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Grammar and Vocabulary Week 10 Focus:

? Lexical meaning in context ? Subjunctive mood ? Modals

? Superlative meaning I.

Read the following sentences carefully and choose the most suitable translation for the underlined parts. If you think none of the choices listed below are good enough, give your own version in D.

1. Although the 11 leaders spoke with eleven distinct voices, there seemed to be slightly more agreement on terms that they did not like than on terms that they did like.

A. 共识 B. 条约 C. 协议书 D.

2. Continuing Education offerings consist of specialized, career-oriented face-to-face and e-learning opportunities for local, national, and international audiences. Continuing Education programs are delivered on-campus or at sites convenient to our learners.

A.提供的设施 B. 开设的课程 C. 报价 D. 3. He is anything but brutal. A. 他是一个十分暴虐的人。 B. 他可一点也不残酷。 C. 他人并不坏,只不过有点残酷。 D.

4. Emboldened by anti-imperialist demonstrations in China, Hong Kong workers launch a series of strikes and

demonstrations that nearly paralyze the colony. After almost 30 percent of workers flee north to Guangzhou, the British Foreign Office says it will modify some unequal treaties. Several British concessions are handed back to China after huge local protests.

A. 特许经营权 B. 租界 C. 让步 D.

5. Judge Howard was punctual and attentive in his dealings with the Joint Committee, and the Joint Committee's

investigation did not reveal any problems with his diligence and industry. A.工业 B. 产业 C. 勤奋 D.

6. VRAI’2003 (Virtual Reality and its Application in Industry) is the fourth international conference on VR held in China. The first one was held in 1995 in Hangzhou, China (called “International Workshop on VR and ViSC”). A.在工业方面的应用 B. 申请行业准入 C. 在工业方面的刻苦努力 D.

7. Persons to be questioned are normally expected to attend the questioning in person. However, either of the

parties involved may provide a statement through a representative or by phone or other means of communication, provided that the police consider this would not cause a problem or prejudice the investigation. A.有关政党 B. 两个晚会 C. 有关方面 D.

8. Large and small Asian economies called on private sector investors to help develop their power sectors and

accelerate economic growth.


A. 经济体 B. 节约措施 C. 经济规模 D.

9. A two-stroke diesel engine shares the same operating principles as many other internal combustion engines. A. 操作规程 B. 工作原理 C. 运行机制 D.

10. The airdroppable light tracked armored fighting vehicle is the creation of legendary Airborne General James M. Gavin, who proposed it in his visionary book, Airborne Warfare in 1947. A.被跟踪的 B. 轨道式 C. 履带式 D.

11. This site will mainly cover information on Melbourne's rail transport modes which rely on electric traction to operate suburban trains and trams.

A.电力牵引 B. 电动牵引车 C电动拖拉机 D.

12. What do you call a crowd of more than a million Shiite fundamentalists chanting anti-American slogans in Iraq? The relationship between conservative fundamentalist Islam, the Bush family, and American political culture is quite fascinating.

A.什叶派基要主义者 B. 基督教原教旨主义者 C. 什叶派原教旨主义者 D.

13. And it just so happens that California and the United States use an antiquated 200 year old \take all\

voting system that most of the major democracies of the world have long since discarded. A.民主党派 B. 民主政治 C. 民主国家 D.

14. The HP Compact 7048 has a nominal power of 7 kW, but can handle three times that for a period of five seconds. A.功率 B. 强度 C. 电 D.

15. Certainly the disjunction between a small European power and a large empire in the early modern period must have been first experienced by the Spanish, with their acquisition of millions of conquered people in America. A.影响力 B. 强国 C. 国家 D.

16. I’ll be with you directly I’ve finished writing this letter.

A.直接地 B. 坦率地 C. 一……就…… D.

17. Pollution is the necessary result of the inability of man to reform and transform waste. A.必然的 B. 必要的 C. 必须的 D.

18. My father's direction in life changed forever with the impact of metal upon his spine more than 60 years ago. But

for all his pain, the event has propelled three generations of McCloskeys toward an intellectual journey, and, yes, on a pursuit of excellence that continues today.

A. 为了他所有的痛苦 B.由于他尽了一切努力. C. 尽管他受尽了疼痛的折磨 D.

19. Then after his hernia op in April, he decided he deserved a reward for all his pain and suffering A. 为他所遭受的身心痛苦 B.由于他尽了一切努力.

C. 尽管他遭受了所有的身心痛苦 D.


20. While respected, he is not liked. A.虽然 B.在……的同时 C. 一段时间 D

21. If she had long lost the blue-eyed, flower-like charm, the cool slim purity of face and form, the apple-blossom colouring which had so swiftly and oddly affected Ashurst twenty-six years ago, she was still at forty-three a comely and faithful companion, whose cheeks were faintly mottled, and whose grey-blue eyes had acquired a certain fullness.

A.尽管 B. 如果 C. 假设 D

22. Everywhere we turn we find news articles and reports stressing the danger of being overweight and obese and

how these conditions have reached epidemic proportions.

A. 比例 B. 部分 C. 程度 D.

23. An alien woman who married a British subject automatically became a British subject on marriage.

A. 科目 B. 国民 C. 测试对象 D.

24. The subjects required training in order to participate in our experiment. During the training the subjects were

given a set of instructions to follow.

A. 科目 B. 国民 C. 测试对象 D.

25. After being arrested, she was continually harassed both verbally and physically by the Portland police and

sheriff's office.

A. 用言语和动作 B. 在动词使用和物理方面 C. 用口头语和身体 D.

26. Apparently anyone who was watching the takeoff was aware of the failed takeoff attempt and was able to see the

nose of the jet sliding down the runway A. 鼻子 B. 进气口 C. 飞机机头 D.

27. I too would like to meet my Birthparents and/or family. I also need suggestions. I am in need of your company regarding this matter.

A. 公司 B. 陪伴 C. 连队 D

28. The team from Amsterdam had to at least get a draw in Israel to retain their lead over Maccabi in the battle for

European survival. But Ajax only just scored in the closing stages, through Daniel de Ridder, but it wasn't enough.

A. 刚好在终场前进球 B. 仅仅在终场前才进球 C. 终场前才艰难攻进一球 D.

29. The Charter also empowers the Secretary-General to \

which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security\define the powers of the office and grant it considerable scope for action. A. 职位 B. 办公室 C. 全体办事人员 D.


30. Investigations have shown that Mr. Rajiv Gandhi's murder was the result of a conspiracy led by Prabhakaran Velupillai, leader of Liberation Tiger of Tamil

A.拉吉夫.甘地谋杀案 B. 拉吉夫.甘地的遇刺 C. 拉吉夫.甘地杀人案 D.

? 虚拟语气

1) It would have been only courteous to kneel at the proper time, as all did, since I had voluntarily come: but for all

the disapproving glances, I, the stiff-necked Jew, would not kneel.

2) On May 7 what left of the German army surrendered unconditionally. Thus the Reich that was to have lived a

thousand years crashed to ruin.

3) Indeed, Hemingway welcomed his discovery of a worthwhile cause because it could give significance to an

otherwise meaningless death.

4) Looked at one way, it is faintly ludicrous that Sir David Frost should be writing his autobiography already.

5) Strange that I should have forgotten its name.

6) The gifts to Einstein on his 50th birthday would have filled a railroad freight car.

7) But in retrospect, it might have been possible to handle things in such a way as to make Australia and New

Zealand partners in our action instead of seeming to desert them without warning.

8) Alone Roosevelt could have accomplished little.

9) Alice hastily put down the bottle, saying to herself: “…As it is, I can’t get out of the door, I do wish I hadn’t

drunk quite so much.”

10) I am frank to say that Mr. Acheson would not have been my choice for Secretary of State.我要坦率地说,如果


? Key

1) It would have been only courteous to kneel at the proper time, as all did, since I had voluntarily come: but for all

the disapproving glances, I, the stiff-necked Jew, would not kneel.



2) On May 7 what left of the German army surrendered unconditionally. Thus the Reich that was to have lived a

thousand years crashed to ruin.


3) Indeed, Hemingway welcomed his discovery of a worthwhile cause because it could give significance to an

otherwise meaningless death.