2018-2019年上海市各区初三英语第一学期期末(一模)试题——阅读B篇汇编(含答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2018-2019年上海市各区初三英语第一学期期末(一模)试题——阅读B篇汇编(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读6a956fa942323968011ca300a6c30c225901f0ad



B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分)

YES Sun Zhenyao, 13, Shanghai NO Li Mingyi, 14, Beijing Safety comes first. Most primary schools On weekdays, guarding schools and suggest that parents should come along with keeping students safe should be the school’s their children on their way to school. I don’t responsibility – not the parents’. __79__, the think it’s a problem for the parents. They just time when they have to guard is usually about have to stay at the school gate a little __75__. 7:40 to 8 a.m., the morning rush hour. Some Also, it’s very crowded around school gates in parents might get caught in a traffic jam and the morning. Traffic accidents may happen. late for their work. I don’t think this task should Only __76__ school guards is not enough. If fall on the parents. parents can help, there will be fewer accidents. Sun Run, 14, Zhejiang Huang Xi, 15, Jiangsu This request is not just about students’ Most of these parents are office workers. safety, but also helping the school. It is a good They have their own things to do. They hurry to __77__ to improve relations between parents work every morning. To meet this new request, and schools. Secondly, parents can set a good some may have to ask time off. This will affect example for their kids by working __78__ for their work performance. I think it’s better to ask their school. for the parents’ __80__ first. If some are willing to volunteer, they can do so. But it shouldn’t be something that every parent has to do.

75. A. harder

B. longer

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C. farther

D. higher D. depending on

76. A. waiting for B. talking with C. listening to


77. A. excuse 78. A. bravely

B. way

C. proof

D. culture D. faithfully D. At last D. reasons

B. excitedly B. As a result B. methods

C. confidently

79. A. What’s more 80. A. emotions

C. For the time being C. opinions


B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分)

Travel can be exciting but also dangerous at times. Follow these safety tips to protect


? Choose your ground transportation __75__

Whenever possible, travel in a vehicle(机动车) that is in good condition and offers working

seat belts. Research the safety records of bus companies, and avoid using less-safe vehicles. ? Find information about your destination

Get trustworthy __76__ about wherever you’re visiting. Find out everything, from the local

laws to any travel warnings (including crime and security warnings). Make your plan according to the information.

? Review the escape route in your hotel room

Let’s be honest – when you check into a hotel room, you’re more __77__ beds or swimming

pools than studying the map on the back of your door. But before you get too settled in, you should take a quick look at the emergency(紧急情况) escape routes. You’ll be glad you did if an emergency arises in the middle of the night. ? Prepare a copy of your passport

Before you leave, get a copy of your passport, take a photo of it to save on your cell phone,

and email it to yourself. That way, if you need your passport while out (but it’s locked up in your hotel safe), you’ll have all your information. Plus, if it’s stolen, getting a replacement will be much __78__.

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? Confirm(确认) visitors with the hotel desk

You’re in your hotel room and there’s a knock at the door from someone saying he is the

worker in the hotel. __79__ you let this person in, call down to the front desk to make sure. ? Save emergency numbers

Find out what the local emergency hotlines are and save them to your phone. Also __80__

the phone numbers of your country’s embassies and save those addresses as well.

75. A. regularly 76. A. conclusions 77. A. surprised at 78. A. worse 79. A. While 80. A. look up

B. properly

C. directly

D. quickly D. details D. used to D. clearer D. As D. deal with

B. advertisements B. careful with B. cheaper B. Before B. fill in

C. memories C. interested in C. easier C. Until

C. work out


B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分)

Having a positive attitude towards life is extremely important in all aspect, especially in an interview. Most people do poorly at interviews because they don’t have a positive attitude. In other words, they are ____75____ and forget all of their strengths and achievements. Don’t be shy! Tell the world about the good things you have done.

Here are some things to encourage you and improve your performance in life.

Always keep _____76___ with people you are talking to. Looking into someone’s eyes expresses honestly. Besides, your smile will cheer up everyone.

Always use a handshake when you meet an interviewer. If you shake the interviewer’s hand firmly and tell your name proudly, you will ____77____ show you are serious about your

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occupation. Such a handshake will bring the feelings of being trustful and equal. This is the best way to make a good ___78_____.

Always look on the bright side of life. ____79____ advantages of everything and everyone. Every person has shining points, find them! Be glad to learn something new every day.

Be generous to share something new with your partner every day. Always say more than yes or no when you are ____80____.

As long as you know the above tips, your life will gradually bring some active responses in return.

75. A. excited

B. nervous

C. strange C. private room C. directly C. location C. Turn out


B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分) The rise of e-learning 21 February, 2053

A new study published today shows that e-learning is more popular than ever. According to a

C. praised

D. calm D. eye contact D. finally D. solution D. Point out D. greeted

76. A. personal distance B. physical signal 77. A. gently 78. A. impression 79. A. take out

B. suddenly B. situation B. look out

80. A. taught B. asked

survey, 57% of students now get degrees(学位) through e-learning, with only 43% getting degrees by attending a __75__ university.

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