【2020】最新译林牛津版高中英语选修9教案:U2Reading2-9教案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章【2020】最新译林牛津版高中英语选修9教案:U2Reading2-9教案更新完毕开始阅读765d6133ce7931b765ce0508763231126edb7717

教学资料范本 【2020】最新译林牛津版高中英语选修9教案:U2Reading2-9教案 编 辑:__________________ 时 间:__________________ 1 / 12 精品资料,名师推荐 教 材:牛津高中英语(模块九)高一上学期 文档内容:教学设计——教案 单 元:Unit 2 Witnessing time 板 块:Reading 1 Thoughts on the design: 本节课是一堂阅读课,是以培养学生的阅读能力为主.。通过阅读了解雅典卫城的历史、它所受到的破坏以及为了保护卫城所采取的措施,在提高阅读能力的同时进一步强化学生的世界文化遗产保护意识,最后通过拓展讨论,在提升学生表达能力的同时对如何保护身边的名胜古迹有更明确的认识.。 Teaching aims: After learning the reading, the students will be able to know the general history of Acropolis, the damage done to the Acropolis and the ways undertaken to preserve this historic site. Also, enable the students to recognize reference markers. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Leading in and brainstorming 2 / 12 精品资料,名师推荐 1. Let’s enjoy some pictures, which country can you think of when seeing the pictures? (ppt5) (Athens, the capital city of Greece) 2. Questions for brainstorming: (ppt6) 1) When we talk about Greece, what do you think of? 2) Do you know anything about Greece? Possible answers: Aegean Sea; First Olympic Games; Athena and mythology; 20xx Olympic Games; Elgin Marbles. (ppt7-8) 3) Do you know the greatest symbol of Athens? The Acropolis. 3. Let’s enjoy some more pictures about the Acropolis. (ppt9-13) 通过图片复习地名,课前写在黑板上.。 [Explanation] 如果学生回答不了有关希腊的问题,则可以用问答的形式引出这些话题.。通过有关卫城以及三座神庙的这些图片,引出与文章相关的部分信息,激起学生阅读本文的兴趣,为阅读后面的文章做好铺垫.。 Step 2 Fast reading Activity 1: First reading (ppt14-15) Read the first and the second sentences of each paragraph and find out a key noun word or phrase. Activity 2: Second reading (ppt16-17) Read the whole text, and check their key words. Get the structure of the text. 3 / 12 精品资料,名师推荐 [Explanation] 本步骤旨在培养学生快速阅读的策略之一——通过本文每段的关键词获得大意,第一遍通过阅读每段开头获得关键词,可以把学生的各种答案写在黑板上,然后第二遍阅读全文检验刚才的哪个关键词最恰当.。从而根据关键词理清整篇文章的结构.。 Step 3 Detailed reading Activity 1: Read Part 1&2 in details, trying to answer the following questions. (ppt18) 1. What is the great impact on Western civilization? (ppt19) in philosophy, science, mathematics, art, architecture, theatre, politics and sport, the alphabet, marathon 2. When and where was the Acropolis built? (ppt20) In the 5th century B. C. Rises up high above the city. 3. Try to get information about the main three temples and their functions. (ppt21) the Parthenon: the largest , --statue of-- the Erechtheum: using six female statues to support the Temple of Nike: the smallest, --statue of -- Activity 2: A game—try to identify the temples according to the information you got just now. (ppt22-24) Activity 3: Read part 3, and fill in the form in pairs. (ppt25-26) 4 / 12 精品资料,名师推荐