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One day over lunch, I explained to a group of boys that my father was a prince.

“My grandfather, he’s a chief. It’s sort of like the king of the tribe, you know… like the Indians. So that makes my father a prince. He’ll take over when my grandfather dies.”

“What about after that?” one of my friends asked, “I mean, will you go back and be a prince?” “Well… if I want to, I could. It’s sort of complicated, see, because the tribe is full of warriors. Like Obama…that means ‘Burning Spear.’ The men in our tribe all want to be chief, so my father has to settle these before I can come.”

As the words flew out of my mouth, I felt the boys changed attitudes towards me, more curious and familiar when we bumped into each other in the class, a part of myself even began to believe the story. But another part of me knew that what I was telling them was a lie, something I’d constructed from the information I’d picked up from my mother. However, after a week of staying with my father in the flesh, I had decided that I preferred his more distant image in my mind, an image I could change or ignore when convenient. If my father hadn’t exactly disappointed me, he remained something unknown, something grand and threatening.

My mother had felt my anxiety as the days of his arrival drawing near—I suppose her the same, from her efforts to prepare the apartment we’d rented for him, she would try to assure me that the reunion would go smoothly. She told that she had stayed a correspondence(通信)with him throughout the time we had been separated, she explained, and he knew all about me. Like her, my father had remarried, and I now had five brothers and one sister living in Kenya. He had been in a bad car accident, and this trip was part of his recovery after a long stay in the hospital.

“You two will become great friends,” she decided.

51. Other boys changed attitudes towards me because ______.

A. they were more curious and familiar

B. I told a lie to them which made them respect me C. my father was a prince and I would be a prince, too

D. I was friendly to them and made friends with them finally 52. It can be inferred from the text that ______. A. my parents had been divorced

B. father had an accident on the way to meet us

C. my father and I would surely become good friends D. I would go back to hometown and become a prince

53. The underlined phrase “bumped into” in Paragraph 5 means “______”. A. came across B. crashed into C. stared at D. talked with 54. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. This reunion was specially planned by father.

B. Father was not what I had always thought in my brain. C. It was a long time since father and mother kept in touch. D. I was unwilling to see my father because he abandoned us.


Fla. School Board Shooting Hero Writes Book

PANAMA CITY BEACH, Fla. (AP) – A book that tells the story of security guard who shot a wounded man, who controlled a Florida school board with a gun, has been released.

“Salvaged Santa” was written by Mike Jones with co-authors David Angier and Greg Wilson.

Angier says they wanted to tell the series of events that led Jones to be in the Bay County school board building on the afternoon of Dec. 14, 2010. Jones shot gunman Clay A. Duke in the leg as he held a gun on the five-member panel(专门小组). Duke then fatally shot himself.

Jones is the head of security for the school district. He also founded a charity called Salvage Santa. The Panama City News Herald reports that Jones has a series of book signings planned. Prince William, Kate Named as Olympic Ambassadors

LONDON (AP) – Royal officials say Prince William, his new wife Kate and brother Prince Harry will be official ambassadors to the 2012 London Olympic Games.

St. James’s Palace said Thursday that all three will play an active role in encouraging and inspiring the British public to come together and support the Olympic and Paralympic athletes.

The royals join 27 British Olympians from previous games who were announced as 2012 ambassadors by the British Olympic Association earlier this year.

In a message released by the palace, William says his entire family are looking forward to the games.

The London Olympics begin July 27 and end Aug. 12.

Swap(交易)Deals Only Provide Temporary Relief-Bank’s King

LONDON (Reuters) – Coordinated central bank action to provide cheaper dollar funding for starved European banks is a step forward but only provides temporary relief, Bank of England governor Mervyn King said on Thursday.

The central banks of the United States, euro zone, Japan, Canada, Britain and Switzerland announced measures on Wednesday to provide liquidity(资产流动性)to the financial system.

“I think it has the benefit of demonstrating that central banks can and do work together… this generalised network of swap agreements, I think is a step forward and will help,” King told a news conference.

“But let me stress, this cannot be a solution to the crisis, all this can do, is to help temporarily relieve liquidity problems. But liquidity problems, often, reflect underlying solvency(根本还清债务) problems and in this case they do.”

55. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Duke was shot to death by Jones.

B. “Salvage Santa” was written by three authors.

C. Jones shot Duke while attending the board meeting. D. A series of books written by Jones have been released. 56. What do we know from the second piece of news?

A. Prince William will compete in the 2012 London Olympic Games.

B. William, Kate and Harry are the only three ambassadors to the 2012 Olympics.

C. The ambassadors to the 2012 Olympics were announced by the British royal palace.

D. William, Kate and Harry will have a positive effect on the organizing of the 2012 Olympics. 57. According to the passage, how many Olympic ambassadors have been announced? A. 3 B. 27 C. 29 D. 30

58. According to King, coordinated central bank providing cheaper dollar funding for starved European

banks ______.

A. can be a solution to the crisis

B. is to help relieve liquidity problems permanently C. has the benefit of saving current financial system

D. can only be a temporary step to relieve liquidity problems


In Tokyo’s trendy Shijbuya neighborhood, 20-year-old Yuzo and 23-year-old Keiya take out the tools of their trade: a sign board “ House of Flattery(奉承), 100 yen a minute” and bright red T-shirt which reads “Professional Sweet Talkers”

“Have you ever been flattered recently?” Yuzo calls out to the crowd of people rushing by. “Feel good about your hidden beauty…” Taqeko, a 20-year-old student decides to try it out. Yuzo and Keiya compare her to a rock star, admire her great fashion sense and tell her she is stunning. “How many carats in those diamond eyes of yours?” one of them asks. Combining quick wit, excellent timing, and a ton of praise, the two soon attract a crowd.

Sociologists(社会学家)say the Japanese are far less generous about compliments(赞美)than people in many other cultures, in part because the society stress formality. Compliments can be embarrassing in a Japanese society. A boss who praises his employee in public, for instance, is setting that worker apart from his/her workmates in a country where group identity is very important. In extreme cases, being singled out can result in bullying and becoming known as the boss’s pet. Yuzo believes these traditions no longer serve Japan well. He said, “Japanese hold back their feelings too much. It’s a real shame. They should express themselves more.”

The two flattery officers report a steady increase in business and recognition since the company opened a year ago.

Many Japanese don’t feel very good about themselves these days as they face job reducing, rising crime, weak political leadership and a loss of national confidence. With all of the problems in Japan, guys like Yuzo and Keiya can help brighten the atmosphere and lift the bad feeling a bit. 59. The underlined word “stunning” in Paragraph 2 means “______”. A. active B. attractive C. hardworking D. kind 60. From the passage we can infer that Yuzo and Keiya’s trade will ______. A. attract more and more people B. become less successful

C. be forbidden by the Japanese government D. settle the social problems in Japan 61. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Japanese seldom express their feelings in public. B. Japanese are so polite that they often praise others.

C. Taqeko belongs to those who first start the trade of flattery.

D. The two flattery officers attract passers-by because of their cleverness and funny-looking. 62. If a manager praises an employee in public, it means ______. A. the employee may lose his/her job B. the workmates will admire him/her C. the employee will get a rise in salary

D. the employee will be separated from his/her workmates


When Lady Gaga releases a new single, it quickly goes around the world.

Now scientists have discovered the same thing happens with the songs of another unusual and

interesting creature – the humpback whale.

The mammals become interested in new tunes just like people do, and the most popular original whale songs spread globally like hit singles.

The discovery has astonished experts who say it is the first time such a large, “population-wide cultural exchange” has been seen in the animal kingdom.

Male humpback whales are well-known for the loud, long and complex songs they make during the mating season. Scientists are unsure why the males sing. Some believe it is a way of advertising themselves to females, others that it allows migrating(迁徙)whales to stay in contact.

Each song lasts for 10 to 20 minutes and the males can sing continuously for 24 hours. At any period of time, all the males in a population sing the same song. But a study, published in the journal Current Biology, shows that this song changes over time and spreads around the oceans. Dr Ellen Garland, of Queensland University, said: “Our findings show cultural exchange on a vast scale. Songs move like cultural ripples from one population to another, causing all males to change their song to a new version.”

Researchers recorded songs from six neighbouring populations of whales in the Pacific over a decade. They found that new versions of the songs appear over time and always spread from west to east.

It takes around two years for songs that appear in the waters off Australia to be heard in French Polynesia.

Dr Garland believes that a small number of whales may migrate to other populations carrying the new songs with them, or that they are heard by passing whales.

Dr Garland said, “We think this male search for song novelty(新颖)is in the hope of being that little bit different and perhaps more attractive to the opposite sex.” 63. The author mentions Lady Gaga to ______. A. prove the popularity of her hit singles B. show whales’ songs also spread globally C. emphasize humpbacks are as famous as her D. provide readers with a new way to learn her songs 64. The underlined word “release” in Paragraph 1 means “______”. A. announce B. sell C. publish D. record 65. The discovery is very astonishing to experts, because it reveals ______. A. the existence of cultural change B. cultural exchange on a vast scale C. the reason why male humpbacks sing D. the novelty of the songs of humpbacks 66. According to the passage, Dr Garland wants to tell us ______. A. male whales adopt new songs to make themselves distinct

B. all female humpbacks also change their song during the mating season C. whales have their own tunes that spread around the world for a decade

D. whales can sing continuously for 24 hours when migrating from west to east


Can we watch 3D (three dimensional) TV programs without the glasses? With the development of the technology, we can make it soon.

Lately, there has been much progress of this video system by some scientists at the University of Arizona. It is said that the researchers at the University of Arizona have created the world’s first 3D video display that uses an onboard memory and can also be updated. So far the 3D displays produced in the labs can be erased and rewritten in only a few minutes. For a 3D television to be created however, the display would need to be overwritten several times in a second, something to be achieved within the next decade.

This ability to erase and rewrite a 3D projected(投射)image is considered as a huge breakthrough in this field. Indeed it gives lots of hope that even the remaining bits can be achieved. The main