娌冲寳鐪佹壙寰峰競2018灞婇珮涓夋湡鍒濊皟鐮旇冭瘯 鑻辫 - 鐧惧害鏂囧簱 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章娌冲寳鐪佹壙寰峰競2018灞婇珮涓夋湡鍒濊皟鐮旇冭瘯 鑻辫 - 鐧惧害鏂囧簱更新完毕开始阅读75c98c643e1ec5da50e2524de518964bcf84d2a7



1?5 BCBAC 6?10 BCACA 11?15 ABCBB 16?20 ABCBA

21?23 BAD 24?27 DBAC 28?31 BCBD 32?35 DBBA 36?40 FACDG 41?45 BCADB 46?50 DCABA 51?55 CADBC 56?60 DCBAD

61. conventionally 62. to be polluted / polluted 63. so 64. to 65. feeding 66. held 67. various 68. the 69. eighth 70. tested 短文改错

This summer, we attended Donghou International Educational Echange Summer Camp. Firstly, I’ll tell you about our foreign teachers, Shrina and Rebecca, that are friendly and beautiful. We taled a lot about famous people,


different ind of jobs and what we could say in a restaurant in England, etc. Besides, we teach some English students

inds taught

something about Chinese operas and ung fu. Late, we were ecited to mae out blac tea. We put tea bags, mil Later 删除out

and water into a big bowl, but then we stirred the tea until they became red and dar. Oh, it tasted well! and it good

The Summer Camp was ∧ good chance for me. I new the local things in England. I also new what it too

a to communicating well. communicate 书面表达

One possible version Dear Lisa,

I’m glad that you have an interest in our recent reading activity called “Read classic boos”. As we all now, reading classic boos is popular and important because it can improve our studying career and enrich our everyday life.

There are some arrangements every wee in our school. First, we have an event on Monday where one of us is going to share a classic boo and tal about it in detail. We also have a boo salon on Wednesday where we could echange our views. Besides, every Saturday afternoon, we will gather in a coffee shop to rela and select our best author and tal about his or her life and wors.

I’m sure you can gain a lot from the reading activity. Please come and join us soon.

Yours, Li Hua

听力部分录音材料 (Tet 1)

M Barbara, aren’t you supposed to go to Dr. Smith’s lecture today?

W Oh, I’ve ased one of my friends to tae notes for me. So I’m able to help Linda do an eperiment. (Tet 2)

M The instructions on the pacage say that you need to put the folding table together yourself. I’ve spent all afternoon trying in vain to do it.

W I now what you mean Last time I tried to put together a toy train for my son, I almost gave up. (Tet 3)

W I can’t go to the dining hall now. I’ll have to go bac to the classroom. I left my cell phone on my des. M But I remember having put it into your bag. W Really? Ah yes, you’re right. (Tet 4)

M Oh, I’m so sorry I forgot to bring along your boo.

W Anyway, I won’t need it until this Sunday. M I promise I’ll give it to you this Friday. W Really? Friday is April Fool’s Day! (Tet 5)

W I thin your article in the school newspaper is great. Your viewpoints have certainly convinced me. M Thans, but reading through the general responses, you and I are obviously in the minority. (Tet 6)

W Harry, let’s play some ping-pong today.

M I’d love to play a set or two, but my right arm hurts. I’ve decided to stop playing ping-pong until it feels better.

W Well, how about going sating? M I’d lie to, but my nee hurts, too.

W Harry, stop maing ecuses! You’re just lay.

M No, I’m not! You now, there’s a basetball match on TV today. Let’s just stay home and watch it. W O. You stay, and I’ll play with Helen. (Tet 7)

W What do you want to do tonight?

M How about going to the cinema? I should be home from wor at 545. Then we can go out and eat before we see a film.

W What do you want to see?

M There’s a good art film at the Green House Cinema.

W It starts at 6 15. I don’t thin we can get there in time to see the beginning. How about the action film at the New State Cinema? It starts at 650. Perhaps the 700 one at the UME Cinema is even better. It stars Jacie Chan.

M O, that’s fine. I lie him, too. (Tet 8)

W Good evening. Can I help you? M Yes, please. I’d lie a room for the night.

W A single, double, or business room? M What are the differences in price?

W A single is $ 50 per night, a business room $ 70, and a double $ 80. M Well, I’ll tae the $ 70 one. Do I have to pay cash?

W We also tae checs and credit cards. Could you fill in this form, please? M Do you need my passport number? W No, just an address, and your signature. M Here you are, and here’s my Visa card.

W Than you. All right. Here’s your ey. Your room number is 212. M Than you.

W If you need anything, dial 111. Have a good stay! (Tet 9)

W You’ve got a rather busy wee ahead of you, haven’t you?

M Yeah, I’ve got two lectures on Tuesday. One is chemistry lecture at 10 o’cloc am and the other is microbiology at 2 pm. The microbiology lecture goes for one hour, and then it’s followed immediately by a lab.

W What lab is that? M Er, physics.

W That sounds lie quite a full day.

M Well. Actually Wednesday is my busiest. I’ve got two tutorials, a lecture and a chemistry lab. The lab is the first thing in the morning at 9 o’cloc. That goes until 11 o’cloc. Then my first tutorial, that’s physics, is at 12 o’cloc. After that, I get a couple of hours brea for lunch and relaation. Then at 3 o’cloc I’ve got my lecture.

W Oh, I see what you mean about Wednesday being your busiest day. What about the rest of the wee? M Well, I’ve got nothing on Thursday, thanfully. And Friday’s a short day. I’ve only got a physics lecture in the morning. It will last for one hour. So from 11 o’cloc, I’m free to enjoy the weeend! (Tet 10)

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