北师大版高中英语必修四 Unit12 Culture Shock-词汇篇2(学生版) 联系客服

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Unit 12 Culture Shock 词汇篇2

__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 1、掌握第十二单元第三课及第四课的重点单词||,短语及句型||。 2、灵活运用第十二单元第三课及第四课的重点单词||,短语及句型||。 1. familiar adj. 熟悉的||,常见的 常用结构:

①sb. be familiar with sth. 某人对某事物熟悉

We are not familiar with your company. 我们对贵公司不是很熟悉||。 ②sth. be familiar to sb. 某事物为某人所熟悉 Your name is familiar to me. 你的名字我是熟悉的||。 2. have a … time doing sth. 做某事感觉…

I have a hard time getting along well with him. 我费了好大劲才和他相处好||。 归纳拓展:

①have some difficulty / trouble (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难 ②have some difficulty / trouble with sth. 在某事上有困难

③have great / no / little difficulty (in) doing sth. 做某事有很大/没有/几乎没有困难 3. stare vi. 盯着看||,凝视 常用结构:

①stare at sb. / sth. 盯着看||,注视

Don’t laugh at or stare at disabled people. 不要嘲笑或盯着残疾人看||。 ②stare into space 凝视前方 易混辨析:

①glance: 指正在做某事时或匆忙之中正式看一眼||。 ②glare: 指带着愤怒或威胁的神情||,使人有一种恐惧感||。 ③stare: 指带着惊奇||,羡慕||,敌对或害怕的神情||,睁大眼睛看||。 4. …the last time I visited China 上次我访问中国时 归纳拓展:

The last time引导时间状语从句||,类似用法的短语还有the moment||, the minute/second||, the instant||, every time||, each time||, next time||, the first time等||。 I set it here the last time I came. 我上次来的时候把它放在这边的||。 The first time I saw him||, I knew he was the one person I can trust. 第一次见到他||,我就知道他是我唯一可以信赖的人||。 5. insist on… 坚持…



①insist on / upon (doing) sth. 坚持要求(做)某事 She insisted on her innocence. 她坚持她的清白||。 ②insist on/upon sb.’s doing sth. 坚持要某人做某事 ③insist that sb. Should do sth. 坚决要求某人应该做… 6. conduct vt. 指挥||,实施 n. 行为 常用结构:

①a bad conduct 恶劣行为

②under the conduct of 在…指导(管理)下 7. injure vt. 伤害 归纳拓展:

①injured adj. 受伤的 ②injury n. 伤害||,损害 ③the injured 伤员

④a badly / seriously / critically injured 严重受伤 ⑤injure one’s self-esteem 伤害某人的自尊心 8. belong to vi. 适应||,属于 常用结构:

①belong to 属于||,附属||,无被动语态||,也不用于进行时 They belong to the same state. 他们属于同一州||。 9. attach vt. 喜欢||,依恋||,系||,固定 常用结构:

①attach sth. to… 把某物固定在…上||,把某物附在…上

Attach a recent photograph to your application form. 申请表上请附上一张近照||。 ②attach to sb. / sth. (使)与…有联系||,与…有关联 ③(be) attached to 依恋||,附属于 10. contrary adj. 相反的 常用结构:

①on the contrary of (与此)相反 ②be contrary to 与…相反

The result is contrary to expectation. 结果跟预料恰好相反||。 ③just/quite the contrary 恰恰相反 ④to the contrary 于此相反 11. bear vt. 携带||,容忍||,生育 常用结构:

①can/ could not bear doing / to do sth. 不能忍受做某事 He can’t bear living alone. 他受不了一个人生活||。


②bear in mind(that) 牢记在心 ③bear with 容忍||,忍耐

12. minority n. 少数||,少数民族 adj. 少数的 常用结构:

①the minority of 少数… ②be in the minority 占少数 ③the minority areas 少数民族地区 13. spot n. 地点||,斑点 vt. 认出||,弄脏 常用结构:

①on the spot 在场||,当场||,现场;马上||,立刻

He answered the question on the spot. 他马上就回答了那个问题||。 14. originally adv. 原来||,起初||,本来||,独特的

So||, where are you from originally? 那么||,你最初是哪里人? 归纳拓展:

①original adj. 有独创性的||,最早的||,原来的 n. 原作||,原稿 ②originality n. 创意||,独创性

15. particular adj. 特殊的||,特别的||,挑剔的 常用结构:

①be particular about/ over … 对…讲究的||,挑剔的 ②in particular 尤其||,特别 归纳拓展:

①particular 尤其||,特别 16. except prep. 除…之外 归纳拓展:

except除…之外||,表示从全部中排除部分||,常与no||, all||, none||, nothing||, everything||, anything连用||。

They were all there except me. 除了我以外他们都在那里||。 易混辨析:

besides: 除…之外(还有)…||,表示肯定意义||,与in addition to同义||。

except: 只在同一类事物的总体中除去一部分||,强调“除…之外(其余都)…”;except后面不仅可以接短语||,还可以接that引导的从句||。

except for: 用于非同类事物||,强调整体上的部分细节||。

apart from: 兼有besides||, except和except for的含义||,后接名词||,代词或动名词||。 17. preserve vt. 保存||,保护||,维护 常用结构:

①preserve sth. 保护/保存某物

②preserve sth. for sb. / sth. 为某人/某物保存某物


③preserve sb. / sth. from sth. 保护某人/||,某物免于 Salt preserves food from decay. 盐能防止事物腐烂||。 ④preserve one’s strength 保存体力 18. bring an end to 结束||,使完结 归纳拓展:

①come to an end 结束

That job came to an end last month. 那项工作上个月完成了||。 ②bring / put sth. to an end 结束某事 ③make ends meet 量入为出||,使收支平衡 ④end up in/ with 以…结束||,告终 ⑤at an end 结束||,终结

⑥at the end of 在…尽头||,在…末端 ⑦in the end 终于||,最后

⑧by the end of 到…结束时||,到…时候为止

例1. She is quite familiar _____ the music that they are dancing_____. A. to||, to B. with||, to C. with||, with D. with; 不填

例 2. _____ at the amazing scenery in Shang-La||, she could hardly believe that it is created by nature. A. Staring B. Glancing C. Glaring D. Seeing

例3. I thought the girl nice||, _____ pretty and honest _____ I met her. A. first time B. for the first time C. the first time D. by the time

例4. The well-known singer insisted on _____ his private affairs in the press conference. A. not to discuss B. discussing not C. not discussing D. not having discussed

例5. (2019北京朝阳高三第一学期期末)Only after posting the postcard _____ I hadn’t put a stamp on it.

A. did I remember
