八下英语unit4复习及答案 联系客服

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单元评价检测 (Unit 4)

Ⅱ. 单项选择(10分)

1. In________opinion, health is more important than wealth(财富). A. I

B. me

C. my

D. mine

D. about D. opinion

2. My mother always compares me______others. I am very annoyed. A. with

B. to

C. for

3. The food safety is a serious_____at present. We should try to solve it. A. subject

B. program

C. problem

4. (2014·黔南州中考)He came back late, his father was very angry. A. arrived

B. gave back C. returned B. give out C. take out

D. reached

5. Don’t worry! Things will________sooner or later. A. work out A. But school. A. when

B. until

C. as

D. after

8. One of the best ways for people to keep healthy is to________good eating habits. A. grow

B. develop

C. increase

D. find

9. My younger sister isn’t________to go to school.

A. enough old B. old enough C. young enough D. enough young 10. (2014·武汉中考)—We’d better invite Jim and Jack to the party tonight. —Yes, ______? I’ll give them a call right now. A. why

B. why not

C. what for

D. how

Ⅲ. 完形填空(10分)

Perhaps you often have problems in your life. Among

D. look out

6. After school he didn’t go home. ______, he went to the Internet bar.

B. While C. Instead

D. Instead of

7. Many students didn’t realize the importance of study_____they left