裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第40课知识讲解 联系客服

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a despairing look绝望的表情 despairingly adv.

二、关键句型Key Structures if引导的条件句 1.真实条件句:

对将来可能发生的事情的假设,主句中用将来时或祈使句,从句用现代时。 例: If he is out, I' ll call tomorrow. 如果他不在的话我明天再打电话吧。 You'll miss the train if you don' t hurry. 要是你不抓紧的话,你就会错过火车的。 If I have time, I' ll write to him tomorrow. 要是我有时间的话我明天会给他写信的。 Please don't disturb him if he is busy. 要是他忙的话不要打扰他。 2.非真实条件句(虚拟语气)

if从句谈论想象的情况,主句则推测想象的结果,再从句中要用动词的过去时,主句时would do,如果if从句的动词时be,那么无论从句主语是低级人称,统统用were的形式。 l) If you went to the exhibition you would enjoy it. 如果你去展览的话你会喜欢的。

2) If you saw him now you wouldn't recognize him. 要是你现在看到他的话你根本认不出来他。

3) Would he get annoyed if I told him about it? 要是我告诉他的话他会恼火吗?

4) If I were in your position, -I would act differently. 要是我住你的位置上我会做的不一样的。 5) He would help if he were here.




6) If you could make him change his mind you would save him a lot of trouble. 要是你能改变他的注意的话,他会省去很多麻烦的。


l)He would enjoy this if he_ (be) present.答案:were 2)She can do better if she_(try)答案:tries

3)1f play with matches, you_ (burn) your fingers.答案:will burn

4)1f you broke this window, you __(have to)pay for it.答案:would have to 5)1f you_ (lose) your way, you would have to ask a Policeman.答案:lost 6) If you__ (not apologize) , he will never speak to you again.窄筝妄芝:don' t apologize

7) If he _(be)clever, he would not have any difficulty.答案:were 8)What would you do if you_ (win)a lot of money?答案:won


Last week at a dinner party, the hostess asked me to sit next to Mrs. Rumbold.

at a dinner party在宴会上面 /at a banquet/at a feast next to

1)(场所,价值,顺序等)最接近的, 住…旁边的,紧接着…的 At the dinner party, I sat next to a large lady. 在宴会上面,我坐在一个身材高大的女士旁边。 2)在…后面 跟在…之后

例: Birmingham is the largest city in Britain next to London. 伯明翰是英国次于伦敦的第二大城市。



I am next to nobody in the text. 我考试得了第一名。 I came next to last in the exam. 我考试得了倒数第二名。

Mrs. Rumbold was a large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress. in prep.穿戴(衣物等) dressed in rags

clothed in rags 衣衫槛褛

the man in the hat戴着帽子的男的 the woman in white穿着白衣服的女士

例:She is in high-heel shoes. 她穿着高跟鞋。

She did not even look up when I took my seat beside her.

even甚至,连(通常置于所修饰的词前面,若修饰动词,则应放在助动词后实义动词前) Even a child can answer such an easy question. 甚至连一个孩子都能回答这个问题。

He wants me to work even late at night. 就连深夜他也要我工作。

The man couldn't even write his own name. 这个人甚至连自己的名字都不会写。 even修饰比较级still

例: This book is interesting, but that one is even more interesting, 这本书很有趣,那本书甚至更加有趣。 look up


例: I looked up the word in my dictionary. 我在字典里查阅这个词。 2)抬头看,向下看




take one' s seat 坐上指定的席位 take a seat 坐一下,就座 have a seat l)v.坐下

例:Please be seated. 请坐 Sit down, please seat oneself 坐下

He seated himself next to her.他坐在她的旁边。 2)v.容纳(hold)

例:This theatre seats 2000 people。这个剧院能容纳2000人。 beside ->next to在…旁边

Her eyes were fixed on her plate and a shout time, she was busy eating. be busy at sth

be busy with sth 忙于某事 be busy(in)doing sth 忙于做某事

例:She is busy at her homework. 她忙着写作业呢。 She is busy at her wedding. 她忙于准备婚礼。 She is busy writing letters. 她忙于写信。 as busy as a bee 忙个不停 busybody 爱管闲事的人

I tried to make conversation.

make conversation 闲谈, 聊天 try to think of things to say informal conversation 不拘礼节的交谈
