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(2019·南通七市模拟)Australian magpies can understand what other birds are saying to each other, a new study has found.

The research, published in the journal Animal Behaviour, says the magpie has learned the meanings of different noisy miner calls and essentially eavesdrops (偷听) to find out which predators (食肉动物) are near.

Noisy miners — a small, native honeyeater — have different warning calls for ground-based and aerial (飞行的) predators. By playing both kinds of recording to a series of wild magpies, researchers observed the magpies raising their beaks (喙) to the sky, or dropping their heads to the ground.

Researchers attracted the magpies with cheese, then played the noisy miner calls, videotaping the results.

As a control, they also rolled a large orange ball towards the magpies to see how they ordinarily tilted (倾斜) their beaks to ground threats, and threw the ball to see how they reacted to aerial threats.

The researchers recorded an average maximum beak angle of 29 degrees for the thrown ball, and an average maximum of nine degrees when it was rolled.

The miners' aerial warning caused an average maximum beak angle of 31 degrees, and the ground warning caused an average maximum of 24.

One of the study's authors, Dominique Potvin, said the magpies showed an astonishing level of insight.

Magpies and miners broadly face the same types of predators and the two frequently live in the same ecosystem.

Potvin said this had encouraged the magpies' learned behaviour.

“Magpies are generally found on the ground and noisy miners are generally found up in trees. It pays for the magpie to pay attention to somebody who has a better view of predators than they do.”

She said it was unclear whether other birds could do the same, but it was highly likely other magpies around Australia already did.

“Magpies are a pretty smart group. We're not sure if they're learning this from other magpies or if they're figuring it out on their own, but the ability is there.”

As part of the experiment, researchers also played a third call: a common, non-warning call from a crimson rosella. They found the magpies did not respond.

Potvin said that we had been actively exploring animal cognition (认知) research.“It's a good piece of the puzzle,” Potvin said.“Looking at the social relationships between species that live in




1.What have the researchers found about Australian magpies?

A.They can understand other bird calls. B.They can communicate with noisy miners. C.They have a special preference for cheeses. D.They have the ability to warn the predators.

解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“the magpie has learned the meanings of different noisy minercalls”可知,喜鹊能理解其他鸟类的叫声。 2.How did the researchers get their findings?

A.By calculating the beak angles of aerial and ground predators. B.By comparing the magpie and the miner responses to threats. C.By monitoring the magpie responses to the miner warning calls. D.By recording the magpie louder scream for other birds' attention.

解析:选C 细节理解题。第四至七段中,研究人员通过定量研究,先研究喜鹊平时的喙是怎么倾斜的,再与掘穴鸟有叫声时候的反应进行监控、对比,获得了研究结果。 3.The magpies' cognition can help them ________.

A.have a better view of the predators than the miners B.better protect themselves from the potential threats C.cooperate with other birds to drive away the predators D.live in harmony with other birds in the same ecosystem

解析:选B 细节理解题。根据倒数第五段第二句“It pays for the magpie to pay attention to somebody who has a better view of predators than they do.”可知,喜鹊关注能够更好地观察捕食者的掘穴鸟有利于保护自身的安全。所以喜鹊的认知能力能更好地保护自己免受潜在威胁。

4.We can learn from the passage that ________.

A.the magpies are smart learners of other birds' behaviour B.it's likely that other birds have developed the same ability C.the findings have clarified the relationships between species D.a lot more remains to be explored about animal cognition

解析:选D 推理判断题。 根据最后一段的内容,尤其是第一句“we had been actively exploring animal cognition (认知) research.‘It's a good piece of the puzzle’”可知人类一直都在探索动物的认知能力,这是一个很好的未知。由此可见关于动物的认知能力至今还是




(2019·苏、锡、常、镇模拟)Alarming headlines suggest one in four teenage girls in the UK are self-harming, motivated by sex discrimination and pressures to look good in a selfie (自拍) society. These stories come from a report by UK charity The Children's Society, based on an ongoing survey of 11,000 children aged 14. Among the girls, 22 per cent said they had self-harmed while boys 9 per cent.

But while the term self-harm improves images of teenagers cutting themselves, that may, thankfully, be only the most extreme end of a broader range. In this survey, participants were merely asked if they had “hurt themselves on purpose in any way”.

Some could have answered yes for things like punching (击拳) a wall in dissatisfaction or deliberately getting falling-down drunk. Others could have thought the question included mental hurt. Such self-destructive behaviour would naturally be of concern to parents, but wouldn't be that unusual for teenagers. Max Davie, a health promotion officer, does believe that self-harm among teens is somewhat on the rise — but thinks the question in this survey was not specific enough to reveal its real universality.

The latest headlines join an ongoing account about a mental health crisis in today's youth. Some blame cutbacks in social services, while others point to a loosening of sexual standards putting teens at risk. For those cautious of new technologies, it is social media or the latest popular computer games.

But such reports also deserve some skepticism. Claims of high rates of depression are usually based on surveys with very loose, non-medical criteria. Thankfully, clinical depression is still rare in this age group.

In fact, a different and regularly repeated survey has found no change in 11-to-15-year-olds' happiness with life as a whole between 1995 and 2016. Nor did their satisfaction with their appearance change, which makes it strange to blame the selfie culture for the apparent self-harm increase. This survey, called Understanding Society, even found improvement in happiness with family and schoolwork over that period. These more optimistic findings were also in the latest Children's Society report but were buried at the bottom of their press release.

Davie thinks the rise in self-harm may not be due to a rise in unhappiness, but simply that this age group now sees self-harm as a more culturally acceptable way to express extreme sufferings.“It may be that previously people didn't know that this was something you could do. If people are talking about something and normalizing it, it's probably more likely that their peers will do it.”

If that is the case, it is all the more reason not to make self-harm seem more common than it really is.


5.In response to the survey reported by The Children's Society, the author believes ________.


A.the survey is unscientific as it asked very specific questions B.the self-destructive behavior for teens is worrying to parents C.the number of self-harming teens is alarming because of selfies D.the images of teens' self-harm are becoming more specific

解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“Such self-destructive behaviour would naturally be of concern to parents, but wouldn't be that unusual for teenagers.”可知,这种自我毁灭性的行为自然会引起父母的关注,但对于青少年来说也不算罕见。

6.What does Max Davie think of self-harm among teenagers?

A.The situation is too worrying. B.The rise is somewhat beneficial. C.The problem is actually widespread. D.The phenomenon is not so universal.

解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“Max Davie, a health promotion officer, does believe that self-harm among teens is somewhat on the rise — but thinks the question in this survey was not specific enough to reveal its real universality.”可知麦克斯·戴维(Max Davie)确实认为青少年的自我伤害有所上升,但认为本次调查中的问题不够具体,无法揭示其真正的普遍性。

7.What can we know from the survey called Understanding Society?

A.Teenagers in the past lived a happier life.

B.Selfie culture is responsible for the increase of self-harm. C.There is no connection between self-harm and selfie. D.With selfie teenagers are more satisfied with their appearance.

解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第六段的内容,特别是第二句“Nor did their satisfaction with their appearance change, which makes it strange to blame the selfie culture for the apparent self-harm increase.”可知,从1995到2016,青少年的幸福感整体并没有太大变化,他们对自己外貌的满意度也没有发生变化,所以说把自残这一现象的增长归因到自拍文化是很奇怪的。

8.The last two paragraphs mainly imply that ________.

A.self-harm results from too much pressure B.self-harm is the result of social development C.teens need correct guidance from the outside D.teens should avoid following peers' examples

解析:选C 推理判断题。根据最后两段的内容,尤其是倒数第二段第一句“Davie thinks the rise in self-harm may not be due to a rise in unhappiness, but simply that this age group now sees