(江苏专用)2020高考英语二轮复习专题限时检测(一)单词词义辨析 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章(江苏专用)2020高考英语二轮复习专题限时检测(一)单词词义辨析更新完毕开始阅读791de4f55dbfc77da26925c52cc58bd630869374

has ________ into the second largest economy.

A.evolved C.extended

B.slipped D.shaped

解析:选A 句意:多亏了中国人民的勤劳奋斗和聪慧才智,中国发展成为了第二大经济体。evolve“逐步发展,逐渐演变”,符合语境。slip“滑倒,滑落”;extend“延伸”;shape“使成为……形状”。

5.(2019·苏、锡、常、镇二模)Running is often tiring and a lot of hard work, but nothing ________the feeling you get after finishing a long workout around the track.

A.breaks C.bonds

B.blocks D.beats

解析:选D 句意:跑步通常很累,也很辛苦,但没有什么能比你在赛道上完成一个长时间的锻炼后所获得的感觉更好。beat“击败”,符合语境。

6.(2019·南京三模)The maple trees turn a brilliant red in autumn, adding another ________ to the colors in the harvest season.

A.theme C.category

B.version D.dimension

解析:选D 句意:秋天的枫树变成了鲜艳的红色,在丰收季节给色彩增添了另一个维度。

7.(2019·南京三模)—Look! Mary is crazily looking for something again! —________, she can't find her keys. A.Typically C.Accordingly

B.Occasionally D.Particularly

解析:选A 句意:“看,玛丽又在发疯似的找东西!”“通常,她找不到钥匙。”Typically“通常; 一般; 典型地”,符合语境。Occasionally“偶尔地”;Accordingly“相应地”;Particularly“特别地”。

8.(2019·南京三模)Wild animals in nature reserves need to develop their survival skills and ________ their wild nature.

A.display C.maintain

B.possess D.monitor

解析:选C 句意:自然保护区的野生动物需要发展它们的生存技能并保持它们的野生性质。maintain “保留,保持”,符合语境。display“展示”; possess“拥有”;monitor“监视;检查”。

9.(2019·扬、泰、南、淮、徐、宿、连三模)The businessman studied the market in

his hometown to find the ________ for investment.

A.potential C.criterion

B.reservation D.allowance

解析:选A 句意:这位商人研究了家乡的市场,寻找投资潜力。potential“潜力”,符合句意。reservation“保留”;criterion“标准”;allowance“津贴”。

10.(2019·扬、泰、南、淮、徐、宿、连三模)As visitors from a different culture, the least we can do is be ________ to the people in their own land.

A.distant C.allergic

B.civil D.cruel

解析:选B 句意:作为来自不同文化的游客,我们至少能做到对本国人民有礼貌。civil 经常用来表示“国家的,民事的”的意思。但是在本句中意思是“文明的,有礼貌的”。distant “遥远的;疏远的”;allergic“过敏的”;cruel“残忍的”。

11.(2019·南京、盐城一模)Many people tend to assume that ________ just means creating something new, but actually it's more than that — it's an attitude of doing things.

A.imitation C.innovation

B.imagination D.inspiration

解析:选C 句意:许多人往往会认为创新仅仅意味着创造一些新的东西,但是事实上它远不止于此,它(还)是一种做事的态度。innovation“创新,改革”,符合语境。imitation“模仿,效仿”;imagination“想象,想象力”;inspiration“灵感,妙计”。

12.(2019·盐城三模)His children were his pride, and being a devoted father became a top ________ in his life.

A.capacity C.priority

B.anxiety D.opportunity

解析:选C 句意:他的孩子是他的骄傲,成为一个忠诚的父亲成为了他生命中的头等大事。a top priority“头等大事、当务之急、最优先考虑的事情”。capacity“能力”; anxiety“焦虑”;opportunity“机会”。

13.(2019·盐城三模)This raw chocolate tastes pretty delicious due to ________ amount of melted pure fresh cream.

A.equal C.insufficient

B.generous D.tiny

解析:选B 句意:由于大量融化的纯新鲜奶油,这种生巧克力尝起来相当美味。generous 此处意思是“大量的”。equal“平等的”;insufficient“不充分的”;tiny “微量的”。

14.(2019·盐城三模)When the organization ________ in March, 2019, there was almost no money in the bank and more than$1 million of debt.

A.folded C.registered

B.boomed D.sprang

解析:选A 句意:当该组织于2019年3月倒闭时,银行里几乎没有任何钱,债务超过100万美元。fold常用来表示“折叠”的意思。此句中意思为“倒闭”。boom“繁荣”; register“登记;注册”;spring“跳跃、反弹”。

15.(2019·南京三模)I'd never wondered before whether or not he was kid-friendly.With one glance, I quickly ________ that he probably wasn't.

A.agreed C.explained

B.reported D.decided

解析:选D 句意:我以前从未想过他是否对孩子友好这个问题。但是我看了一眼,很快就断定他可能不是。decide“决定,断定”,符合语境。


1.A biblical idiom is often an expression that ________ the moral of a story and gives the audience a picture to help them understand the story better.

A.compensates C.accomplishes

B.underlines D.substitutes

解析:选B 句意:圣经中的习语通常是一种强调故事寓意的表达方式,并呈现给观众一幅画,帮助他们更好地理解故事。underline有“下划线,强调”等含义,此处意思是“强调”。compensate“补偿”;accomplish“完成”;substitute“替代”。

2.Encourage your child to reach a(n) ________ between what he wants and what you want since it's hard to please both.

A.assessment C.compromise

B.destination D.conclusion

解析:选C 句意:既然众口难调,那么鼓励你的孩子在他想要的和你想要的之间达成妥协。compromise有“妥协;伤害”等含义,此处意思是“妥协”。assessment“评估”;destination“目的地”;conclusion“结论”。

3.Sue was greatly inspired though she made ________ improvements in her English writing.

A.modest C.tremendous

B.brilliant D.considerable

解析:选A 句意:尽管Sue在她的英语书写上只取得了一点点进步,但她仍然备受鼓舞。modest一般意思是“谦虚的”,此处意思是“微小的,不太大的”。 brilliant“聪


4.Our dream is to ________ a World Cup that makes you, your grandchildren and everyone in football really proud.

A.stage C.found

B.chair D.watch

解析:选A 句意:我们的梦想是举办一届能够使你、你的孙辈以及每一个踢足球的人真正感到骄傲的世界杯。stage一般用作名词,意思是“舞台”,此处用作动词,意思是“上演,举办,筹划”。chair“主持(会议等)”;found“创立”;watch“观看”。

5.Alipay, which currently has over 520 million users, is a powerful ________ of payment tools, financial services and marketing platforms.

A.combination C.reservation

B.identification D.accommodation

解析:选A 句意:支付宝,目前拥有超过5亿2 000万用户,是支付工具、金融服务和营销平台的强大结合体。combination“结合,联合体”,符合语境。 identification“认同,鉴别”;reservation“预订,保留”;accommodation“住宿,食宿”。

6.Although values may be ________, it's helpful to share them with your partner for additional support.

A.terminal C.crucial

B.personal D.practical

解析:选B 句意:尽管价值观可能是非常私人的,但是和你的朋友分享价值观来获得额外支持是非常有用的。personal“个人的”,符合语境。terminal“末端的,末期的”;crucial“决定性的,关键性的”;practical“实际的”。

7.America has become known for its ________ of individualism, which has been a source of conflict with other cultures.

A.push C.offence

B.ban D.control

解析:选A 句意:美国以推行个人主义而闻名,而个人主义则是与其他文化冲突的根源。push“推动,推行”,符合语境。ban“禁止”;offence“违反,冒犯”;control“控制”。

8.Over the last four decades, the Chinese people have ________ enhanced productivity through hard work with a firm spirit.

A.roughly C.significantly

B.merely D.equally

解析:选C 句意:在过去的四十年里,中国人民通过坚持不懈的努力,极大地提高了


9.In Beijing opera, performers are required to paint their faces in patterns and colors to help show the ________ and depths of the characters' personalities.

A.dimensions C.occupations

B.certificates D.consciences

解析:选A 句意:在京剧里,表演者们被要求在脸上画上图案并着色,以帮助展示人物个性的广度和深度。根据句意及空后的“depths”可知,空处应表示“广度”,所以要选dimensions。certificate“证书”;occupation“职业;占有”;conscience“道德心,良心”。

10.China has been working to ________ the legal landscape for autonomous vehicles, which are on a highway to commercial availability.

A.clarify C.transmit

B.accelerate D.preserve

解析:选A 句意:中国一直在努力地使自动驾驶汽车合法化,很快就会具有商业价值。clarify“澄清,说清楚”,符合句意。accelerate“加快”;transmit“传送,传输;发射”;preserve“保存,保护”。