2018-2019年上海市各区初三英语第一学期期末(一模)试题——阅读B篇汇编(含答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2018-2019年上海市各区初三英语第一学期期末(一模)试题——阅读B篇汇编(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读6a956fa942323968011ca300a6c30c225901f0ad


We spoke to Zhong Tai, an eighteen-year-old student from Sichuan Province who started an

e-learning course last month.

“After I finished high school, I knew I wanted to continue to study,” Zhong Tai told us. “I

really wanted to study economics at university, but I felt bad about __76__ my parents. My father suffers from a severe illness. He needs help moving around. He also needs someone to cook his meals and give him his medicine at the right time each day. My mother is a teacher, so she cannot help him during the day. We didn’t want to hire(雇) someone to look after him. It had nothing to do with money I just didn’t feel right leaving my father with a __77__. My mum suggested I go to a university nearby and continue to live at home, but none of the universities close to my home town offer economics. Then my friend suggested I find out more about e-learning. I soon learnt that I could get a good degree without going away from home. I applied to the University of London, and they __78__ me. I started an economics course with them four weeks ago.”

Yet, though Zhong Tai is now a graduate at the University of London, he has never been to

Britain. In fact, he has never left Sichuan.

We asked Zhong Tai whether he felt bad about missing some __79__ enjoyed by students

studying on the campus, such as making new friends from different places.

“Not at all,” he replied. “I have made a lot of friends with people from my course online.

__80__, during the evenings and weekends, I go out with my friends from high school. Since most of them also use e-learning, we all still live close to one another.”

75. A. modern 76. A. hurting

B. famous B. refusing B. relative B. taught B. books B. Besides


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C. traditional C. disturbing C. stranger C. praised C. places

D. nearby D. leaving D. doctor D. visited D. experiences D. Finally

77. A. neighbor 78. A. accepted 79. A. lectures 80. A. Instead

C. However


B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分)

Who owns English? In China and most other countries, English is the most important foreign languages that children will learn at school. English is now used by nearly a quarter of the world’s_____75_____ , and anywhere you go in the world, there is a good chance that someone will speak English,. How did this happen? English has not always been the most ____76______ language. Until English became important in the twentieth century, people who had any education spoke French. What’s more, English spelling doesn’t give much help with pronunciation, and its grammar is difficult, _____77_____the word order. The reason why English is spoken everywhere is that in the 18th century, products from the UK were sold all over the world. And in the twentieth century, the US_____78_____ English all over the world through newspapers, television and films. It’s now used for international travel, science, industry and recently, information technology and the Internet. But it’s also important to remember that English has_____79_____ many words from other language, either exactly the same words or very similar ones. It uses “restaurant” from French, “zero” from Arabic, “piano” from Italian, and “Kongfu”, “wonton” and other words from China. So who owns English? The answer is everyone who speaks it ---the British, the Indians and the Chinese all help make it a(n) ____80_____language. We are all part of an international club where everyone speaks English. We all own English.

75. A. society 76. A. useful 77. A. especially 78. A. practiced 79. A. learned

B. area B. common B. probably B. spoke B. created

C. population C. interesting C. briefly C. delivered C. caught

D. environment D. beautiful D. mainly D. spread D. borrowed

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80. A. new

B. rich C. easy D. simple


B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分)

Take a trip to space

You might think that only astronauts can visit the moon, but this could ___75___ in the near future. US company SpaceX plans to send and tourists to the moon.

The first passenger to take a trip around the moon will be Japanese billionaire(亿万富翁)Yusaku. He plans to take off in 2023. He will not be ___76___. He has booked a few seats and hopes to invite artists on the trip.“These artists will draw something they saw after they return to Earth, and these great ___77___ will inspire(激励)the dreamer within all of us,”Yusaku said.

Yusaku will take SpaceX’s Big Falcon Rocket(BFR)to the moon. The spaceship will not land on the moon, but will circle around it. Passengers will be able to see the far side of the moon. ___78___ gravitational forces(引力),we can only see one side of the moon. We can it see neither side of the moon from Earth. The trip will take four to five days.

The BFR is now under development. It may be used to send humans to Mars and other planets in the future. When it is finished, it will be nearly 387 feet(118 meters)tall. That’s about the size of a 40-story building! The spaceship will be ___79___ by 31 engines. This power will allow it to carry payloads(有效载荷)weighing up to 100 tons.

The BFR is big ___80___. It can carry at least 100 and perhaps as many as 200 people. There will also be a movie theatre, lecture hall and a restaurant in the ship.

75. A. succeed

B. create B. alone B. clues

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C. happen C. free

D. change D. active D. opinions

76. A. dangerous 77. A. records

C. pictures


78. A. Except for 79. A. required 80. A. inside

B. Because of B. recognized B. around

C. Including C. operated C. behind

D. Instead of D. carried D. ahead


B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分)

Shops have all kinds of tricks to get you in their doors, or on their websites, and spending. They are like traps to catch you, the buyer. If you know what those traps are, you can avoid falling into them.

Loss leaders(亏本促销商品)

Step one is to get you into the shop. The ___75___ that they do this is by advertising a product that you need at a crazy low price. The price might even be below cost. They ___76___ lose money when you buy that milk or those disapers, but you come in for that. Once in the shop you are sure to get the other things that you want and need, aren’t you? Those are called loss leaders.

The expensive one makes yours seem reasonable

You’re looking for a quality jacket. The one you want costs more than you ___77___, but right next to it is a very expensive one. Suddenly yours seems pretty reasonable. You decide to buy it ___78___ some people are spending even more money on jackets. You’ve been caught out! The placing of differently-priced items like this is done on purpose.

They give you a place to rest

You are tried from shopping and are thinking of going home. But then you see a bench, or a place to get a cheap coffee or cake. You take a break and then you are ___79___ to shop again. That is just what is likely to happen. Some shops even provide creches where parents can leave their children in order to shop more easily.

That“99”really ___80___ people to buy

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