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Translation (Workbook)

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has to be derived from the context of the utterance.

It is often difficult to obtain even the lexical equivalent of a given item in translation, when the translation is taking place across two different languages that do not have a culture in common, such as translation from Arabic into English and vice versa. Yet, we should not indulge in a tedious and rather worthless search for the lexical equivalent, since, even if such lexical items are easy to come by, they might not be helpful in translation. (1) Referential meaning

① The Tearmarks of the Cheetah

A very long time ago, when the earth was first created, all the animals came down onto the savanna. The animals, birds, insects were all different shapes and different colors. When the cheetah first came to the earth, just like all other animals, she shook her body and stretched her legs, and took a deep breath of the new clean air. The cheetah found it very good to be alive. Each animal had to get used to her own body, so the cheetah started running and found out she could run very very fast.

The cheetah ran and ran across the vast plains. After a time of wandering the plains alone, the cheetah became lonely, and decided to look for friends of her own kind. One day, the cheetah, with her great eyesight, spotted some large cats off in the distance and eagerly went running as fast as she could toward these cats. As she was running toward them, one of the cats, which was much larger than the others, stood up and roared. The loud noise frightened the cheetah and she dug her claws into the dirt and came to abrupt halt. The cat was a big male lion, and he roared out to the cheetah in a very low booming voice, \

The cheetah, which is much smaller in size than a lion and who by nature is a very shy and timid animal, said ,\trying to find friends of my own kind.\

The lion roared, \much thinner than we are. And look at your feet. You have claws like a dog?s. Your claws do not retract all the way back into your feet like ours do. You are not a cat;you are a dog. So, you better run away fast and try to find someone in your own family.\

The cheetah lowered her head and put her tail down, and crept away feeling a bit discouraged. She thought big cats were very unfriendly. The cheetah continued her search looking for a friend of her own kind. The days went by. Then one day, the cheetah saw a pack of wild dogs playing in the sun. The cheetah went racing up to the pack. The whole pack was yelping and barking furiously. The cheetah stopped immediately, and the pack leader yelped at her, \

The cheetah began to tell the wild dogs her story about trying to find a family of her own. During her search, she was scared by a lion and saddened when he told her that the cheetah was not a cat, but a dog. The whole pack of wild dogs howled in laughter, and barked at her, \your round head and ears, and your rough tongue. They are like a cat's. Your tail is long just like the other cats. You are not a dog at all!\

This time the cheetah raced away / very fast / because she was scared(语序调整,切分句子,化整为零). After running a safe distance from the dogs, the cheetah


Translation (Workbook)

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laid down to rest under a big tree. She felt sad. She thought about how the lion roared and did not want her, and how the wild dogs yelped and bit at her feet, and she felt sadder and sadder. The cheetah felt so sad that started to cry. She was very lonely.

The cheetah did not realize that any other animals were near her. A giraffe had walked up quietly while the cheetah was crying. The giraffe, looking down at the cheetah with its big brown eyes, asked, \surprised when the giraffe spoke. The cheetah looked up tearfully at the giraffe and proceeded to tell her sad story about the lions roaring and telling her she was not a cat, and the wild dogs chasing (衔接性增词)her and saying she was not a dog.

Sniffling(形象处理,拟声词), the cheetah said, \and I have cried so long and so hard--look at my beautiful face, the tears have burnt marks in my face.\

A bird that was flying by the big tree saw the beautiful cheetah and chirped, \have traveled throughout this land and you, cheetah, are the most splendid and unique of all the cats I have seen.\

(2)Pragmatic meaning

法语 “chien mechant”,所指(概念)语义 ,或者说,字面意义“dog that bites” (咬人的狗) or “savage dog”(很凶的狗),语用义:(communicative translation) “Beware of the dog”(当心这狗哟!) cf. wet floor 小心地滑 // 请小心台阶 Please Mind The Step // 当心扒手 Beware of Pickpockets

A rock sailed down. He hastily stepped back and mumbled, “Doug, Doug Wood.”“Thank you,” said the cheerful voice. “Is that Wood as in wood or Would as in could?

(3)Associated meaning(文化、文体等联想意义的确定)

红眼病=green-eyed// 嫉妒鬼=a green-eyed monster//食言= eat one?s words形同陌路=a strange bed fellow

It was mid August and the subject for discussion was the future of Rommel and his Africa Corps.

He boarded the stagecoach for San Francisco, then and now a hotbed of hopeful young writers.

2) 动态翻译的过程(Translator’s Performance on different levels) (1)Grammatical level---a syntagmatic(linenary) approach

Subject Predicate Object Attribute Adverbial the Complement a Subject or an Object

(2)Semantic level---Referential meanings.

A. Projection-rules----the rules of the semantic component, also referred as semantic rules. They serve two purposes: (i) they distinguish meaningful from meaningless sentences; and (ii) They assign to every meaningful sentence a formal specification of its meaning or meanings.

B. Semantic presentation in terms of prepositional structure(semantics of event structure)----which consists of ARGUMENT and PREDICATE. Arguments:



Translation (Workbook)

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LOCATION(PLACE), TIME, MANNER, PATH etc. 施事格、受格事、经事格、受惠格、工具格、出处格、目标格、场所格、间格、方式格、原因格、结果格、路径格等等。

①The “modern British cuisine”(AF) promoted (E1) by a regiment of television (P)chefs (A)borrows (E2) freely from Tuscany, Japan, California and even Morocco (S).

一大批厨师 (A)大量地借鉴 (E2)了意大利托斯卡纳、日本和美国加离福尼至摩洛哥等地方 (S) 的烹饪技术 (AF),在电视节目中(P)向公众推荐/介绍(E1)“现代英国烹饪术”(AF)。(free--lavish: be free with one?s money)

②Submerged in a flu-induced New Year?s Eve hibernation, my husband and I had turned off the phone ringers that evening and called it a year.

③Now, sir, your real address?”Doug gazed at the roiling waves. “Lovers’ Leap, Sunshine Coast.”

(3) Pragmatic level----intention (style/register/situation/figures of speeches)

Makers implications are concerned with. Attention focuses on markers and implications. Reading strategies: reading between the lines. 3) Approach to meanings in the context 词项 辞书释义 汉语释 指称义 译 文 义 (the state of mind in which 使人全 sad thoughts 缠棉same )preocsth.takes up all of a 神贯注悱恻 cu- person's thought 的事物 pation p.12 (run the complete scope of sth. 整个范face all the U-boat 对付gamut risks 围 所有p.261) 的德潜艇 go through do sth.that one is 敷衍塞shake hands with... 与?motions p.59 expected to do in a 责 insincerely ?握insincere manner 手,应付一下 (this kind of) a call to play a game, 挑战 a call for us to (要)改challenge to have a fight etc.to reassess the 变我p.38 see who is better relation- 们的stronger etc. ship between 看法 nature and civilization (intellectual) ibid 同上 calls to learn→知识 challenges knowledge p.120 ibid (could not ibid had to be the 不得refuse)the 同上 witness for the 不出challenge defendance 来当


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证人 written version of a 脚本the written (我这play etc. in a film ?? speculation 个)提production about thinning the 法 polar cap (this ibid the morning (刚才同上 matutinal activities 所描scenario described?? 绘的p.116) 早晨的一系列活动) theater p.33 scene of operation 事件发battle field 战场 生的场所 chasten punish in order to 惩戒 give up the old 改变correct… epicurean motto 生活态度和方式 (1) And secondly, because I had a lump in my throat and a lot of sad thoughts on my mind that had little to do with anything a Nippon railways official might say…The Japanese crowd did not appear to have the same preoccupations that I had.

(2) 0n our way back, every U-boat in the Atlantic will certainly be on battle alert. We shall have to run the gamut.

(3) Meanwhile Asalamalakim is going through motions with Maggie’s hand.

(4) As a result, any solution to the problem will require a careful assessment of that relationship as well as the complex interrelationship among factors within civilization and between them and the major natural components of the earth?s ecological system. There is only one precedent for this kind of challenge to our thinking.

(5) They are revivifying students, dangling and delivering intellectual challenges beyond the ken of most educators.

(6) Now Darrow sprang his trump card by calling Bryan as a witness for the defence…Bryan was suspicious of the wily Darrow, yet he could no refuse the challenge.

(7) As the polar cap air warms, the ice here will thin; and since the polar cap plays such a crucial role in the world?s weather system, the consequences of a thinning cap could be disastrous…Considering such scenarios is not a purely speculative exercise.

(8) It is 7:30 a.m. As the alarm clock burrs, the bedroom curtains swing silently apart…Wellsian fantasy? Maybe. But while this matutinal scenario may still be years away.


p.172 (such)scenario p.30