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Flour & Dim sum 面食&中式点心

rice 大米 steamed stuffed bun 馒头 dumpling 饺子 porridge/congee 粥 rice glue ball 元宵 glue pudding 汤圆 steamed stuffed meat bun 肉包 pasta 意式面条 rice noodle 米粉 steamed stuffed bun with red bean paste


noodles steamed stuffed rolls pan-fried pot sticker wonton sweet dumpling instant noodles vegetarian bun macaroni

面条 花卷 锅贴 馄饨 元宵 方便面 素包 通心粉


millet congee 小米粥 mixed congee 八宝粥 rice congee 大米粥 maize gruel 玉米粥 pure congee 白粥 asmpan congee 艇仔粥 pork giblets congee 及第粥 pork W/preserved egg congee皮蛋瘦肉粥

abalone filet congee 鲍鱼粥 cod filet congee 鱼片粥 beef W/raw egg congee 窝蛋牛肉粥 earthen pot congee 砂锅粥 seafood earthen pot congee海鲜粥 rice congee 稀饭 gruel 糊


fired rice 炒 beef steak W/onion rice

steamed rice in earthen pot煲仔饭 fired rice, Yangzhou style扬州炒饭 chicken rice, Hainan style海南鸡饭

barbecued pork W/salted egg rice叉烧咸蛋饭

assorted preserved meat with steamed rice in earthen pot腊味饭


Fun & Noodle粉、面

chow fun/fried rice noodle炒河粉 seafood chow mein 海鲜炒面 beef chow fen 干炒牛河 tong mein /noodle soup 汤面 beef chop suey 牛肉杂碎面 bee with tender greens chow fun 菜远牛河 rice noodle roll 肠粉 wonton noodles 馄饨面 low mein / braised noodle 捞面 chow mein /fried noodle 炒面 super noodles 精面条 cold noodles 凉面 instant noodles 方便面 instant noodles with assorted dices汆卤面

noodles with soup W/ minced pork and winter bamboo shoots冬笋肉丝面 rice noodle roll W/supreme shrimp游水鲜虾肠 Singapore chow silver noodle星洲炒米粉

low mein W/hot minced meat sauce炸酱捞面

noodles with sesame paste and pea担担面

Pastry ,Dim Sum& Sweet Soup糕饼点心、糖水

steamed stuffed bun 馒头 steamed con bread 窝窝头 steamed stuffed bun 包子 stuffed dumpling 饺子 lightly fired dumpling 锅贴 shrimp dumpling 虾饺 pea flour cake 豌豆黄 scallion cake 葱油饼 sesame seeds cake 烧饼 meat pie 馅饼 crisp cake 酥饼 sweet walnut paste 核桃酥 fried shredded pancake 炒饼 thin pancake 烙饼 jujube 枣泥饼 moon cake 月饼 spring roll 春卷 fired spring roll 炸春卷 deep-fried twised dough sticks油条

rice dumpling wrapped in reed leaves粽子 steamed rolls with coconut shreds椰丝卷

compote of gingko nuts and lotus seeds白果莲子 sweet dumpling made of glutinous rice flour元宵 compote of sliver fimgis and lotus seeds银耳莲心 sweet tender bean curd with mixed fruit什锦豆腐花 steamed dumpling with dough gathered at the top烧卖 compote of gingko nuts with cassis blossoms桂花白果

frittered crispy spring roll 脆皮春卷 steamed twisted roll 花卷 fired roll 炸花卷 sizzling rice 锅巴 wonton 馄饨 steamed dumpling 蒸饺 chicken puff 鸡粒千层酥 water-chestnut jelly 水磨马蹄糕 toffee apple 拔丝苹果 toffee banana 拔丝香蕉 green bean puree 冰糖绿豆沙 osmanthus sweet lotus root桂花糖藕 water-melon compote 西瓜盅 crab-apple jelly 山楂冻 almond junket 杏仁豆腐 white fungus in milk 鲜奶雪耳 sachima 全蛋萨奇玛 milti-layer steamed bread 千层糕

Cereal 麦片

oat all bran

rice crisps

燕麦 全麦维 脆米粒

Swiss Bircher muesli corn flakes

瑞士麦片 玉米片

Eggs style 蛋类样式

sunny side up scrambled egg boiled egg

单面煎蛋 炒蛋 煮蛋

over easy poached egg omelet

双面煎蛋 荷包蛋 蛋角

Bakery & Dessert面包&甜品

bread 面包 home made bread 自制面包 croissant 牛角包 Danish pastries 丹麦包 toast 吐司 brown toast/whole wheat 全麦吐司 French bread/ baguette 法棍 doughnut 炸面包 sour bread 酸包 brown bread 棕包 hard rolls 硬包 soft rolls 软包 butter cake 黄油包 banana bread 香蕉包 brioche 啤酒包 Pastry 糕点 crust 面包皮 crumb 面包心 almond biscuit 杏仁饼干 ginger pear cake 姜汁梨饼 assorted biscuit 什锦饼干 glazed cake 玻璃蛋糕 bran-bread 麸麦面包 hazelnut cake 榛子芝士饼 brown bread 黑面包 layer cake 多层蛋糕 marble cake 朱古力饼 gingerbread 姜饼 Italian garlic bread 意式蒜味面包 pancake and honey cake 香蜜饼 rye-bread 裸麦面包 pumpernickel 粗裸麦面包 rarebit 奶酪面包 soda cracker 苏打饼干 Rusk 面包干 saltine 奶盐苏打饼干 potato chips 油炸土豆片 brioche (法)奶油鸡蛋面包 plaited bun 瓣型甜面包 chocolate ice-cream 朱古力冰淇淋 hotdog 热狗 hamburger 汉堡包 cheese burger 干酪汉堡包 vanilla ice-cream 香草冰淇淋 fish burger 鱼馅饼 vanilla and mango ice-cream香草菠萝冰淇淋 apple-sour cream cake 酸奶苹果饼 fruit jelly 果子冻 baked honey cake 蜂蜜饼 lasagna 意式宽面条 black forest cake 德式黑森林蛋糕 lasagna egg 意式鸡蛋宽面条 Cappuccino cheese cake 咖啡芝士饼 lasagna green 意式素色宽面条 cream cake 奶油蛋糕 macaroni 意式通心面 mousse 奶油冻 fruit cake 水果蛋糕 oatmeal 燕麦片,燕麦粥 popcorn 玉米花 Pattie 小馅饼 pretzel 脆饼干,椒盐卷饼 apple pie 苹果馅饼 cherry pie 樱桃馅饼 suet pudding 奶油布丁 pumpkin pie南瓜馅饼 orange pudding 桔子布丁

Norwegian cherry cream cake挪威樱桃奶油饼 fragrant orange and lemon cake香橙柠檬蛋糕 pineapple and mango ice-cream菠萝芒果冰淇淋

chocolate and green tea ice-cream朱古力绿茶冰淇淋 chocolate pudding with vanilla sauce朱古利香草布丁

coconut ,melon and straw berry ice-cream椰子蜜瓜草莓冰淇淋

chocolate ,rum ,raisin and green tea ice-cream朱古力朗姆酒提子茶冰淇淋

Cooking style 烹调样式

raw medium rare medium well undercooked soft hard strong thick tasty/delicious sweet bitter salted milder stimulant insipid crisp starchy hot rich/oily juicy marinated diced shredded fried stir-fried deep-fried scrambled roasted barbecued steamed simmered boiled in soup dried burn broth greasy stewed in water stewed out of water stewed in gravy braising with soy sauce stuffed shelled skinned scaled


三四成熟 七八成的 欠火候 嫩 作的老的 酒精度高,烈 浓的 味道好的 甜的 苦的 咸的 味淡的,不强烈的 刺激的 无味的 松脆的、易脆的 糊的 热的;辣的 腻的 多汁的 浸泡 切粒丁 切条丝 油煎 翻炒 炸 炒 烤、烘 烧烤 蒸 炖、煨(沸点以下) 煮(沸水中煮) 放汤 干的 糊了 肉汤 油腻 把食物放在水中煲 隔水炖 卤 红烧 酿入 脱壳 剥皮 刮鳞

rare medium well done overcooked tough burned light fragrant tasteless sour spiced fishy heavy pungent tender acrid in hot sauce cold iced bloody assorted sliced minced pan-fried quick-fried sautéed broiled/grilled baked braised stewed double-boiled poached preserve thin froth puree filleted scalded char quick boil twice-cooked stir-frying boned dry deep-fried soft deep-fried crisp deep-fried


五成熟 全熟 过火 老的 烧焦的

酒精度低,淡 香的 无味的 酸的 辣的 腥的 味重的 辛辣的 嫩的 涩的 干烧 冷的 冰的 有血水的 什锦的 切片 剁碎

平底锅油煎 爆炒 嫩煎 烤;扒 烤炉里烤 焖、炖

炖煲焖小火中沸煮,炖 沃 腌 清、稀 啤酒泡沫 浓汤 切柳 白灼 烧焦 汆 回锅 去骨 干炸 软炸 酥炸