2019中考英语余姚中学自主招生重点考试(02)及解析 doc 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2019中考英语余姚中学自主招生重点考试(02)及解析 doc更新完毕开始阅读72a01af0b94ae45c3b3567ec102de2bd9705de06



〔考试时间90分钟 总分100分〕


1、本试卷分试题卷和答题卷两部分。总分值100分,考试时间90分钟。 2、所有答案都必须做在答题卷上,务必注意试题序号和答题序号相对应。 3、考试结束后,只需上交答题卷。

卷Ⅰ〔共三大题,总分值80分〕 【一】单项填空〔共20小题,计20分〕


1. Tuesday being ____ windy, cold day in Beijing, US President Barack Obama toured

____ Forbidden City in Beijing, wearing ____ blue shirt with no tie and a casual leather packet.

A. a; the; the B. a; /; a C. /; /; a D. a; the; a

2. ---Tom, you see, I’m a bit tight at hand. Lend me some money, will you? ---Sorry, I don’t have ____ at hand myself. You see, all I had went to the new MP3 player.

A. anything B. either C. any D. nothing

3. I hope you don’t mind me asking, ____ where did you get the start-up money?

A. so B. and C. yet D. but

4. ---Why not go to see the film called This is it about Michael Jackson at the weekend?

---Oh, I ____ it. It is just so-so.

A. saw B. have seen C. will see D. am seeing

5. Japan, ____ has the second-largest economy in the world, imports 60 percent of its food.

A. where B. that C. who D. which

6. It has been announced that it won’t be long ____ our country ____ an unmanned

spaceship to explore the moon. A. before; sends up B. until; sends up C. since; sends up D. before; will

send up

7. In total, 43 people have died from H1N1 flu on the French mainland since the

beginning of the epidemic in 2017. ____ 27 deaths occurred in French overseas territories.

A. Others B. Another C. Other D. More 8. --- Why do you look so worried?

--- My house ____ last night and a lot of valuable things ____. A. has been broken into; stealing B. broke into; to be stolen C. was broken into; stolen D. was broken into; was stolen 9. --- What do you think of your English teacher?

--- He is a strict teacher, but ____ all his students show respect for.

A. that B. the one C. who D. one 10. --- Where is your mother working? --- In a hospital ____ our town.

A. is located in B. located in C. set in D. is set in 11. ---How long will it take you to fix my watch?

--- I’ll call you when it is ready, but it ____ take longer than a week. A. mustn’t B. can’t C. shouldn’t D. wouldn’t

12. This morning Mr. Smith didn’t drive to work. ____, he rode his bicycle to his

office as a way of exercising.

A. Meanwhile B. However C. Instead D. Anyway

13. I haven’t read ____ of the articles carefully, but I find that there is a

striking similarity between them.

A. each B. either C. any D. all

14. It was in August of 2017 ____ the typhoon Morakot severely struck Taiwan, ____

hundreds of people dead, missing and injured.

A. which; caused B. when; causing C. that; causing D. what; caused 15. As we all know, the Chinese Red Cross is one of the organizations, ____the

purpose is to help the sick and the needy.

A. of which B. whose C. which D. of whose

16. Susan’s score is the highest in her class. She ____ have studied very hard. A. may B. should C. must D. ought to 17. ---Julia, please ask the guests to help ____ during the dinner. ---Yes, I will.

A. you B. yourself C. them D. themselves 18. The two top songs make the young fellow ____ from so many newcomers in the music


A. stand for B. stand out C. stand by D. stand up 19. China Daily is ____ a newspaper. It helps improve our English.

A. no more than B. indeed C. nothing but D. more than 20. ---Hey, you are wanted on the phone. ---____ I’m coming.

A. So what? B. Hang on a minute. C. That’s a good idea. D. What a pity! 【二】完形填空〔共20小题,计20分〕


James Cleveland Owens (1913 – 1980) was a great American athlete. In the 1936


Olympics in Berlin, he achieved 21 fame by winning four gold medals: one each in

the 100-

Meter dash the 200-meter dash the 22 , and for being part of the 4×100-meter relay team.

Born in Alabama, Owens was often 23 with what his mother reportedly called “devil’s cold”. Life was hard for the family. The family 24 to Ohio in 1921.

There was little 25 in their life, but the move did enable young Owens to 26 public school, where a teacher who didn’t understand his country 27 accidentally wrote down his name as “Jesse” instead of J.C.

Owens had to take different jobs in his 28 time. During the period, when he was in the fifth grade, the athletic supervisor asked him to go out for 29 . From a 30 boy he developed into a strong runner.

Throughout his life Owens believed that the success of his athletic career 31 from the 32 of Charles Riley, his junior-high track coach, who had picked him off the playground and put him on the track team. Since Owens worked in a shoe-repair shop after school, Riley 33 Owens to practice before school instead.

Owens first came to national 34 when he was a student of East Technical High School in Cleveland, Ohio. He tied the world 35 of 9.4 seconds in the 100-yard dash and long-jumped 24 feet 9 1/2 inches at the 1933 National High School Championship in Chicago.

In 1956 he organized the Junior Olympic Games for youngsters in Chicago, which was active in helping black 36 . With time progressing, his 37 grew worse. He died in 1980 after a long 38 in a hospital. The highest honor, the Congressional Gold Medal, Owens 39 came in 1990. During the 40 , President Bush called Owens “an Olympic hero and an American hero every day of his life”. 21. A. traditional B. national C. international D. practical 22. A. long jump B. high jump C. boxing D. gymnastics 23. A. naughty B. sick C. proud D. determined 24. A. joined B. moved C. arrived D. reached 25. A. improvement B. appearance C. achievement D. arrangement 26. A. apply B. enter C. start D. approach 27. A. origin B. accent C. situation D. background 28. A. golden B. tough C. spare D. special 29. A. track B. work C. walk D. travel 30. A. smart B. curious C. weak D. lively 31. A. dated B. resulted C. made D. chose 32. A. competition B. explanation C. advantage D. encouragement 33. A. forced B. allowed C. reminded D. promised 34. A. attraction B. attention C. argument D. discussion 35. A. champion B. crisis C. record D. history 36. A. youth B. elder C. society D. adults 37. A. ambition B. idea C. health D. wealth 38. A. wait B. pause C. stay D. patience 39. A. praised B. accepted C. received D. founded 40. A. ceremony B. parade C. celebration D. program


第一节:阅读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选项〔A、B、C和D〕中选出最正确选项。 〔A〕

The world is not coming to an end on December 21, 2018, the US space agency

insisted Monday in a rare campaign to dispel widespread rumors (谣言) fueled by the Internet and a new Hollywood movie.

The latest big screen offering from Sony Picture, 2018, arrives in theatres on Friday, with a 200-million-dollar production about the end of the world supposedly based on myths (虚构的故事) backed by the Mayan calendar (日历). It is claimed that the end of time will come as a Planet X---or Nibiru---heads toward or collides (相撞) with the earth.

Some websites accuse NASA of hiding the truth on the planet’s existence, but the US space agency denounced such stories as an “Internet hoax (恶作剧)”. “There is no factual basis for these claims,” NASA said in a question-and-answer posting on its website. “If such a collision were real, astronomers would have been tracking it for at least the past decade, and it would be visible by now to the naked eye. Obviously it does not exist. Credible scientists worldwide know of no threat associated with 2018,” it insisted. “After all, our planet has been getting along just well for more than four billion years,” added NASA.

There is another planet, Eris, floating in space. But the small planet similar to Pluto will remain safely fixed in the outer solar system and it can come no closer than four billion miles to the Earth, according to NASA.

Initial theories set the disaster for May 2003, but when nothing happened the date was moved forward to the winter in 2018 to coincide with the end of a cycle of the ancient Mayan calendar.

NASA insisted the Mayan calendar in fact does not end on December 21, 2018, as another period begins immediately afterward.

And even if the planets were to line up as some have forecast, the effect on our planet would be “negligible”, NASA said.

“And while comets and asteroids (小行星) have always hit the Earth, big hits are very rare,” NASA noted. The last major impact was believed to be 65 million years ago, resulting in the end of dinosaurs.

“We have already determined that there are no threatening asteroids as large as the one that killed the dinosaurs,” the space agency said. 41. ____ played a key role in the spread of the rumors.

A. A new book B. The Internet and a new Hollywood movie C. NASA B. An Indian calendar 42. We can infer that ____.

A. people didn’t take the rumor seriously B. Planet X---or Nibiru does exist

C. astronomers have been tracking Planet X for over ten years D. the rumor caused a panic among some people 43. NASA thinks that Eris ____.

A. might pose a threat to the Earth B. doesn’t pose any threat to the Earth C. is too far away to be visible D. is similar to our planet, where life might exist

44. Which of the following is the best title?

A. New Hollywood movie 2018 B. December 21, 2018, Not the end of the world