第二届小记者杯技能大赛试题 联系客服

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-- No, I have a _______ brother. We are at the same school. 7.--Don’t get off the bus until it ______. --No, I won’t.

8.--How many _______ of apples would you like to buy? -- Six.

9.--What do you think of Tom? -- He is friendly and _________. 10.--Where’s Lucy?

--Can’t you see? She is _________ on the grass over there. 三、阅读理解(共5题:每小题1分,满分5分)

请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。 Small talk is a good way to kill time and make friends. If you travel to other countries, do you know what to say to start small talk with foreign people?

In Britain, the best topic is the weather. British weather changes quite often. It's also a safe topic. You can start small talk simply by saying \day today, isn't it?\

Besides weather, it's good to talk about gardens with Brits. For example, you could say, \roses look really beautiful, don't they?\English people love their pets. So it's also nice to start with \

In America, people like to talk about sports, such as American football. They also talk about clothes by saying \a nice shirt! Where did you get it?\Weather is a safe topic there, too.

Of course, there are also a lot of topics to avoid (避免) during small talk in Western countries

Don't ask people \old are you?\Age, especially for women, is usually a secret. Never ask \

Don't ask strangers whether they are married or if they have a girlfriend or boyfriend. Politics or religion (宗教) is not a good topic for two people that have just met either.

1. What does \

A. 小型演讲?? B. 小声交谈 C. 随意聊天 D.认真谈心

2. What is a safe small talk topic for both Americans and British? A. Clothes. B. Weather. C. Money D.Food

3. If two people haven't met before, we call them _____. A. friends B. family C.relatives D. strangers 4. Which is NOT a good topic for small talk?

A. Are you married? B. Lovely weather, isn't it?

C. Where did you get that nice shirt? D. Good shot! Which team do you like better?

5. What's the main idea of this story?

A. Why do we start small talk? B. Good and bad topics for small talk C. How to kill time and make friends D. When to start small talk? 五、书面表达(满分5分)

假设你是李梅,上周末你参加了一次郊游(outing)。请根据下面表格中的提示信息写一篇题为“A pleasant outing”的英语短文,参加某英文报纸的征文比赛。

A pleasant outing 时间 参加者 地点 活动 感受 上周末 你和?? 西山公园(the West Hill Park) 爬山、野餐、放风筝、做游戏?? ?? 要求:(1)不要逐条翻译表格中的信息,可适当增减内容; (2)短文中不得出现真实的地名、人名和校名; (3)词数: 50个。


参考词汇:go for an outing; climb the hill; have a picnic

A pleasant outing

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 第四部分(共70分) 一、填空:(共45分,每题5分)

1. 请写一个数,要求最高位是亿位,数中含有四个0,但只读两个0,这个数写作( ),读作( )。

2.一个三位小数,四舍五入到百分位是3.10,这个小数最大是( ),最小是( )。 3.在一个比例式中,两个内项都是合数,且它们的和是17,一个外项是最小的素数,这个比例式可以是( )。

4.40千克增加( )%后与50千克的比是3︰2。 5. 已知

x4y<<,x、y为连续自然数,x=( ),y=( )。 195196.若a+b=144,(a,b)=12,则a与b的差最小是( )。 7.A×

2=B×5%=C÷2.5=D÷15 (A、B、C、D均不为0) ,将A、B、C、D从小到大排列3( )。

8.用运算符号将3、4、4、10连成一个算式,使算式的结果是24。这个算式是( )。

9. 若a=1234×9876,b=1235×9875,a比b( )(填“大”或“小”)。 10. 一个圆柱和一个圆锥体积比是3︰1,直径之比是2︰3,高之比是( )。 11. 如图,用纸板分别盖住两根木条的一端,根据露出的部分推断,甲木条与乙木条的长度比是( )。

12.长方形ABCD的长是20厘米,宽是15厘米。 如图,把长方形分成甲乙丙丁四个部分,且 S甲=S乙=

毫米 的手表零件图纸上量得一个零件的长是0.92厘13.在比例尺是 米,这个零件的实际长度是( )。

14.有一根长120厘米的丝带,从一端开始,每3厘米做一个记号,每5厘米也做一个记号。然后将有记号的地方剪断,丝带共被剪成( )段。

15.买6千克苹果核8千克梨共需50元,买同样价钱的苹果3千克和梨5千克共需27.20元,每千克苹果( )元。 二、解决问题:(共25分,每题5分)


2. 甲乙两车从A、B两地相向而行,已知甲车行完全程需3.6小时,甲车与乙车的速度比是2:3.甲乙两车在两地中点处相遇,甲车比乙车早出发多少分钟?

3(S丙+S丁)。丙的面积是( )。 43. 一件工作,若三个男工和两个女工合作可完成这件工作的作可完成这件工作的

3,若三个女工和两个男工合1017。那么,一个女工单独做完则需要多少天? 604. 某商品按原价格销售,每件获利120元;现在降价销售,结果销售量反而增加了一倍,获得的总利润也增加了60%,每件商品降价了多少元?
