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? zhǎo ? 夹

gā 夹肢窝

jiā 夹子、夹克、夹层、夹心、夹杂、夹板 jiá 夹袄、夹被


tānɡ 汤池 汤匙 汤锅 汤面 汤圆 shānɡ 河水汤汤 浩浩汤汤 露(露天lù)、(露脸lòu)

血(流血了、吐血、血淋淋xiě )(血压xuè ) 那(口语音nèi)(书面语音nà) 这(口语音zhèi)(书面语音zhè) 哪(口语音něi)(书面语音nǎ) 冲(冲锋 chōng )(香气很冲 chòng ) 教(教书 jiāo )(教材 jiào) 给(给以gěi)( 给予jǐ)

Practice: Read the following passage, pay attention to sentence stress.

The success of marriage is due to many factors, of which love is obviously the most important one. Other factors, which are not entirely unrelated to love, include shared values interests, mutual understanding, tolerance, care, respect, commitment, and appreciation, effective communication, similar educational background, equal economic status, physical fitness, etc.

Chapter Two Vocabulary

Two famous sayings about words:

No brick, no construction; no word, no composition. 无砖不成房, 无词不成章。

Words do not have meanings; people have meanings for words. 词本无义,义随人生 1. 词的形态特征分类

? 孤立语:每个词只由一个词素构成

? 粘着语:一个词通常由一个以上的语素构成,且语素间的界限总是很分明 ? 屈折语:一个词通常由一个以上的词素构成,语素间的界限不是很分明。 ? 综合语:以上几种的综合(特点是词缀丰富)

? 汉语和英语都接近于孤立语,但与汉语相比,英语更偏向于综合语。 2. 英汉语中表示人的后缀

1) 英语中多用-er和-or。 -er源于古英语,可加于动词、名词和形容词等词根上; -or

源于拉丁语,只附加在源于拉丁语的动词词根上。 Author, editor

2) 汉语用“人”和“者”。“者”源于古汉语,“人”是现代汉语,都可以加在动词、名词和形

容词词根上。 证人,夫人,长者

3. 词汇的共同趋势: 语言不是静止不变的。词的意义也是如此。

1) 以bird一词为例


它本来意思是“鸟”,也可以指家禽。后来在口语中又常用来指“人”、“姑娘”等。近来,随着科技事业的发展,bird的意义又进一步扩大,可指飞机、火箭、直升飞机、航天飞机、卫星等任何飞行器。 2) sail

set sail:起航,张帆起航之意。


近年来吸毒成风,sail这个词又可作吸毒后“变得飘飘然”的意思。 4. Comparison of meaning of words

1) Equivalents

microwave supermarket

right-wing out-party 在野党 keyboard bathroom

cold war action research chain reactions open secret

The U. S. State Department 美国国务院

computational linguistics 计算语言学 tuberculosis 结核病

2) partial equivalents intellectual Culture Grandfather Grandmother Sister

marriage 娶,嫁 gun 枪、炮

morning 早晨、上午

3) No equivalents


A. English words without Chinese equivalents engine motor humor dollar saint jury senator highway

B. Chinese words without English equivalents 党员,干部, 公社,鬼子

5. Polysemant: 英语比汉语有更多的一词多意的词 An example: Different meanings of the word “story”: 1). A young man came to Scottis with a story. 一个年轻人来到斯科特的办公室报案。 2). Her story is one of the saddest. 她的遭遇最惨。


3). He’ll be happy if that story holds up. 如果这一说法当真,那他就太高兴了。 4). It’s quite another story now. 现在情形完全不同了。

5). The war is becoming the most important story of this generation. 这场战争已成为这一代人的最重大事件。 6). The official refused to confirm the story. 那个官员拒绝证实这个消息。

7). Some reporters who were not included in the session broke the story. 有些那次会议没有到场的记者把内情揭露出来。 6. 词语搭配对比(Collocation of words) An example of the word “soft”:

A. 英汉语言基本相同的搭配 ? Soft pillow, soft cushion, ? Soft wood, soft light, ? soft voice, soft breeze ? Soft music ? Soft answer ? 委婉的回答 ? Soft drink

? 不含酒精的饮料 ? Soft heart ? 易感动的心 ? Soft words ? 和蔼的话 ? Soft money ? 纸币

B. “soft” used technically

1) (导弹设施等)无坚固掩护工事的,可攻破的: ? a soft aboveground launching site ? 无坚固掩体的地面发射基地

? The record has been considered soft ever since it was set last May.

? 自从五月份创造了这个纪录以来,人们一直认为它是很容易被打破的。 2)(宇宙飞船的着陆)飞行速度在32公里/小时左右的软着陆。

The landing must be supersoft, made at a velocity of 18 miles or so an hour. 这次着陆一定是超级的软着陆,即着陆时的飞行速度在每小时18英里(约29公里)左右。 3) (麻醉毒品)毒性较轻的,软性的: Marijuana is usually regarded as a soft drug.

大麻通常被看作是软性(毒性较轻的)麻醉毒品。 4)(情报等)非百分之百可靠的:

At this stage there is only soft intelligence about the enemy intention.We should not shoot him from the hip.

在目前,关于敌人的意图还只有不太充分的情报,我们不能鲁莽行事。 7. 比喻结构As+adj+as+n 的异同


as busy as a bee, as firm/ hard as a rock as white as snow, as cold as ice

as strong as a horse/ an ox, as bright as daylight as blind as a bat/ mole, as silly as a goose/ as ass as swift as an antelope,as stubborn as a mule as clear as crystal, as cunning as a fox as easy as ABC/ pie, as brave as a lion as light as feather/ air, as tough as leather as good as gold, as soft as silk/butter/down as timid as a rabbit, as slippery as an eel

1. The concept of Translation

Translation is the process of rendering written language that was produced in one language (the source language) into another(the target language), or the target language version that results from this process. Note:

render…into: translate into (a language) 翻译的定义:


2. Categories of translation:

? 就题材而言,翻译可分为文学翻译(literary translation)和实用翻译

(pragmatic translation)。

? 根据工作方式,翻译包括口译(interpret)、笔译(translation)和全自动

机器翻译(machine-aided translation)三种类型。

3. 翻译的目的

? 方便交流:世界上有近三千种语言,非常常用的语言有十几种,不同的语言给人们的信息交流带来不便,翻译成了解决这一问题的有