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interests is through the single factor of tax burden directly reflected, and financial expenses index is the key of the analysis. The rationality of the assets structure cannot leave the financial cost indicators of guidance. Capital of a limited number of cases in the enterprise, the enterprise can have the most to gain from at the lowest cost is the sign of corporate capital structure is reasonable. The quality of corporate profits is also associated with interest expense. 3 The DuPont financial analysis theory 3.1 Factor analysis method

Factor analysis method, also called index factor analysis method, is the overall change in the statistical index is used to things method to evaluate the impact of different reasons, mainly divided into fixed base substitution method, index decomposition method, the difference analysis method with serial alternative methods. As one of the subordinate application of multivariate statistical analysis, factor analysis method is a good practical method of statistical analysis. In this way, can a set of more able to reflect things characteristics, status and nature of the variables are simplified into a few can decide things fundamental characteristics, embodies the inherent things, the nature of the internal variables, and use this a few interrelated variables on economic indicators or analysis of the impact of financial indicators. This kind of analysis method is the key, when there are multiple factors to the object of study, assuming that other factors are constant, according to the changes in order to determine the individual factors to study the effect of the object. 3.2 Ratio analysis

Ratio analysis method is a more important key data from the annual report, the ratio of the various data and comparison, thus for the company's history and an analysis of the present situation and the level of sales methods, it is essential to the evaluation of the financial situation strategy, possibly through the ratio of the two key data in the annual report, the company's operating results and financial condition. Due to the differences of financial analysis of the ultimate goal, different analysts, including government agencies, the emphasis of the management institution, creditors rely on also has very big difference. For stock investment, grasp and use good turnover ratio, growth levels, and ability of debt repayment ratio and profitability ratios these indicators is more important. 3.3 Trend analysis method

Trend analysis method, also known as the method of level analysis, comparative analysis method, this is a kind of the annual report of the various financial information extracted, the same ratio of multiple consecutive compared with key indicators to sequential or calm base contrast, access to these key indicators change amplitude and trend, to the company's cash flow change trend, the operating and financial situation clearly reflected a financial analysis method. When using the trend analysis method research on the company, usually need to compare to the annual report and prepare. By using the trend analysis method, can hold a company's financial change trend, so as to provide a basis for the prediction of the company's future financial condition. 3.4 DuPont financial analysis system

DuPont financial analysis system from the perspective of financial performance

of the company, equity returns ability and profitability analysis of the classical method. The idea of this method is to a company's return on equity is expressed as a number of key financial indicators of multiplication, thus more systematic study of the company's operations. In order to more comprehensive to analyze the company's operating results and financial status, need multiple influences each other key indicators to the level of profitability, debt repayment ability and operation level were analyzed systematically. DuPont financial model is adopted the inherent connection between several important financial indexes, to evaluate a company's financial situation. The system centered on net earnings ratio data, through the evaluation of the level of profitability, solvency, to build a balance sheet and income statement such as a number of key financial data analysis system. DuPont financial analysis System (DuPont financial analysis System) through the inherent connection between several key financial data, to evaluate the company's financial situation and the method, it is a kind of from the perspective of financial performance of the company, equity returns ability and profitability evaluation method of classic. The idea of this method is to a company's return on equity is expressed as a number of key financial indicators of multiplication, thus more systematic study of the company's operations. 译文


McGowan J



关键词:杜邦财务分析;盈利能力;净资产收益率 1 引言


果全面的反映出来,只能反映出一个方面。所以,就需要一个综合的财务指标对企业的财务状况进行一个整体的反映,与此同时还必须把各个有联系的指标结合起来,然后再运用一定的方法对企业的财务状况和经营成果进行全面深入的研究,而这个特定的方法就是综合分析方法。 2 研究综述

1919 年,美国杜邦公司的皮埃尔·杜邦(Pierre DuPont)和唐纳森·布朗(Donaldson Brown)制定出了杜邦财务分析体系(DuPont System),这种体系是以净资产的收益率指标为基础,在经过一部分一部分的分解,最终对财务分析指标实现有机结合。净资产收益率指标就是杜邦财务分析体系的核心,销售净利润乘以总资产的周转率和权益的结果就是净资产收益率,凭借从上往下地对关键指标进行分解,将公司的盈利能力、营运能力、债偿能力等各种财务能力之间的关联更加清楚地体现出来,它广泛的被运用于实际评估当中,但是实际上很少的国外学者深入的研究它,更别说改进它的方法,对它的理论进行完善和对它进行实践研究了,那简直是屈指可数。

帕利普就任于美国哈佛大学,在《企业分析与评价》一书中提出了可持续增长率,并将其作为杜邦财务分析体系的变形和补充,构建了“帕利普财务分析体系”。这其中的过程就是层层分解财务指标的过程,这种分析方法实际上就是多了一个对股利支付率的考虑因素,但是没有什么大的效果。亚力克斯·凯恩(Alex Kane)是加利福尼亚大学的教授、滋维·博迪是美国波士顿大学的教授,他们联合波士顿学院艾伦·J·马库斯(Alan·J·Marcus)教授(2003)在《投资学精要》的书籍中认真的分析了杜邦财务分析体系的五个因素,它把原本的杜邦分析体系的“三要素”经过研究之后细化成“五因素”,(完整译文请到百度文库)将