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发布时间 : 星期四 文章骆家辉北大演讲更新完毕开始阅读6a8186787f1922791788e839

Pacific as one of his top foreign policy priorities and set out to substantially increase our investments -- diplomatic, economic and strategic -- in this part of the world.


That’s why Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has not only made many visits to this region but has also paid attention to nations in the region that had not been visited by a U.S. Secretary of State in a long time, if ever. She’s the first Secretary of State to visit Laos or Burma in over half a century On her upcoming trip to Asia, in addition to a series of important meetings with China’s senior leaders this coming Tuesday and Wednesday, Secretary Clinton will also be the first Secretary of State to visit Timor-Leste, Asia’s youngest country.


President Obama and Secretary Clinton’s goal is to contribute to an open, stable and just regional order based on norms and institutions that benefit all peoples and all nations. To that end we’re reenergizing our relationships throughout the region, from our traditional allies to our friends in ASEAN and here in China.


Together we hope to develop common solutions to shared problems, leaving the world a better place for our children.


We’re committed to this region and our commitment is multi-faceted, reflecting the scope of our relations and interests here.

我们致力于本地区 – 而且我们的努力是多方面的,反映了我们在这里的关系和利益的广度。

On the economic front we’re seeking to further regional economic integration through the TransPacific Partnership. This agreement would promote innovation, economic growth and development, ensuring the continued economic dynamism of the Asia Pacific region.


We’re also significantly increasing our assistance to the region through the Asia Pacific Strategic Engagement Initiative announced by Secretary Clinton in Phnom Penh in July. As part of this initiative the United States will provide $50 million in assistance through the Lower Mekong Initiative which was launched in 2009 to address the Lower Mekong sub-region’s pressing transnational challenges in area of environment, health, agriculture, food security and energy.


On the security front we’re committed to strengthening our alliances and partnerships in the region, including through joint exercises, training programs, and improved military to military communication. We’re also reviewing our security presence to ensure we are best able to continue to contribute to peace and stability. The United States has had a security presence in the Asia Pacific for more than a century. Our presence here has helped create the conditions in which the remarkable economic growth of the

last three decades has taken place. Thus we strongly believe, and I believe most in the region would agree, that our security presence here is beneficial to the countries of the region and necessary for the continued vitality of the Asia Pacific. Our security presence is not aimed at any one country.


We’re also committed to promoting universal values such as transparency, rule of law, human rights and good governance, and we believe these are critical components of a long-term regional stability, prosperity and economic growth.


Individual nations in this region have unique strengths, challenges and histories. At the same time we can learn from each other, we can encourage each other, and we can hold each other accountable. Together we can find the best ways to strengthen the rule of law, to tackle corruption, to support civil society, and to ensure that women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are protected.


We’re committed to doing more to support Asia Pacific regional institutions. We support the East Asia Summit becoming the capstone of an increasingly mature and effective regional architecture that deals with a broad range of key issues including political and strategic issues.

我们致力于做出更多以支持亚太的地区机构。我们支持东亚峰会成为处理广泛的关键问题 - 包括政治和战略问题 - 的日趋成熟和有效的地区架构的顶点。

We also remain committed to supporting ASEAN in the region and APEC or the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation as the premier forum for strengthening regional economic integration.


Clearly as countries with the largest economies and populations in the Asia Pacific, the United States and China have a unique role to play in ensuring regional peace and prosperity. We have a shared interest in working together for the good of not just our own peoples, but the peoples of the entire region. 显然,作为有亚太最大的经济和人口规模的国家,美国和中国在确保地区和平与繁荣上要起到独特的作用。我们有不仅仅为我们自己的人民,也为整个地区人民而合作共事的共同利益。

As our leaders have said, we intend to make history in our relationship with China in the 21st Century. We intend to find a way to coexist and cooperate without unhealthy competition, rivalry or conflict.


Because conflict between a rising power and established power is not inevitable, as President Hu Jintao and Vice President Xi Jinping and Secretary Clinton have all argued. We must therefore forge a relationship based on mutual respect and mutual benefit.


But we must also recognize that rhetoric alone, however positive, is not enough. We need to demonstrate that our cooperation achieves real results and brings real benefits to both our peoples and the international community.