星火四级预测作文25篇背诵(中英) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章星火四级预测作文25篇背诵(中英)更新完毕开始阅读6706e11d763231126edb11d8

1. College Students' Using Bribes to Become Student Leaders

As many college students have observed, there are some students using bribes to become student leaders. Many of these \they have an edge over their classmates to be candidates for Party membership and scholarship. They also hope that they are able to make a better-looking resume upon graduation.

However, there are some negative impacts for using bribes. Firstly, as college students have no stable jobs and rely on their parents, it is not reasonable to impose extra burden on their parents. Secondly, the bribes would do damage to the friendship among college students. Furthermore, it is horrible to predict that these students would become corrupt officials in the future.

Therefore, we should renounce using bribes to become student leaders. The purpose of becoming a student leader should not be the above-mentioned ones but to improve their communication skills and enrich their college lives.

observe v.观察,注意到 bribe n. 贿赂 corrupted adj.腐败的 have an edge over 比。。。有优势 candidate n.候选人,求职者 resume 简历 negative adj.负面的 stable adj.稳定的 impose extra burden to强加给。。。额外的负担 horrible adj. 可怕的 renounce v. 宣布放弃 above-mentioned 上述的



然而贿赂有一些不良的影响,第一,作为大学生并没有稳定的工作并且还依赖着父母, 因此把这额外的负担强加在父母身上是不合理的. 第二,贿赂会破坏大学生间的友谊.此外,预言这些学生将来会成为腐败官员是很可怕的.


2. My View on Off-campus Room Renting

Nowadays, an increasing number of college students choose to rent rooms or apartments off campus instead of living in dormitories on campus.

There arc probably three reasons for the popularity of room renting. Firstly, it seems the best solution for students who cannot adjust to dormitory life and show incompetence in roommate relations. Secondly, many a senior lives outside to make better preparations for the thesis or examination. Finally, room renting means freedom to some students, who hate to be regulated by the school rules.

It's obvious that living off campus provides some convenience, more favorable conditions, for example. However, the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages in this case. Room renting is money consuming for students. And escape is never the correct way out of maladjustment. Besides, too much freedom may result in indulgence and idleness. Therefore, we must think twice when considering living off campus.

indulgence n.纵容 idleness n.闲散,懒惰, think twice 反复思考,三思 an increasing number of 越来越多的 incompetence n. 无能

regulate v. 控制,管理,调整 maladjustment n.不适应,失调


现今,越来越多的大学生选择在外租房或租公寓而不住学校的宿舍。 对于在外在租房流行有三个可能的原因。第一,这看起来对那些不能适应宿舍生活和表示不能胜任舍友关系的学生而言是最好的解决方法。第二,许多大四学生住在校外是为了更好的准备毕业论文和考试。最后,在外租房对一些讨厌被学校制度制约的学生而言意味着自由。


3. A Send-off Speech

Boys and girls,

We still remember that one year ago, it was just here that we gave Professor Smith a warm welcome. Now we gather here once again to say good-bye to him. During the past year, Professor Smith has made great contributions to the improvement of English teaching quality of our school. He has brought to us not only effective teaching methods but also new ideas of how to balance the learning of written English and that of spoken English. It's obvious that the English communicative abilities of our students have improved a great deal as a result of Professor Smith's efforts. During the last year, Professor Smith and our students and teachers have become good friends. We feel sorry that we have to say good-bye now, but I'm sure we will remember each other forever.

Now in bidding farewell to Professor Smith, allow me on behalf of all the students and teachers of our school to express our sincere thanks once again to him and I would also like to take this opportunity to wish him a pleasant safe journey home. communicative adj. bid farewell to... on behalf of... sincere adj. take opportunity give a warm welcome make great contributions t improvement n. effective adj. obvious adj.



我们仍然记得,一年前,也是在这里,我们给史密斯教授表示热烈欢迎。现在,我们再次聚集在这里和他说再见。 在过去的一年中,史密斯教授对我们学校的英语教学质量的提高作出了巨大的贡献。他带给我们的不仅是有效的教学方法,还有如何平衡书面英语学习和英语口语的一些新的构思。 很明显,我们学生的英语交际能力有所改善的原因绝大多数是由于史密斯教授的努力的结果。在过去的一年中,史密斯教授和学生以及教师都成为了好朋友。我们不得不和他说再见,对此我们感到很遗憾,但我肯定我们都会永远记得对方。


4. The Safety of Food

Despite the decline in the number of cases related to fake foods and foods of poor quality, food safety problems remain serious in the market. Food-born diseases remain responsible for high levels of sickness and mortality in the general population, particularly for at-risk groups, such

as infants, young children, and the elderly. The most notorious case involved low-quality milk powder in Fuyang in east China's Anhui Province, which caused the death of a dozen babies.

In my personal opinion, the responsibility goes for the most part to the food producers, especially those who fail to meet safety standards. In order to sell more products, some food producers may even intentionally use various chemicals, such as pesticides, animal drugs etc., during manufacturing and processing just to make food look or taste good without taking people's life into consideration. As we all know, food additives and contaminants can adversely affect the health.

In this regard, in order to reduce the incidence and economic consequences of food-born diseases, the supervision of food production should be stepped up. What's more, it is important to drastically increase penalties on those who neglect food safety statutes.

After all, the Food Safety Department in our country should educate consumers about the risks presented in food and the safe food handling behaviors that can help minimize those risks. Nevertheless, it is our own awareness of good life style and hygiene habit that a healthy life relies on.

additive n. adversely adv., in this regard consequences n. step up drastically adv. penalty n, hygiene n. decline n. responsible for mortality n. notorious adj. involve vt. intentionally adv. pesticide n. manufacture vt. take ...into consideration




在这方面,为了减少发病率和食物发生疾病的经济后果,食品生产应加强监管。而且,大幅度增加处罚对忽视食品安全法规的那些人是重要的。 毕竟,在我国的食品安全署应该对食品和食品安全的行为进行教育,可以帮助减少这那些风险。不过,一个健康的生活依赖于自己对生活方式和良好的卫生的认识。

5. How to Increase Your Working Experience

While studying in universities, students are required to make a detailed study of the knowledge in the books. Certainly the academic knowledge is the foundation for future work, but it is not the only thing that students have to acquire. Some working experience is also indispensable for them to adapt themselves to the future occupations. How do they increase the working experience without the sacrifice of studies?

Firstly, I think the students should get mentally and physically prepared for the coming part-time jobs. Secondly, they should widen the scope of choices. Whenever mentioning the part-time jobs, students will inevitably think of tutoring little kids or working in the supermarkets. In fact, there are a lot of other choices, such as working as volunteers for some associations, teaching in some underdeveloped areas, and writing articles for newspapers. Finally, write down

promptly what they have learned from work. By doing so, they will be impressed deeply by that experience and make it really valuable for the future work. In a word , working experience gained while the students are studying in universities will benefit them throughout their life.

widen the scope of... inevitably adv. volunteer underdeveloped adj. benefit vt. academic . acquire vt. indispensable adj. occupation n. sacrifice n.




A Letter Applying for a Bank Loan

You are allowed 30 minutes to write A Letter Applying for a Bank Loan under the name of Yang Lin.

1. 2. 3.

6. A Letter Applying for a Bank Loan

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a freshman in Shandong University, majoring in Mathematics. Since I entered the university, I have been studying hard and was the top of my class in the final exam of last semester.

However, I am now facing the danger of dropping out of school. Both of my parents are ordinary fanners, and, even worse, my mother has suddenly fallen ill. It is now a must for me to find some other ways to support myself. So I'm applying to your bank for a loan of 10,000 yuan. All the money will be used to cover my tuition.

A family tutor and the work-study programs provided by the university will help me earn enough money to support myself. I guarantee that I will gradually repay the loan within two years after my graduation.

Please have confidence in me, and many thanks.

Yours sincerely,

Yang Lin

fall ill tuition n. tutor n. guarantee n. have confidence in.. freshman n. major in semester drop out even worse 6。 一封申请银行贷款信 亲爱的先生或女士:

