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Ambition is a strong desire to propel one to final success in career or other meaningful endeavors.Just like Epstein has artistically put it,“And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed”,ambition renders motivational support for an individual and leads him or her to the real meaning of life. Therefore, I cannot agree more with him in regard to what ambition is and how it functions in one’s life.


Like the pole star, ambition remains steady and ever bright over one’s life horizon. There is only one secret for success, that is, to go in the direction your goal calls you towards the destination. It is ambition that serves as the guiding

principle for a life experience. Without ambition to strive for, we would be justified to remain idle all year round as long as we are fed and keep alive. For instance,a student who dreams of being a political leader appears active in students’ union and extracurricular activities. He works hard, though no one asks him to, at sociology, psychology, law and so on, those sciences highly expected of a politician. It is his ambition that drives him to study hard and take the most advantage of his time at school. So by exercising his ambition at school, he is paving his way for the future. In contrast, poor-performance students are often those without a clear-cut vision for their future. That is why helping students with goal setting are supposed to be a task for all educational practitioners.


As a conclusion, ambition more often than not acts as strong motivation and orientation for a person’s ultimate dream. With it or without it, our life will be formed accordingly. So for a more fruitful end of our life in this world, we all should think and rethink about our ambition.


Leadership: Ambition--Vice or Virtue?

A pair of new books on Senator Hillary Clinton, as described by the Washington Post, draw a portrait of a woman who is smart, shrewd and very “methodical.” Both books, one by Carl Bernstein (Her Way) and the other by Jeff Gerth and Don Van Natta, Jr. (A Woman in Charge), describe a woman bent on achieving her aims and very ambitious. In other words, she’s a politician. But consider what would a politician be without ambition? Someone standing on the sidelines watching others do the work!

Ambition is after all the inner drive that pushes someone to achieve. It is absolutely essential to leadership. Yet so often, as in the case of Mrs. Clinton and most other politicians, ambition is perceived as a negative. Why? Because it is how the politician channels that ambition as in putting the means to end ahead of the end. For example, Huey Long, the crusading governor of Louisiana in the Thirties, wanted to

raise the standard of living in his poor state. He did improve the state’s infrastructure (roads, schools, hospitals) through public works, but he achieved his aims through ruthless means and corruption top to bottom.

The same might go for corporate executives like the Rigas family that took Adelphia from obscurity to a multi-billion status; they made plenty of money for shareholders, but also robbed those shareholders blindly by, treating the company, as one prosecutor put it, “a personal piggy bank.” Clearly ambition was misplaced for personal gain.

Ambition, however, can be force for the good. Here are some ways:

Use ambition to capitalize on opportunity. Sometimes opportunity is staring us in the face but we may not recognize it. Ambitious people look at the status quo and see ways to do things differently. It may be to develop a new product, a new process, or a new service. Looking to do things differently can be a force for the good. Entrepreneurs are folks who channel their ambition into looking for new opportunities.

Use ambition as a tool for change. Ambition may be the driver that challenges assumptions. Part of a leader’s responsibility is to identify the need for positive change and to usher in that change. It may provoke us to say why are we doing things this way? Asking the questions may stimulate debate and ultimately action that will cause new ideas.

Use ambition as tool for personal growth. Ambition is wanting to move to the next step. Fulfilling that dream may require more schooling, more training, and more experience. Ambition can be the spark that pushes you to achieve your dream, often when hard work is involved.

Ambition by itself is neither positive nor negative. What you do with the drive, like all human drives, is what matters. As 18th century political theorist, Edmund Burke posited, “Ambition can creep as well as soar.” If ambition causes you to cut corners ethics-wise so much so that you sacrifice integrity and values then ambition can be destructive. Conversely, if you channel your ambition into fulfilling organizational goals that build a stronger and better company and do it in ways that help employees and customers then ambition is a positive.