新版外研版六年级英语下册教案及教学反思集体备课M4-M10 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章新版外研版六年级英语下册教案及教学反思集体备课M4-M10更新完毕开始阅读6802f3b4591b6bd97f192279168884868662b8f4

1、Warm up 2、导入 (Leading ) 3、呈现(Presentation) 13

⑴Greetings: T—Ss Ss—Ss (2)Chant: “My dream” T: Did you have a dream yesterday? T: Yesterday, I had a dream. Had---have (3)Review past tense words. T: go! (1)A.1 T: What did you do yesterday? Ss use past tense words talk about things they did yesterday. 2. Ask students to guess what did teacher do in her dream, One cola two colas 3. T: In my dream, I bought a book, it’s about sports, can you guess which sport? Lead out “baseball”, ask a student to introduce baseball. 4.T: In my dream, I bought this book and I gave this book to a student in our classroom. Can you guess? 5. T: Yes, I gave this book to …, because tomorrow will be his birthday. Let’s sing “Happy birthday” for him. B. Lead in T: In our book, Da Ming is back in China, he bought lots of presents for his friends and family, let’s see, what are they? (1)S open their books (2) Teacher gives the questions: a. Where is Daming? b. What did Daming buy for his mother? c. What did Simon’s family give for Ss: Yes/No. Ss: went! students can answer like: “You did…” Help students use the structure:You gave sth to sb. Ss sing the song together. Students answer the questions 4.Practice Daming? d. Wht did Daming buy for his friends? (3) Listen to the tape, students pay attention the questions. (5) Teacher teach the key points. a. The key points: baseball team Students three a group interesting give--- gave to do dialogue: buy----bought S1: I bought you a pen. b. The main sentences structure: S2: Thank you. “buy sb sth” and “buy sth for sb”. S3: Who gave it to you? (6) repeat after the tape. S2: … gave it to me. 教学反思: 这节课是小学新标准英语第十二册第六模块第二单元。本模块围绕大明的礼物这一题材开展,向学生介绍了有关太空的知识。在第一单元,以大明的礼物——一本关于太空旅行的书为主线,为第二单元的课文讲解和制作宇宙飞船做好了准备。

我设计了三个礼物,通过听力和阅读的方式介绍了我,Amy 和Lingling的礼物,逐层递进。最终落在了学生的写作上,这样的环节设计,层层推进,学生很自然地就进入到比较深层次的环节,因为有了之前词汇和句子的累积,学生在写作的过程中并没有遇到很大的困难。课堂最后结合本课主题,介绍了杨利伟和神舟五号宇宙飞船,培养了学生的爱国主义思想,并且让学生在课后查阅相关资料,为下个模块的学习做好了准备。



学科 英语 年级 六年级 主备人 执教人 Module 6 Unit2 新授 课题 The name of the spaceship 课时 1 课型 is Shenzhou V. 教Unit 2介绍了Daming 和 Simon 制作的中国宇宙飞船模型。这个宇材宙飞船的名字是“神州五号”。 它讲一名中国宇航员、一面中国国分旗和一些种子送入太空。 析 14

教学目标 A.Basic Demands: Vocabulary: team spaceship space about B.Revision: simple past tense and the using way of “can…” Key words:bought gave sent took 教学重Teaching difficulties: 点、难点 The using way of “buy sb sth” 教法 情景教学法 教具 英语点读笔、课件 教 学 过 程 教 学 环 节 教 师 活 动 预 设 学 生 活 动 预 设 1、Warm up ⑴Greetings: T—Ss Ss—Ss (2)Sing a song: Where did you Sing a song go? 2、导入 Ss use past tense words talk (Leading ) (1)1 T: What did you do about things they did yesterday? yesterday. 2. T: Yesterday, I went to library, I saw lots of books… Show ppt, the pictures of books, teacher describes with the 3. 操练 structures: This book looks + ( Practice ) adjective words. It’s about animals/plants/food… 1. Students try to describe some books on ppt with teachers help. 2. Students describe their own books. 3.T holds a student’s book and says : This book looks useful. What’s it about? S answers: It’s about… Ssudents practice the structure in pairs. Structures: This book looks 4、呈现 useful. (Presentation) What’s it about? It’s about… T: In our book, Da Ming’s mom also bought a present for him, let’s see what it is, and what is it about? (1)S open their books, first 15

5.Homework (2) Teacher gives the questions: a. What is it? b. What is it about? a. Write down the listening matierial. b. Use the sentence structures to make sentences. look at the pictures. (3) Listen to the tape and answer. (4) Students talk about Daming’s book. 教学反思: 本节课同时还关注了板书的设计,我们知道板书是一堂课的灵魂,在一堂课中,板书被喻为“微型教案”,同时它起着“画龙点睛”的作用。作为课堂教学的重要组成部分,板书可以帮助学生把握重点,理清思路,使学生能够做到“过目不忘”,以后遇到相关的学习内容时还能够“促景生情”。




学科 英语 年级 六年级 主备人 执教人 Module 7 新授 课题 Unit 1 He spent about 课时 1 课型 twenty-one hours in space. 16