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LI RU:I think someone who is happy to persevere at something and learns from his mistakes.

MIKE:Thank you. I think designing robots sounds fun.

Reading and writing ?Answer key for Exercise 1: Before Showing

Copernicus’ theory Copernicus’ theory A diagram showing A diagram showing the solar system with the solar system with the earth at its centre the sun at its centre ?Answer key for Exercise 2: Students give their own answers. Sample writing:

Dear Nicolaus Copernicus,

I am a student studying astronomy and I would very much like to read your new theory about the solar system. I hope you will publish it for several reasons.

I understand the problems with the present theory. The way the planets move is not what you would expect if the earth was the centre of the universe. It is also odd that the brightness of some stars seems to change. So I agree with you that we need a new theory.

I know your observations have been very carefully carried out over many years. Now you must have the courage to publish them. Science can never advance unless people have the courage of their beliefs. I know you worry about what will happen if you publish your new theory. No matter how people oppose it, time will show whether your ideas are right or wrong.

So I hope you will feel you can publish your new theory. Yours sincerely, (your name)

Unit 2

WARMING UP ?Answers:

1 C 2 B (direct flight) 3 B 4 A 5 B

Question 1: The United Kingdom consists of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. More about this appears in the first reading passage.

Question 2: It takes ten hours to fly from Beijing to London Heathrow Airport if you take a direct flight.

Question 3: It may appear to an outsider that the Queen has an important role in ruling the country. However, this is not so. Her position is ceremonial: opening Parliament, welcoming Heads from other countries, going on tours to other countries to encourage trade with Britain, etc. The Prime Minister together with his most important ministers (called the Cabinet) and his Members of Parliament (each from a different part of the country) make the important political decisions and the laws. Question 4: The counties of Britain are much smaller than provinces in China. They have local government powers for their area. Counties have several Members of Parliament depending on the size of their population. Large towns such as Reading have two MPs and the largest city in England outside London, which is Birming- ham, has ten MPs.

Question 5: The Rivers Thames and Severn are very similar in length but the River Thames is slightly longer. The River Thames is 338 km and the River Severn is 290 km. The River Avon is much shorter. COMPREHENDING

? Answer key for Exercise 1: 1 England, Wales and Scotland 2 England and Wales

3 England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

4 Republic of Southern Ireland 5 England/Great Britain/the UK ?Answer key for Exercise 2:

1 The country left out is Wales. It is usually

assumed to be part of England. 2 England, Scotland and Wales.

3 The Vikings did not influence London. ? Answer key for Exercise 3:

North: Leeds, York, Sheffield, Manchester Midlands: Coventry, Birmingham South: Reading, London, Brighton, Plymouth

?Answer key for Exercise 4:

Para 1, 2&3: what England includes; about Great Britain; the UK.

Para 4:the geographical division of England into zones; their similarities and differences. Para 5&6:the cultural importance of London.

Possible summary: The writer examines how the UK developed as an administrative unit. It shows how England is also divided into three zones. It explains why London became the cultural capital of England. LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE

Discovering useful words and expressions ?Answer key for Exercise 1: 1 unwilling 2 countryside 3 conveniences 4 clarify 5 constructing 6 Kingdom 7 administration 8 accomplish 9 enjoyable

? Suggested answers to Exercise 2: 1 currency 2 The Union Jack


?Suggested answers: Day 1 1 2 Tower St Comments of 1 delight, fancy 2 splendid and interesting poets and writers 3 United; consist of

4 broke away 5 institutions 6 conflicts 7 provinces ? Answer key for Exercise 3: 1 asked 2 whispered 3 screamed 4 begged 5 agreed 6 answered 7 shouted 8 complained 9 suggested

Discovering useful structures ? Answer key for Exercise 1:

1 ...to form the United Kingdom by getting Ireland connected in the same peaceful way. 2 You find most of the population settled in the south, ...

3 It has the oldest port built by the Romans...

?Suggested answers to Exercise 2: 1 have got the house mended 2 Have you had your hair cut? 3 have the dictionary delivered 4 haven’t had the film developed 6 found it closed 6 get it repaired

7 got all their money stolen 8 have it divided

9 had some of his points clarified

10 had/got some flowers sent; had it announced; had it organized ?Answer key for Exercise 3: Answers will vary.

Day 2 Day 3 1 Greenwich with 1 Karl Marx’s statue ships 3 longitude line “strange he lived and died in London” 2 British Museum “thrilled to see Chinese pottery” London Cathedral Abbey 4 Big Ben Paul’s 3 interesting, full of statues of 2 clock (GMT) 3 Westminster 4 famous and very loud Listening


CAN A ROYAL PALACE ALSO BE A PRISON? Zhang Pingyu (ZP) is trying to find out more about the history of the Tower of London from a guide (G). Part 1

G:The Tower was the home of the King but also a prison. Many important people were kept there.

ZP:I beg your pardon? Can you speak more slowly, please?

G:Of course. Have you heard of “The Princes in the Tower”?

ZP:No, I’m afraid not.

G:These two princes were brothers, called Edward and Richard and they lived six hundred years ago. They came to London, for the older boy to become Edward Ⅴ, after his father, King Edward Ⅳ, died. ZP:I see. How old was he?

G:He was only thirteen years old. His cruel uncle, also called Richard, was supposed to look after them both, but instead he had them killed while they were asleep.

ZP:What do you mean? He killed them himself?

G:No. He sent his men to kill them because he wanted to become King Richard Ⅲ. There is a story that on a dark night you can sometimes hear those princes crying.

ZP:You can hear them crying? Really? I thought you said they were killed many years ago.

G:Yes, but it’s only a story! Part 2

ZP:Who else came to the Tower as a prisoner?

G:A future queen. In the 1550s Queen Mary sent her sister, Princess Elizabeth, to the Tower as a prisoner.

ZP:Strange! Why did she do that?

G:She thought Elizabeth was a traitor. So she sent Elizabeth through a special gate

called “Traitors’ Gate”. That only happen- ed to very bad people.

ZP:I’m sorry I don’t understand. How did Elizabeth become Queen if she was a prisoner?

G:Easy. Her brother and sister both died without children so Elizabeth became Queen Elizabeth Ⅰ. She tried not to be unfair to others when she was queen. ZP:I’m glad to hear that.

? Answer key for Exercise 1:

1 Elizabeth later Queen Elizabeth Ⅰ. 2 King Henry Ⅷ. 3 Richard Ⅲ.

4 Edward Ⅴ and Richard. ? Answer key for Exercise 2: Ticks for brothers Edward Ⅴ and Richard (sons of King Edward Ⅳ); King Edward Ⅳ; Richard (later King Richard Ⅲ); Queen Mary; Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth Ⅰ); ? Answer key for Exercise 3:

1 Prince Edward (later Edward Ⅴ) was one of the princes murdered in the Tower. We know because: · both were princes · both were young boys · their uncle was Richard who later became King Richard Ⅲ.

2 King Richard Ⅲ killed the princes because he wanted to become king. ? Answer key for Exercise 4:

came, future, Mary, Princess, Tower, Strange, thought, through, Traitors’, happened Speaking and writing Sample dialogue:

S1: Excuse me. Are you a guide? S2:Yes, I am. Can I help you?

S1:Can I ask you a question about the Temple of Heaven?

S2:Of course. What do you want to know? S1:What’s this Temple for?

S2:The Emperor came to pray for good crops and a good harvest for the country. He made offerings to the God and asked

him for help.

S1:Please can you speak more slowly? I’m afraid I can’t follow you.

S2:I’m sorry. I’ll speak more slowly. This is the Hall where the Emperor made his sacrifices to the Gods. You may not go in but just look through the door.

S1:What did you mean by making sacrifices? S2:He killed many animals after making prayers. He was also dressed in special clothes.

Unit 3


? Suggested answers: Transport Present time Airplanes; bicycles Office; Work construction; landscape; service Finance and Banks; currency Languages English; Chinese insurance; business S1:I beg your pardon? Special clothes! I

thought his clothes were always special! What were they?

S2:They were clothes kept just for this occasion. He changed in a special yellow room and came out to go to pray to the Gods.

S1:I see. When did this stop?

S2:When the Emperors stopped ruling China.

S1:Thank you. You have been most helpful.

In One Thousand Year’s Time cars; No longer by air because of environmental pollution; bicycles and horses will make a comeback. factory; At home using advanced, interactive computers; meetings can be conducted on the computer and people will see each other speak. largest global exporter offices; One global currency—maybe the yuan as China will be the Russian; One global language—perhaps Chinese or still English Very poor; need to recycle all waste; control on the use of Environment Air: could be cars; no airplanes; methods to improve poor air quality. Climate of the earth being very hot is making problems over water resources. improved in cities Nursery; university Flats; concrete; wood Post office; Internet Education Houses Communica-tion schools; Longer than now possibly until 25 years of age so that students can learn all the new technologies houses; Built into the ground as the surface of the earth is so hot. By thoughtpad, telephone, computer, mobiles, Morse code, etc. COMPREHENDING

? Answer key for Exercise 1:

1 Li Qiang went into the future because he had won a prize that gave him a tour.

2 He felt rather anxious when he left his own time but soon got it over. 3 He went by time capsule.

4 The first thing he noticed was the poor quality of the air and it gave him a


5 He found several things that were different: · a mask to give him enough oxygen · a hovering carriage

· having a “time lag” experience · a strange-looking house that belonged to Wang Ping’s parents