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文章来源:dhs 发布时间:2010-12-20

鼎湖山南亚热带常绿阔叶林20 ha固定样地(大样地)是中国森林生物多样性监测网络的一部分,样地的设计和建设完全按照美国Smithsonian研究院CTFS(Center of Tropical Forest Sciences)在全世界建设的34个大样地的统一标准进行。

大样地建立于2004年,在2005年底和2010年底,分别进行了两次野外调查和数据的整理校对工作,并建立了数据库。除了样地内胸径大于1cm的木本植物进行定位挂牌监测以外,还设立了149个以上的种子雨收集器(Seed trap)和450个以上的1m2的幼苗监测样方。科研人员先后参加了Richard Condit教授(美国CTFS—Center of Tropical Forest Sciences),Pierre Legendre教授(加拿大Montreal大学),何芳良教授(加拿大Alberta大学)和孙义方教授(台湾东海大学)等人对中国大样地研究人员在数据处理方面的培训,并有三人赴加拿大Alberta大学何芳良教授的研究组进行访问研究。



1. Bin Yue, Lian Juyu, Wang Zhangming, Ye Wanhui , Cao Honglin. Tree mortality and recruitment in a subtropical broadleaved monsoon forest in South China. Journal of Tropical Forest Science. (in press)

2. Bin Yue, Wang Zhigao, Wang Zhangming, Ye Wanhui , Cao Honglin, Lian Juyu. 2010. The effects of dispersal limitation and topographic heterogeneity on beta diversity and phylobetadiversity in a subtropical forest. Plant ecology. 209:237–256.

3. Li Ling, Wei Shiguang, Huang Zhongliang, Ye Wanhui, Cao Honglin,Wang Zhigao, Lian Juyu, Sun Yifang, Ma Keping, and He Fangliang. 2009. Spatial distributions of tree species in a subtropical forest of China. Oikos, 118:495-502.

4. Li Ling, Wei Shiguang, Huang Zhongliang Ye Wanhui, and Cao Honglin. 2008. Spatial patterns and interspecific associations of three canopy species at different life stages in a subtropical forest, China. Journal of integrative plant biology, 50 (9): 1140-1150.

5. Wang Zhigao, Ye Wanhui, Cao Honglin, Huang Zhongliang, Lian Juyu, Li Lin, Wei Shiguang. Sun I-Fang. 2009. Species-Topography association in a species-rich subtropical forest of China. Basical and Applied Ecology, 10: 648-655.

6. Wei Shiguang., Li Lin, Walter Bruno, Huang Zhongliang, Ye Wanhui, Cao Honglin, et al. 2010. Comparative performance of species-richness estimators using data from a subtropical forest tree community. Ecological Research, 25(1): 93-101.

7. Zhu Peng, Ye Wanhui, Wang Zhengfeng, Cao Honglin, Zhang Min, Li Ling, Xiao Wei. 2009. Isolation and characterization of ten polymorphic microsatellite in the endangered tree Erythrophleum fordii oliv. Conservation Genetics. 10: 1017-1019.

8. Huang Guomin, Hong Lan, Ye Wanhui, Shen Hao, Cao Honglin, Xiao Wei. 2009. Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci in Castanopsis chinensis Hance (Fagaceae). Conservation Genetics, 10: 1069-1071.

9. Zhang Xin, Ye Wanhui, Cao Honglin, Wang Zhengfeng, Shen Hao, Lian Juyu. 2009. Isolation and characterization of microsatellites in Chinese white olive (Canarium album) and cross-species amplification in Canarium pimela,Conservation Genetics, 10:1833-1835.

10. 叶万辉,曹洪麟,黄忠良,练琚愉,王志高,李林,魏识广,王章明.2008.鼎湖山南亚热带常绿阔叶林20公顷样地群落特征研究.植物生态学报,32(2):274-286.

11. 王志高,叶万辉,曹洪麟,练琚愉.2008. 鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林物种多样性指数空间分布特征.生物多样性,16 (5): 454-461.

12. 魏识广,李林,刘海岗,杜彦军,黄忠良.2008. 格木种群动态模型分析, 生态环境, 17(1): 285-290.