查莉成长日记中英台词对照版segoodluckcharlie 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章查莉成长日记中英台词对照版segoodluckcharlie更新完毕开始阅读6afadf158ad63186bceb19e8b8f67c1cfbd6ee41

好了 老公 这是Charlie的生活安排 It tells you when to feed her, 这上面写着什么时候喂她

When to change her and when to put her down. 什么时候换尿布 什么时候睡觉 Sweetheart, would you relax? 宝贝 放轻松

Big daddy's got this all under control. 一切尽在全能老爹的掌控之中呢

Okay, just because that's on your barbecue apron 好了 不要以为你的烧烤围裙上写着全能老爹 Doesn't make it true. 你就真当自己全能了 Now if charlie gets fussy, 如果Charlie哭闹了

her rubber ducky will calm her down. 她的橡胶鸭子可以让她安静下来

They're all over the place. Please be careful-- 它们到处都是 拜托你小心点

- They're all over the place. - Honey... - 它们到处都是 - 亲爱的

You seem to forget I was fully involved 你似乎忘记了我已经事无巨细地 in the raising of three kids. 养育了三个孩子

Oh, yeah? When's my birthday? 哦 是吗 我生日是什么时候

- July twelfth. - November twenty third. - 5月12号 - 11月23号 Got it. 记住了

Good luck, Charlie. 祝你好运 Charlie Mwah! Bye. 拜拜 Bye. 拜拜

Hey, dad? 嗨 爸爸

- Yeah? - I have a homework question. - 什么事 - 我有个家庭作业的问题问你 Okay, fire away. 好吧 说吧

Can the average human lick his own armpit?

一般人能舔到自己的腋窝吗 - Yeah. - Thanks. - 可以 - 谢了

So what was that, like a science question? 那是什么作业 科学问题吗 Nope. 不是

I'll get it. I'll get it. 我来开门 我来开门

I'll get it. Nobody else get it! 我来开门 其他人都不许碰 - Hi. - Hi.

- 你好 - 你好 Hi! 好啊

I'm Teddy's dad. 我是Teddy的爸爸 Nice to meet you, sir. 很高兴见到你 先生

Uh, Spencer and I are studying 嗯 Spencer和我要学习了

- for our biology test tomorrow. - Are you, now? - 我们得准备明天的生物测验 - 真的吗

Yes. yes, we are, so can everyone please leave? 是的 没错 所以请大家都离开好吗 Not you. 除了你

- Teddy. - Yeah? - Teddy - 什么事

I thought your mom said no study date. 我记得你妈说过今天不许学习约会的 Yeah, at the library. 是啊 不能在图书馆 Oh, right. 哦 是的

Okay, so then you've talked to her about this? 那么你和她说了在家里学习的事吗 Of course I did. 我当然说了

I mean, I'm-- I'm pretty sure I did. 我的意思是 我 我非常确定我说过了 It's just I talk to so many different people 只不过我每天和那么多人

about so many different things.


Why is there a giant bug in your house? 你们家为什么要摆个这么巨大的虫子在这 That, my friend, 朋友 那个

is the jerusalem cricket, 叫做沙螽

Better known to the layman as the potato bug. 外行通常管它叫马铃薯瓢虫

- I'm an exterminator. - Here we go. - 我是个害虫专家 - 又来了

Hey, have you seen my ad on local cable-- 嗨 你看过我在本地有线电视台做的广告吗 \“Bob赶走了所有害虫”

Yeah, how do we make Bob be gone? 是吗 我们怎么才能赶走Bob

Okay. you've got homework to do. 好吧 你们要做家庭作业 I've got a diaper to change. 我也要去换尿布了 Hers-- not mine. 给她换 不是我 I ain't that old!

我还没老到那地步呢 I'm gonna be upstairs. 我还是上楼去吧

- Gabe-- out. - Okay, fine. - Gabe 出去 - 好吧 知道了

But when's that hot guy getting here? 不过那个帅哥什么时候才会来啊 Out! 出去

- Kids. - Yeah.

- 真是小孩子 - 嗯

Oh man, I left my book at school. 哦 惨了 我把书忘在学校了

Oh, that's okay, we can just share mine. 没关系 我们看一本就行 - Is that okay? - Perfect. - 可以吗 - 正合我意 Good, 很好

Cause I'm all about the learnin'.


- Let me just grab a pencil. - Oh yeah, I might have one. - 我去拿根铅笔 - 哦 我有一根 I think I left my pencils at school. 我想我的铅笔忘在学校了 Me too. 我也是

Ladies and gentlemen! 女士们 先生们 PJ and the Vibe! 有请PJ和感应乐队

Wow, sounds like you live right next door

哇 听起来像是你就住在那个古怪的小子PJ的隔壁啊 to that weird PJ kid.

哇 听起来像是你就住在那个古怪的小子PJ的隔壁啊 Hmm. Yeah, he's not next door. 嗯 不过他不在隔壁 He's downstairs... 他在楼下

And he's my brother. 而且他是我哥哥

Oh! oh, I'm-- I'm sorry. 哦 哦 不好意思哈 Yeah, me too. 我也是

Wait wait wait! stop stop! 等下 等下 等下 停 停

Emmett, you were supposed to open with the downbeat. Emmett 开头的时候你该用强拍的 Dude, I'm percussion,

伙计 我演奏的是打击乐器 Let me \你得让我“打击”

For crying out loud, guys! 拜托了 两位 What's up? 什么事

Can you please turn it down? We're trying to study. 你们能小声点吗 我们正在学习呢

No can do, sis. There's only one level in rock 'n' roll. 不能 妹妹 在摇滚乐里只有一种境界 And that is loud! 那就是纵情高歌

Whoa whoa. I think we can accommodate your little sister.