全国网络教育统一考试[大学英语B] 综合练习题 第6套 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章全国网络教育统一考试[大学英语B] 综合练习题 第6套更新完毕开始阅读6ab00accfbd6195f312b3169a45177232e60e446

because \products are packages and many packages are products, \scientist studying consumers' feeling for packaging noticed.

Colors are one of the best tools in packaging. Studies of eye movement have shown that colors draw human 25 quickly. Take V8 for example. For many years, the bright red color of tomatoes and carrots on the thin bottle makes you feel that it is very good for your body. And the word \today can keep food prices 26 . 27 are another attraction. Circles often suggest happiness and peacefulness, because these shapes are 28 to both the eye and the heart. That' s 29 the round yellow M signs of McDonald' s are inviting to both young and old.

This new consumer response to the colors and shapes of packages reminds producers and sellers that people __30 to satisfy both body and soul.

21. A. that B. what C. such D. as 22. A. with B. of C. at D. on 23. A. buys B. sells C. offers D. works 24. A. show B. display C. tell D. differ 25. A. attention B. eye C. presence D. perception 26. A. to go up B. to go down C. going up D. going down 27. A. packages B. shapes C. tools D. products 28. A. pleasantly B. pleasing C. pleased D. pleasure 29. A. how B. because C. where D. why 30. A. sell B. make C. buy D. produce


1. I’m thinking about a visit to Paris. 2. What’s the time by your watch?

3. He called the doctor and made sure they would meet at five.


Instruction: 建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目用英语写一篇不少于80词的短文。 MY English Study



1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. D 阅读理解

6. B 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. C 11. C 12. D 13. C 14. A 15 .C 词汇和语法

16. D 17. D 18. A 19. D 20. D 完型填空

21. A 22. D 23. B 24. C 25. A 26. C 27. B 28. B 29. D 30. C 英译汉

1. 我想去参观下巴黎。 2. 你的表几点了?

3. 他给医生打了电话以确认5点见面。


I. 交际用语

1.May I use your credit card here? A. You can not B. No one uses it

C. I am afraid you can’t D. Who told you.

2. What is the matter? ----

A. I did not go to school

B. I have the terrible headache. C. I took the kids shopping today. D. It is the beautiful dress

3. How is your family? A. Thank you.

B. Thanks for calling C. Not too bad

D. Do not mention it

4. Sorry for having kept you waiting for so long. My car broke down. A. That is all right.


b. I do not care.

C. I can not bear it anymore. D. It is my pleasure.

5. Sorry to trouble you. A. It is a pleasure B. I do not think so.

c. No. I do not mind it at all. D. Excuse me.

II. 阅读理解 Passage One

A story is told about a soldier who was finally coming home after having fought in Vietnam. He called his parents from San Francisco. \ask. I have a friend. I'd like to bring him home with me. \

\they replied, \

\ the son continued, \the fighting. He stepped on a land mine and lost an arm and a leg. He has nowhere else to go, and I want him to live with us. \

\ But, maybe we can help him find somewhere to live. \\

\would be a terrible burden to us. We have our own lives to live, and we can' t let something like this interfere with our lives. I think you should just come home and forget about this guy. He'll find a way to live on his own.

At that point, the son hung up the phone. The parents heard nothing more from him. A few days later, however, they received a call from the San Francisco police. Their son had died after falling from a building. The police believed he had killed himself.

The grief stricken parents flew to San Francisco and was taken to the city morgue to identify the body of their son. They recognized him, but to their horror they also discovered something they didn't know, their son had only one arm and one leg.

6 The soldier called his parents from San Francisco _________ A. before going to fight in Vietnam B. after having fought in Vietnam

C. after writing a letter to his friend

D. before making his mind to stay in the army

7. The soldier told his parents that he wanted them to _________. A. meet his friend in the army

B. find a place for his wounded friend to live in C. move to San Francisco

D. agree to his plan that he would bring his wounded friend home and live with them

8. His father considered his plan __________

A. unacceptable B. wise C. useful D. selfish

9. A few days later___________

A. the parents were told by the police that their son had been sent to prison B. the parents were told by the police that their son had killed himself C. the parents heard something more from their son

D. the parents received a telegram from the San Francisco police

10. The son killed himself because__________ A. he was unable to find a job

B. his father’s words greatly disappointed him and he didn’t want to be a burden to his parent

C. his parents didn't agree to his plan D. he had lost everything in Vietnam

Passage Two

Many people believe they are supposed to drink eight glasses of water a day, or about two liters. Why? Because that is what they have been told all their life. But a new report offers some different advice. Experts say people should obey their bodies; they should drink as much water as they feel like drinking.

The report says most healthy people meet their daily needs for liquid by letting thirst be their guide. The report is from the Institute of Medicine, part of the National Academies. This organization provides scientific and technical advice to the government and the public.

The report contains some general suggestions. The experts say women should get about two-point-seven liters of water daily. Men should get about three-point-seven liters. But wait — in each case, that is more than eight glasses.

There is an important difference. The report does not tell people how many glasses of water to drink. In fact, the experts say it may be impossible to know how many glasses are needed to meet these guidelines. This is because the daily water requirement can include the water content in foods. People do not get water only by forcing themselves to drink a set number of glasses per day. People also drink fruit juices and sodas and milk. They drink coffee and tea. These all contain water.

As you might expect, the Institute of Medicine says people need to drink more water when they are physically active. The same is true of those who live in hot climates. Depending on heat and activity, people could need two times as much water as others do.

11 According to the passage, experts advise people to _______ A. drink eight glasses of water a day

B. drink as much water as they feel like drinking C. drink a glass of water after each meal

D. drink no less than eight glasses of water a day

12. Most healthy people meet their daily needs for water by drinking