how to make use of the internet 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章how to make use of the internet更新完毕开始阅读78c10d395727a5e9856a6196

Whether it is good or not for us to surf on the internet is depend on how we use it.

It is said that more and more youth indulge([?n'd?ld?],沉迷于;满足(欲望等)) in the cyberspace(['sa?b?,spes]电脑网际空间) too much, so cyberspace is behooved([b?'huv] 对...有此必要) to be responsible for young people’s corruption([k?'r?p??n]堕落). Can we just say that money is evil because it lured([lur]诱惑物) people to commit crimes? No. Money is created because we need it, so as cyberspace. We can’t reject the internet just because of the misuses of it. Cyberspace does bring a lot of convenience to us.

Firstly, the network challenge traditional ways of doing things and give us an alternative choice in daily life. Take the way to get information for example. Newspapers are always dominant(['dɑm?n?nt]占优势的) means to get information, but don’t you think it’s boring? Televisions are also pervasive([p?'ves?v]) in our daily life, but it always leads us to watch what it wants to show, we have rare chance to order programs. But now what you need is a computer to surf on the internet and search any information you want including videos.

Secondly, cyberspace makes our works more convenient. People can stay at home and transact([tr?ns'?kt]办理,处理) with other businessmen. What’ more, you don’t need to pay for petrol(['p?tr?l]汽油) to drive to the market, wait in a long line to check out or go to many stores in order to get a better price.

Thirdly, the development of internet is a reference(['r?f?r?ns]提及;涉及) point of science and technology level in current society and it promote economic growth.

In a word, internet has become an indispensable([,?nd?s'p?ns?b!]必不可少的,必需的) in our daily lives. It makes our lives easier.

But every coin has two sides, so as the cyberspace. We have to understand it. Internet won’t be responsible for young people’s corruption([k?'r?p??n]堕落). It is our youth that misuse([m?s'juz] 误用;滥用) the cyberspace.

Everyone knows QQ and use it almost everyday to communicate with family members, friends and sometimes strangers. QQ can sometimes replace the phones as a high-tech tool for communicating. More and more people believe that they can find their cups of tea through the cyberspace, so they spend much time on chatting with the opposite sex friends in wandering that they can find love. I don’t think it’s feasible(['fiz?b!]可行的;可实行的). Some one said that e-chat is equal as cheat. Although it doesn’t happen all the time, it is true. What’s more, it takes us too much time and influences our normal lives.

So learning how to use the cyberspace accurately is greatly important to us. We should control ourselves and make good use of it when entering the colorful world. And my suggestion is make a schedule(['sk?d?ul] 表;清单;目录) by yourself which will tell you how long you should surf on the internet. Remember to comply with the schedule首先,我们要学会分析消息的可靠性和真实性,然后很好的利用它。

First of all, we must learn to analysis the reliability and authenticity, and then use it for good. 1、找到自己所学专业相关论坛,经常光顾,以了解所学专业,及就业行情,所需知识等 Find their own specialties related forum, frequently visited, in order to understand science, and employment market, required knowledge

2、找到所学课程,或自己感兴趣话题的相关材料 Find courses, or their topic of interest related materials


Online shopping, online entertainment, online chat and communicate with classmates, acquaintance