(名师整理)最新英语冲刺中考“抗击新冠疫情”热点专题《选词填空题》精讲精练(含答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章(名师整理)最新英语冲刺中考“抗击新冠疫情”热点专题《选词填空题》精讲精练(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读6e44897e473610661ed9ad51f01dc281e53a56e7







? coronavirus日冕形病毒,冠状病毒 approving赞成的; 同意的; 赞成; 同意; 批准,通过; 认可; 核准; approve的现在分词 ? ? noting注意; 留意; 指出; 特别提到; note的现在分词 clinical trials临床试验; clinical trial的复数 on average基本上; 大体上; 平均起来; 按平均值 SARS严重急性呼吸道综合征,(全写为severe acute respiratory syndrome,通称非典型肺炎,是可致命的传染病)

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The European Medicines Agency predicted that there could be drugs to treat the new coronavirus in the next few months. The organization added that a vaccine might be approved in early 2021.

Dr. Marco Cavaleri heads the European regulator's vaccines department. He said Thursday that approving medicines to treat COVID-19 might be 1 \current clinical trials.

A 2 study in the United States suggested that the drug remdesivir could help patients recover 3 the coronavirus faster. Patients who received remdesivir recovered on average four days4 than those who got the usual care. Earlier, animal studies showed remdesivir was effective against SARS and MERS,


two diseases also caused by coronaviruses. It helped5 infection and some symptoms when given early enough in the disease process.

In France, a group of hospitals reported6 with use of another drug, Actemra, against COVID-19. In a study of 129 coronavirus patients, 65 were treated with the drug 7 the other patients received the usual care. The doctors did not release details, but said they were 8 to publish results. Actemra is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases.

Doctors around the world are also trying a treatment for infections that is about 100 years old: giving blood plasma from recovered patients to sick ones. Plasma is the yellowish liquid part of blood. The blood from former patients is 9 with protein molecules that fight infection. These molecules can help survivors 10 COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. Part2: 重点词汇

? World Health Organization世界卫生组织 3

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Developing a vaccine

On Monday, the World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said there are around seven or eight \candidates for a vaccine to combat COVID-19. He added1 on the vaccines is being accelerated and helped with an additional $8 billion by 40 countries.

It usually 2 years to develop a vaccine. But Cavaleri said that if some of the vaccines already being tested prove to be


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