food critics must be excellent writers. Their job is to give the correct information in an entertaining way. It is also important for food critics to have an excellent memory since taking notes at the table is not something most people do. And looking like a typical customer is essential for keeping their identity secret, perhaps the most difficult challenge. This is done to make sure the critic receives the same food and service as any other diner.

Despite the challenges, many people would love such a job. Anyone who is thinking about becoming a food critic should start by developing strong writing skills and teaming as much about food and cooking as possible. 49. What do food critics usually do? A. Manage restaurants. B. Review restaurant food. C. Teach people how to cook. D. Buy food for restaurants.

50. According to Paragraph 3, which sense do food critics probably use LEAST? A. Taste. C. Sound.

B. Sight. D. Touch.

51. What is the most difficult challenge facing a good critic? A. Hiding his/her identity. B. Remembering the different foods. C. Deciding which restaurant to visit. D. Avoiding damaging a restaurant's name.

52. According to the passage, what qualities does a good food critic need most? A. Fairness and Internet skills.

B. Strong memory and good cooking skills. C. Honesty and fashion sense. D. Writing skills and food knowledge. 答案:49-52:BDAD


She walked along the river until the policeman stopped her. It was one o'clock in the morning, he said, not the best time to be walking alone by the side of a half-frozen river. He smiled at her, then offered to walk her home. It was the first day of the new year, 1946, eight and a half months after the British army had defeated Germany in the war.

That February, my mother turned twenty-six. It was difficult for strangers to believe that she had ever been held in a Jewish war prison by the Germans. Her face was smooth and round. She wore lipstick and applied make-up to her large dark eyes. She dressed fashionably. But my mother was a shell, a doll who moved and spoke but who was completely empty inside. The people closest to her were gone. She had no proof that they were truly dead. No eye-witness had survived to confirm that her husband had been killed in the \

who had seen her parents die. The lack of certainty had broken her heart and perhaps her mind too.

At night, before she went to sleep and during the day as she stood washing dishes at the restaurant where she worked, she wondered if by some chance, her parents had escaped the death camps and were living, old and helpless, somewhere in Poland. What if only one of them had died? What if they had survived and had died of cold or hunger after she had been freed, while she was in Paris dancing with British officers?

She did not talk to anyone about these things. No one, she thought, wanted to hear them. She woke up in the mornings, went to work, did the shopping and came home. Day after day. Like a robot.

53. Why did the policeman stop the writer's mother at the beginning of the story? A. She looked like a thief. B. She seemed to be very nervous. C. He thought her actions were dangerous. D. It was forbidden to be out late at night

54. Why did strangers find it hard to believe the writer's mother had been in a Jewish war prison? A. She had a very positive attitude. B. Most prisoners died during the war. C. She looked too young and pretty. D. They didn't believe such prisons existed.

55. By comparing his mother to a doll in Paragraph 2 the writer wants to say that she________. A. was very beautiful

B. was unable to express her feelings C. could be easily controlled

D. was concerned about her appearance

56. Which of the following did the writer's mother often do? A. Went dancing with British officers.