神奇树屋1-恐龙谷历险记 中英双语 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章神奇树屋1-恐龙谷历险记 中英双语更新完毕开始阅读73ae5d73cc175527072208c2

Jack snorted. “He’s no dog, Annie.” “Feel him,Jack,” said Annie. Jack didn’t move.

“Don’t think,Jack. Just do it.” Jack stepped forward. He put out his arm. Very cautiously.He brushed his hand down the creature’s neck.

Interesting. A thim layer of fuzz covered the Pteranodon’s skin. “Soft,huh?” said Annie.

Jack reached into his backpack and pulled out a pencil and a notebook. He wrote:fuzzy skin

“What are you doing?” asked Annie.

“Taking notes,”said Jack.“We’re probably the first people in the whole world to ever see a real live Pteranodon.”

Jack looked at the Pteranodon again. The creature had a bony crest on top of his head. The crest was longer than Jack’s arm.

“I wonder how smart he is,” Jack said. “Very smart,” said Annie.

“Don’t count on it,” said Jack.“His brain’s probably no bigger than a bean.”

“No, he’ s very smart. I can feel it,” said Annie.“I’m goint to call him Henry.”

Jack wrote in his notebook: small brain?

Jack looked at the creature again. “Maybe he’s a mutant,” he said. The creature tilted his head.

Annie laughed. “He’s no mutant, Jack.”

“Well, what’s he doing here then?Where is this place?” said Jack. Annie leaned close to the Pteranodon.

“Do you know where we are,Henry?”she asked softly.

The creature fixed his eyes on Annie. His long jaws were opening and closing. Like a giant pair of scissors.

“Are you trying to talk to me, Henry?” asked Annie.

“Forget it, Annie.”Jack wrote in his notebook:mouth like scissors? “Did we come to a time long ago, Henry?” asked Annie.“Is this a place from long ago?” Suddenly she gasped. “Jack!”

He looked up.

Annie was pointing toward the hill. On top stood a huge dinosaur! 5草地上的金牌

“快,快!”杰克说。他把笔记本塞进背包,推着安妮向绳梯跑去。 “再见,亨利!”她说。


“别推!”她说,不过她还是爬上了绳梯。杰克紧跟在她后面爬上去。 他们急匆匆地钻进了树屋。







“在这儿!”他指着有一只三角龙的画。他读着上面的说明文字: 三角龙生活在白垩纪晚期。这种素食恐龙体重超过12 000磅 [注]。 杰克砰地一下合上书。“只吃素,不吃肉。” “那我们去见见它。”安妮说。 “你疯了吗?”杰克说。


杰克叹了一口气。她是对的。 “那就去吧。”他说。

他把恐龙书塞进背包里,把背包背在肩上,开始下绳梯。 绳梯下到一半,杰克停住了。

他对上面的安妮喊着,“你要保证不摸它。” “我保证。” “保证不吻它。” “我保证。”

“保证不同它谈话。” “我保证。” “保证不——”

“快下,快下!”她说。 杰克继续下绳梯。 安妮紧跟着。


安妮给了它一个飞吻。“一会儿就回来,亨利。”她兴高采烈地说。 “嘘!”杰克说。他带路穿过羊齿植物,一路上慢慢地,小心翼翼地。 当他们到达小山脚下之后,杰克跪到一丛厚厚的灌木丛后面。 安妮跪在他的后面,就讲起话来。 杰克把手指放在嘴唇上“嘘”了一下。 安妮扮了个鬼脸。 杰克偷偷看着三角龙。

恐龙大得令人难以置信。比一辆卡车还要大。它正在吃一棵木兰树上的花。 杰克悄悄地从背包里掏出笔记本。他写道: 吃花


杰克没理睬她。他继续观察三角龙。他写道: 吃得很慢

安妮用肘使劲儿顶了顶他。 杰克这才看着她。


她这是要戏弄人吗? 她朝杰克摆了摆手。 杰克正要去抓住她。

她笑着,一下子跳开去。她跌倒在草地上,完完全全地暴露在三角龙的视野之下。 “回来!”杰克低声喊着。


“哎呀,糟糕。”安妮说。 “回来!”杰克对她喊道。 “它看上去很可爱,杰克。” “可爱?当心它的角,安妮!” “它真的很可爱,杰克。” 可爱?

三角龙只是静静地注视着安妮。然后它转过身,跨开大步,向山的另一侧跑了下去。 “再见!”安妮说。她转身对杰克说:“瞧,我说它很可爱吧?” 杰克咕咕哝哝。不过他在笔记上写下了:可爱 “来吧!我们把这周围再多看看吧。”安妮说。

杰克正要跟上安妮,可这时他看见深深的草丛中有东西闪闪发光。他伸手把它捡了起来。 一块大奖牌。一块金子做的奖牌。


“啊,好家伙。看来已经有人在我们之前来过了。”杰克轻声说。 5 Gold in the Grass

“Go!Go!” said Jack. He threw his notebook into his pack. He pushed Annie toward the rope ladder.

“Bye, Henry!” she siad.

“Go!” said Jack. He gave Annie a big push.

“Quit it!” she said. But she started up the ladder. Jack scrambled after her. They tumbled into the tree house.

They were panting as they looked out the window at the dinosaur. He was standing on the hilltop. Eating flowers off a tree.

“Oh,man,”whispered Jack.“We are in a time long ago!”

The dinosaur looked like a huge rhinoceros. Only he had three horns instead of one. Two long ones above his eyes and one on his nose.

He had a big shield-like thing behind his head. “Triceratops!” said Jack.

“Does he eat people?” whispered Annie.

“I’ll look it up.” Jack grabbed the dinosaur book. He flipped through the pages.

“There!” he said. He pointed to a picture of a Triceratops. He readte caption: The Triceratops lived in the late Cretaceous period. This plant-eating dinosaur weighed over 12,000 pounds.

Jack slammed the book shut.“Just plants. No meat.” “Let’s go see him,” said Annie. “Are you nuts?” said Jack.

“Don’t you want to take notes about him?”asked Annie.“We’re probably

the first people in the whole world to ever see a real live Triceratops.”

Jack sighed. She was right. “Let’s go,” he said.

He shoved the dinosaur book into his pack. He slung it over his shoulder and started down the ladder.

On the way down,Jack stopped.

He called up to Annie,“Just promise you won’t pet him.” “I promise.”

“Promise you won’t kiss him.” “I promise.”

“Promise you won’t talk to him.” “I promise.”

“Promise you won’t—” “Go!Go!” she siad. Jack went.

Annie followed.

When they stepped off the ladder, the Pteranodon gave them a kind look. Annie blew a kiss at him. “Be back soon, Henry,” she said cheerfully. “Shush!”said Jack. And he led the way through the ferns. Slowly and carefully. When he reached the bottom of the hill, he kneeled behind a fat bush. Annie knelt beside him and started to speak. “Shush!” Jack put his finger to his lips. Annie made a face.

Jack peeked out at the Triceratops.

The dinosaur was incredibly big. Bigger than a truck. He was eating the flowers off a magnolia tree.

Jack slipped his notebook out of his pack. He wrote:eats flowers Annie nudged him.

Jack ignored her. He studied the Triceratops again. He wrote:eats slowly Annie nudged him hard. Jack looked at her. Annie pointed to herself. She walked her fingers through the air. She pointed to the dinosaur. She smiled.

Was she teasing? She waved at Jack.

Jack started to grab her.

She laughed and jumped away. She fell into the grass. In full view of the Triceratops!

“Get back!” whispered Jack.

Too late. The big dinosaur had spotted Annie. He gazed down at her from the hilltop. Half of a magnolia flower was sticking out of his mouth.

“Oops,” said Annie.

“Get back!” Jack shouted at her.