外研版高中英语必修1Module1-Module6CulturalCorner课文逐句翻译 联系客服

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Germany and France have both state and private schools, but most students go to state schools, which are

very good.德国和法国既有公办学校又有私立学校,而大多数学生上公办学校,这些

公办学校都很好。 Similarly, America has both state and private schools. 同样,美国既有公办学校,也有私立学校。Most American

children go to state schools, but the private schools can be very good.美国的多数孩子上公办学校,但私立学校也很好。 Britain has

both state and private schools. In Russia, children go to state schools.英国既有公办学校又有私立学校。在俄罗斯,孩子们上公办学校。

Module 2 Cultural Corner原文及译文 Different Countries, Different Schools

It is interesting to look at differences between schools in different countries. In many European countries, for example, the relationship between

teachers and students is quite formal. This is true of France, Germany, and Spain, where discipline and

respect for the teacher is considered very important. The same is true of Russia. In northern European countries, however, the relationship between teachers and students

is much friendlier and more relaxed. In America, students and teachers are quite relaxed with each other. In Britain, relationships are quite relaxed, but teachers can have big

problems with discipline.

Another important difference is whether schools are state schools or private schools. State schools are paid for by the government, but in private schools, the parents pay for the education of their children. Germany and France have both state and private schools, but most students go to state schools, which are very good.

Similarly, America has both state and private schools. Most American children go to state schools, but the private schools can be very good. Britain has both state and private schools. In Russia, children go to state schools.











Module 3 Cultural Corner逐句翻译

The Maglev—the Fastest Train in the World 磁悬浮列车——世界上最快的列车

The fastest train in the world, the Transrapid Maglev, runs between Shanghai’s Pudong Airport and Longyang Station in downtown Shanghai. 世界上最快的列车——超速磁悬浮列车


Travelling at a speed of over 400 kilometres per hour, the train can complete the 30-kilometre journey in eight minutes. 列车以 每小时400多千米的速度行驶,8分钟就能完成30千为的旅 程。

Maglev means “magnetically levitated”. 磁悬浮的意思是“通过 磁力使水平高度提高”。 The Transrapid Maglev is the world’s first high-speed train using magnetically levitation technology. 这列超速磁悬浮列车是世界上第一列使用磁悬浮技术的高

速火车。 Magnetically levitated trains travel in a vacuum between two magnets. 磁悬浮列车是在两块磁铁间的真空中

行驶。 There are no rails and no noise. 既无铁轨,又无噪音。 They travel very fast and they use less energy. 它们速度很快, 而且能量消耗很少。

On December 31, 2002, Premier Zhu Rongji and the German chancellor attended the opening ceremony of the train service. Both leaders took the train to Pudong Airport. 2002年12月31

日,朱镕基总理与德国总理出席了磁悬浮列车在从龙阳车站 到浦东的轨道上跑出了每小时501千米的速度,创造了火车 时速的世界新纪录。

On November 12,2003, the Maglev reached at a speed of 501 kilometres per hour on the track between Longyang Station and Pudong, a new world record speed for a train. 2003年11月12

日, 在龙阳路站到浦东轨道上,磁悬浮列车达到了每小时501 公里的速度,一项新的列车世界纪录的速度。 Module 3 Cultural Corner原文及译文 The Maglev—the Fastest Train in the World

The fastest train in the world, the Transrapid Maglev, runs between Shanghai’s Pudong Airport and Longyang Station in

downtown Shanghai. Travelling at a speed of over 400 kilometres per hour, the train can complete the 30-kilometre journey in eight minutes.

Maglev means “magnetically levitated”. The Transrapid Maglev is the world’s first high-speed train using magnetically levitation technology. Magnetically levitated trains travel in a vacuum between two magnets. There are no rails and no noise. They travel very fast and they use less energy.