2019届高考英语一轮复习阅读理解专项提升练习(5)政治经济类与文化类 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2019届高考英语一轮复习阅读理解专项提升练习(5)政治经济类与文化类更新完毕开始阅读7317b03ba9956bec0975f46527d3240c8547a139

A.Which is the best birth month?

B.Diseases you should pay attention to

C.Give birth to your baby in a proper month D.Different birth months, different characters

14. There are many unique festivals around the world. Here are some of them. Las Fallas, Spain

Las Fallas is one of Spain?s strangest and craziest festivals. Las Fallas means “the fire” in valencian. The focus of this festival is to create and destroy dolls. These dolls are lifelike and usually make fun of dishonest politicians and famous people in Spain. Many dolls are several feet tall. They remain complete until March 19th, after which men fill them with fireworks. All the streetlights arc turned off and the dolls are set on fire at 12 am exactly.

Day of the Dead, Mexico

Day of the Dead is traditionally celebrated on 1st and 2nd of November in Mexico. This festival celebrates the lives of loved ones around you who have died.

Celebrations can lake a humorous tone as celebrants remember funny events about the dead. Toys are brought for the Head children and hollies of wine for adults. Mardi Gras, USA

This day can occur anytime between February 3rd and March 9th, depending on when Easter is held that year. In 1857, a group called Mystik Krewe of Comus staged the first modern style Mardi Gras parade (游行). The parades are headed by “Kings” and “Queens” who throw decorations at the crowd. Practices include dancing, sports competitions, wearing masks, etc. Night of the Radishes, Mexico

It?s one of the most colorful and unique festivals of Mexico. It is celebrated on December 23rd. As crazy as it sounds, the festival lasts only a few hours due to the limited lifetime of vegetables as folk art.

1.What do we know about the Las Fallas festival? A.Politicians love it very much. B.It is held mainly for the dead.

C.It?s celebrated on 1st of November. D.Dolls are the essential elements.

2.Who would probably love the Mardi Gras festival? A.Those who love watching parades. B.Those who enjoy drinking wine. C.Those who are fond of funny events. D.Those who want win dance competition.

3.Why does the Night of the Radishes festival last only a few hours? A.Because the artworks don?t last long. B.Because Mexirans can?t afford the time.

C.Because vegetables will be sold at the market. D.Because people aren?t interested in the festival.

15. Tens of thousands of years ago, not a single human being lived in the Americas. This only changed during the last Ice Age. It was a time when most of North America was covered with a thick sheet of ice, which made the Americas difficult to inhabit. But at some point during this time, adventurous humans started their journey into a new world.

There is still debate about when these first Americans actually arrived and where they came from. But we are now getting closer to uncovering the original story, and finding out who these first Americans really were.

During the peak of the last Ice Age about 20,000 years ago, a journey from Asia into the Americas would not have been particularly desirable. North America was covered in icy permafrost (永冻层)and tall glaciers. But, paradoxically (很矛盾的是),the presence of so much ice meant that the journey was, in a way, easier than it would be today. The abundance of ice meant that sea levels were much lower than they are now, and a stretch of land appeared between Siberia and Alaska. Humans and animals could simply walk from Asia to North America. The land bridge was called Beringia.

At some point around this time—known as the Last Glacial Maximum—groups of hunter-gatherers moved east from what is now Siberia to set up camp there.

These people did well to seek refuge there. Central Beringia was a much more desirable environment than the icy lands they had left behind. The climate was a bit damper. Plants, in the form of woody bushes, would have given them access to wood that they could burn to keep warm. Beringia was also an ideal environment for large mammals eating grass, giving early hunter-gathers something to hunt. 1.What happened during the last Ice Age?

A.All kinds of animals started into a new world. B.Human beings began to enter North America. C.Not a single human being appeared on the earth.

D.North America began to be covered with ice and snow. 2.According to the writer, what was contradictory?

A.Abundant ice made the journey easier than it would be today. B.A journey from Asia into the Americas was desirable. C.Lack of ice made the Americas easier to reach. D.Humans and animals walked to the Americas.

3.What was an advantage in living in Central Beringia? A.A much more suitable environment. B.The climate being less damp. C.Plants being in the form of grass. D.Small mammals eating grass.

4.What may be the best title for the text? A.Something About the Americas

B.Why Early Hunter-gathers Liked Hunting C.The First People Who Lived in the Americas D.What the Weather Was Like in the Americas

16. An illustration for the 2018 China?s primary and secondary school Chinese language textbooks was published to focus more on traditional culture, according to an editor from the Southern Metropolitan Daily.

From this fall, more than four million the first and the seventh graders in

provincial-level regions will use the new books in which traditional culture makes up 30 percent of the revised primary school textbooks, while it increases to 40 percent for secondary school textbooks. For elementary students, there are 129 ancient poems and essays, and for junior high school students, the number has risen to 132 which were selected to urge the students to learn the language as well as instruct them on philosophy. Many Chinese classics and world classics were so specifically

highlighted in the illustration that they will be tested in the national college entrance exam.

“What we have done is to address the needs of parents, who want their children to learn more about traditional culture,” said a senior editor surnamed Zhu in charge of the middle school textbooks. “Now a number of people cannot even understand the

language in classical Chinese books, but parents compete to send their children to commercial training centers for traditional culture.”

China has witnessed a renewed interest in traditional education. A report by the Southern Metropolitan Daily said that China has more than 3,000 traditional private schools, in addition to training centers teaching students classical essays. “Demand for private education grows when teaching traditional culture in public schools is inadequate,” Zhu said.

Uniform textbooks were spread in primary and middle schools in China before an education reform, which allowed schools in different provinces to use different

textbooks. More than ten publishers have released their own textbooks, including the Language and Culture Press. This is the first revision the press has made in more than a decade, in which outdated articles have been replaced.

1.According to the illustration, what is the main change about the new Chinese language textbooks?

A.The new textbooks will be used by more first and seventh graders. B.The new textbooks will be used in more provincial-level regions. C.The new textbooks will pay more attention to traditional culture.

D.The new textbooks will change more than half of the content in the previous edition. 2.One of the purposes of revising school textbooks is to________. A.test the students

B.use different textbooks C.build more private schools

D.cultivate the students on philosophy

3.Which is NOT the reason for private education growing in China? A.More traditional textbooks are chosen for public school education. B.Parents send their children to training centers for traditional culture. C.A renewed interest in traditional culture appears in China. D.Teaching traditional culture in public schools is not enough. 4.What is the best title of this article? A.Teaching Standards B.Literary Works C.Classics Return D.Private Schools



1.答案:1.C; 2.A; 3.D; 4.C 解析:

2.答案:1.A; 2.B; 3.D; 4.A 解析:

答案: 1.C; 2.D; 3.D; 4.A

来源: 河南省安阳三十五中2018届高三终极押题英语试卷

解析: 1.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。商家用货物的展示、商店的味道以及对物品的第一印象等的变化来刺激顾客的购买欲。





【长难句分析】They know that customers who buy the healthy food first will feel happy so that they will buy more junk food later in their trip.他们知道先买了健康食品的顾客会很高兴,因此在接下来的购物过程中,他们会买更多的垃圾食品。本句是一个复合句。that引导的是宾语从句,who buy...是定语从句修饰customers, so that引导的是结果状语从句。 4.答案:1.D; 2.B; 3.B; 4.D

解析:1.由第一段尾句I wasn?t surprised when this didn?t make the news here in the United States—we?re now the only wealthy country without such a policy.可知美国没有这项政策,故选D

2、由第二段尾句,Democratic leaders have tried to introduce work-family balance measures into the law,business groups have been strongly opposed.可知民主党领导人已经努力将这项政策引入法律,但是商业集团强烈反对,故选B.

3、由第三段parental support depends on defining(定义)the family as a social good that,in some sense,society must pay for.可知选B

4、由最后一段第三句可知这种分类忽视了好的抚养的社会利益。故选D 5.答案:1.A; 2.A; 3.D; 4.B 解析:

6.答案:1.D; 2.B; 3.C; 4.B 解析:

7.答案:1.B; 2.A; 3.D; 4.D 解析:

8.答案:1.C; 2.C; 3.D; 4.C

解析:1. 细节理解题。根据第二段第二行“Alipay offers payment choices for shopping, transport and sightseeing”以及本段第三行“Wechat can deal with

transactions in thirteen currencies, while Alipay supports settlements in twenty-seven


2. 词意猜测题。根据本段后文“help the latter build a local mobile payment platform and control risks”可选出答案。

3.细节理解题。根据最后一段“What is certain is that the growth of China?s mobile payment is driven by improved Internet facilities, technological innovation as well as a friendly businessenvironment.”可以得出正确答案。

4.主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段的关键句“In fact, China?s mobile payment apps are expanding their reaches in the global market”和最后一段的关键句“After successes in onlineshopping, mobile payments expanded into stores and restaurants in and outside China”可以得知C选项为最佳答案。 9.答案:1.C; 2.D; 3.A; 4.B 解析:

10.答案:1.A; 2.B; 3.D; 4.B


A细节题。根据A characteristic of American culture that has become almost a tradition is to respect the self-made made 我们可以了解到,“崇尚自我奋斗”是美国文化的特点。

2.B 推断题。根据This attitude toward manual(体力的) labor is now still seen in many aspects of American life.(在美国生活的方方面面,尊重体力劳动态度的现象仍然随处可见),可以推断女主人亲自下厨,是因为她以能做这样的体力活而自豪。

3.D词义猜测题。wait on table 意为“服务顾客”,注意其后的 washing dishes 也有一定的暗示意义,故答案为D。


11.答案:1.D; 2.C; 3.A; 4.A 解析:

12.答案:1.C; 2.C; 3.A; 4.A 解析:

13.答案:1.B; 2.A; 3.A; 4.D 解析:

14.答案:1.D; 2.A; 3.A 解析:

15.答案:1.B; 2.A; 3.A; 4.C 解析:

16.答案:1.C; 2.D; 3.A; 4.C 解析: