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Chinese food 中式菜品

1、 汤soup

west lake beef soup 西湖牛肉羹 tomato and egg drop soup 番茄蛋花汤 chicken soup with cream corn 鸡蓉粟米羹 tripe and sour cabbage soup 肚片酸菜汤 seafood with bean cake soup 海鲜豆腐羹 watercress with pork soup 西洋菜肉汤 white gourd and eight delica-cied soup 八宝冬瓜汤 seaweed soup 紫菜汤 hot and sour soup 酸辣汤 three delicious nigredient soup 三鲜汤 spinach and bean curd soup 海鲜豆腐汤 consommé; clear soup 清汤 sizzling rice soup 锅巴汤 potage; thick soup 浓汤 wonton soup 云吞汤 beef soup 牛肉汤 chicken noodles soup 鸡面汤 vegetable soup 菜汤 vegetable and tofu soup 蔬菜豆腐汤 creamed chicken soup 奶油鸡汤 pickled cabbage and pork soup 榨菜肉丝汤


shredded pork with hot spicy sauce 鱼香肉丝 roast pork in garlic sauce 鱼香叉烧 sweet and sour pork 咕噜肉 roast pork ni sa cha sauce 沙茶叉烧 Beijing style pork spareribs 京都排骨 roast pork in curry sauce 咖哩叉烧 spicy salty pork apareribs 椒盐排骨 shredded pork in Beijing sauce 京都肉丝 moo shu pork (with 4 pancakes) 木须肉 shredded pork in garlic sauce 鱼香肉丝 BBQ pork with snow peas 雪豆叉烧 double cooked pork 回锅肉

steamed pork cake with preserved vegetables 榨菜蒸肉饼 braised pork 红烧扣肉 steamed pork cake with salted fish 咸鱼蒸肉饼 red -cooked pork 红烧肉 steamed pork cake with salted egg 咸蛋蒸肉饼 sweet -sour pork 糖醋肉

steam or braised spareribs with black bean sauce 豉汁排骨 meat balls 肉丸子 roast pork with season vegetable 时菜叉烧

3、鸡肉类chicken golden fried chicken 金牌炸子鸡 diced chicken 'Sichuan' style 宫保鸡丁 baked salty chicken 客家盐炬鸡 chicken with walnuts 核桃鸡丁 chicken in oyster sauce 蚝油鸡 steamed chopping chicken 清蒸滑鸡 poached chicken with soy sauce 豉油鸡 braised chicken 焖鸡 chicken in garlic sauce 鱼香鸡 chicken in hoi sin sauce 酱爆鸡丁 chicken in sa cha sauce 沙茶鸡 boneless chicken 无骨鸡 chicken in curry sauce 咖哩鸡 sesame chicken 芝麻鸡 chicken with cashew nuts 腰果鸡 lemon chicken 柠檬鸡 chicken with almonds 杏仁鸡 moo shu chicken 木须鸡

chicken with mushrooms 蘑菇鸡片 fried crispy chicken 炸子鸡 five taste chicken (big chunks of boneless chicken ,fried brown ,sauce, with ginger, scallions in special hot sauce 五味鸡


beef with broccoli 芥兰牛肉 beef in garlic sauce 鱼香牛肉 beef with Chinese cabbage 白菜牛肉 beef in sha cha sauce 沙茶牛肉 beef with asparagus 芦笋牛肉 beef in curry sauce 咖哩牛肉 beef with black bean sauce 豆豉牛肉 pepper steak with onions 青椒牛肉 beef in oyster sauce 蚝油牛肉 beef with scallions 酱爆牛肉


shrimp in black bean sauce 豆豉虾 steamed turtle 炖甲鱼 shrimp in oyster sauce 蚝油虾 steamed rock -cod 清蒸石斑 shrimp in sa cha sauce 沙茶虾 shrimp in curry sauce 咖哩虾 sizzling jumbo shrimp 铁板虾 boiled fresh oyster 白灼生蚝 shrimp with cashew nuts 腰果虾仁 boiled clams 白灼大蚬 crispy shrimp 脆皮虾 scallops in chili sauce 干烧干贝 squid with ginger and scallions 姜葱鱿鱼 scallops in sa cha sauce 沙茶干贝 shark's fins soup with crab roe 酱粉鱼翅 fish maw with crab meat 蟹粉鱼肚 shark's fins with clear soup 清汤鱼翅 abalone slices with oyster sauce蚝汁鲍鱼片 braised abalone with chicken wing 机翼鲍鱼片 braised fish lips with oyster oil 蚝油鱼唇 shark's fins with clear soup 清汤鱼翅 abalone slices with oyster sauce蚝汁鲍鱼片 braised abalone with chicken wing 机翼鲍鱼片 braised fish lips with oyster oil 蚝油鱼唇 fried sliced whelk 白灼螺片 beche -de -mer with fish balls 鱼圆海参 stewed scallop with fresh mushrooms 鲜菇烧干贝 steamed cat-fish with black bean sauce 豉汁蒸塘虱

sauté fresh oyster with ginger and green onions 姜葱生蚝 stewed beche -de -mer with shrimp cells 虾子海参

teamed thick abalone and shark's fins with chicken soup 鸡汁鲍鱼鱼翅 fish maw with balls of shrimp fish and minced pork 三鲜鱼肚 braised beche-de-mer with brown sauce 红烧海参


roasted Beijing duck 北京烤鸭 minced quail 五香鹌鹑 crispy fried duck 香酥鸭 bird's nests ni clear soup 清汤燕窝 stewed duck with bean sauce 酱鸭 bird's nests with mashed chicken 鸡蓉燕窝 steamed dried duck 蒸腊鸭 fried shrimps with scrambled eggs 虾仁炒蛋 Nanjing salted duck 南京咸板鸭 egg rolls stuffed with minced pork 猪肉蛋卷 Roasted goose 烧鹅 grilled young pigeon 铁扒乳鸽 braised duck ni clear soup 清炖鸭 baked pigeon 烘鸽 winter mushroom with green cabbage 冬菇菜心 spoced goose wing tips and webfeet 卤水鹅翼 braised bean curd with mixed vegetable 素什锦豆腐 bean curd stuffed with minced pork 酿豆腐

Western Food Menu 西餐菜单

1、冷盘(cold dishes) ham and sausage 火腿香肠 assorted cold meat 什锦冷盘 cold ham 凉火腿 seafood cocktail 海鲜杯 prawn cocktail 大虾杯

crab cocktail 蟹肉杯


vegetable combination salad 什锦色拉 tomato and egg salad 番茄蛋色拉 chicken salad 鸡肉色拉

3、汤(Soup) clear soup 清汤 julienne 肉汁蔬菜汤 pottage 肉菜浓汤 chicken cream soup 鸡蓉奶油汤 beef tea 牛肉茶 ox tail soup 牛尾汤 mutton barely soup 羊肉大麦汤 ham and macaroni cream soup 火腿通心粉奶油汤 cream abalone soup 奶油鲍鱼汤

4、鱼虾海鲜类(Fish, Prawns and Sea Food) fish cutlet 吉利鱼 steamed fish 蒸鱼 fish au cretin 烙奶酪鱼 fried pomfret 炸鲳鱼 smoked pomfret ,tartar sauce 炸鲳鱼配淡奶油 baked pomfret in butter 牛油烘鲳鱼 deviled crab 炒蟹 fried crab meat on toast 蟹肉吐司

5、牛肉类(Beef) roasted beef 烧牛肉 roasted beef fillet 烧嫩牛肉 shredded beef 俄国牛肉丝 beef steak 牛排 fillet steak 腓利牛排 T-bone steak T 型骨牛排 sirloin steak 腰肉牛排 beef cutlet 吉利牛排 braised ox tongue and red wine 红酒烩牛舌


chicken liver cocktail 鸡肝杯 sardines 沙丁鱼 caviar 鱼子酱 corn beef 咸牛肉 cold corned ox tongue


shrimps salad 虾色拉 assorted meat salad 什锦肉色拉

noodle clear soup 面条汤 Russian pottage soup 俄国浓汤 oyster soup 牡蛎汤 onion soup 洋葱清汤 mushroom consommé 蘑菇清汤 cream with mushroom soup奶油蘑菇汤tomato soup 番茄汤 Bisque de Homard 龙虾浓汤 tomato soup 番茄汤

bouillabaisse 法国炖鱼 fried eel 煎鳝鱼 fried prawns 煎明虾 prawns cutlet 吉利大虾 prawns a la vreme 奶油烩大虾 fried oyster 炸牡蛎 crab meat a la newbury 白烩蟹肉 prawn a la newbury 白烩大虾

beef steak curried 咖哩牛排 grilled veal 铁牌牛肉仔 Hamburg steak 汉堡牛肉饼 beef goulash 菜烩牛舌 ox tongue curried 咖理牛舌 beef steak with onion 洋葱牛排 grilled ox liver 铁牌牛肝 ox liver and brown sauce 红烩牛肝

ham sliced 火腿片 roasted pork chop 烧猪排 barbecue sparerib 烤猪排骨 stewed pork chop ,brown sauce 红烩猪排 dried fried pork chop 椒盐猪排

7、羊肉类(Mutton) stewed mutton 烩羊腿 roast lamb 烧羔羊肉 roasted mutton 烧羊腿 mutton chops 羊排 roasted leg of mutton 烤羊腿

8、鸡鸭鹅类(Chicken ,Ducks, Geese)

roast chicken/duck/goose 烧鸡(烤鸡/鸭/鹅) boiled chicken 煮鸡 steamed chicken 蒸鸡 chicken stew 煨鸡 grilled chicken 铁排鸡 boneless chicken 无骨鸡 gelatin chicken 冻鸡 chicken giblets 鸡盹肝

9、蛋类(Eggs) ham and eggs 火腿煎蛋 bacon and eggs 烟肉煎蛋 scrambled eggs 炒鸡蛋 boiled egg 煮鸡蛋 fried egg 煎鸡蛋

10、蔬菜类(Vegetables) potato 土豆 crisp 炸土豆片 sweet corn with cream sauce 奶油粟米 asparagus with cream sauce 奶油芦笋 fried green peas 炒青豆 fried tomato 煎番茄

11、面和饭(Noodles and Rice) macaroni au gratin 干酪烩通心粉 spaghetti (意大利)细面条 rice curry 咖哩饭 baked macaroni with chicken and ham 火腿鸡烙通心粉 beef steak with onion and rice 洋葱牛排饭 chicken sauce spaghetti 茄汁鸡丝面

fried rice with mixed meat and eggs 什锦蛋炒饭 cooked rice/boiled rice 饭 porridge 麦片粥

fried pork chop French style 法国猪排

pork chop curried 咖哩猪排 pork chop cutlet 吉利猪排 pig's feet in jelly 猪脚冻 asparagus and ham 冻腿芦笋

roasted spring chicken

炸童子鸡 fried chicken meat cake 煎鸡肉饼 chicken curried 咖哩鸡 mushroom chicken 冬菇鸡 chicken cutlet 吉利鸡 chicken a la king 奶油鸡 roasted turkey 烤火鸡

ham omelet 火腿蛋卷 bacon omelet 烟肉蛋卷 shrimp omelet 鲜虾蛋卷 poached egg toast 菠蛋吐司 minced meat omelet 肉末蛋卷

tomato stew 煨番茄 slaw 卷心菜 radish 萝卜头 beet-root 甜菜根 cucumber 黄瓜 mixed vegetable 什锦蔬菜

chicken curried with rice 咖哩鸡饭

ham and eggs with rice 火腿炒饭 mush 玉米粥

Main Festivals 中西方重要传统节日

New Year's Day

Valentine's Day Lantern Festival Carnival Peach Flower Festival International Women 's Day St .Patrick's Day Maple Sugar Festival Fool's Day Easter Songkran Festival International Labor's Day Boy's Day Mother 's Day Lesser Bairam International Children's Day Father 's Day Dragon Boat Festival Mid-summer Day Corban Chopsticks Day Mid-Autumn Festival Teacher's Day Old People 's Day Oktoberfest Pumpkin Day Halloween Hallowmas Thanksgiving Christmas Eve Christmas Day /X 'mas Day Boxing Day New Year's Eve Spring Festival


情人节 元宵节 阴历 狂欢节(巴西) 桃花节(日本的女孩) 国际妇女节 圣帕特里克节(爱尔兰) 枫糖节(加拿大) 愚人节 复活节 宋干节(泰国) 国际劳动节 男孩节(日本) 母亲节 开斋节/拜兰节 国际儿童节 父亲节 端午节 仲夏节 古尔邦节(伊斯兰节日) 筷子节(日本) 中秋节 教师节 敬老节(日本) 啤酒节(德国) 南瓜节(北美) 鬼节 万圣节 感恩节(美国) 圣诞夜 圣诞节 节礼日 新年除夕 春节

1月1日 2月14日 1月15日 2月中、下旬 3月3日 3月8日 3月17日 3-4月 4月1日

春分月圆后第一个星期日 泰历新年4月13日 5月1日 5月5日



6月的第3个星期天 阴历5月5日 北欧6月 7月下旬 8月4日

阴历8月15日 9月10日 9月15日 9-10月 10月31日

万圣节除夕,10月31日夜) 11月1日

11月的最后一个星期四 12月24日 12月25日 12月26日 12月31日 阴历1月1日