2009年温家宝总理记者招待会口译 英汉对照 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2009年温家宝总理记者招待会口译 英汉对照更新完毕开始阅读61ff24323968011ca30091ca

upgrade its consumption structure. Among 1.3 billion people we have in this county, about 900 million are farmers. If you go to the countryside and take a look for yourself, you will see, in fact, that no matter how much investment you may make in the countryside that will not be enough. China's market potentials are far larger than EU countries or the US given the population it has and given its size.


Number two, China has abundant labour resources and we do have our own competitive edge in terms of talent. Although now, we do face some difficult problems in employment, in the longer term perspective, these are going to be advantageous conditions we have in development.


Number three, thanks to our reform over the past ten years, China's banking sector is generally sound and stable. And the banking sector of this county has offered very strong support to the economic growth of China. I can give you a comparison. Now the US and the EU countries are fighting the international financial crisis on two fronts. One front is the international financial crisis itself, the other front is in the real economic sectors. In China, of cause, in the financial sector we need to fend off the risks. However, we have not used the penny from the fiscal resources to plug the loop holes in the banking sector in this country. On the contrary, the banking sector in this country has offered and extended large mount of credit to boost economic growth. The figures are very clear to you I believe. In November last year, the newly extended loans stood at about 470 billion RMB, and December last year, 770 billion, January this year, 1.62 trillion RMB, February, 1.07 trillion RMB.


What is important about our effort to tackle the international financial crisis is that over the past few months, thanks to the effort we have made, we have seen that the hearts of the Chinese people have began to feel the warmth. We believe that the warm hearts of the people will also pass on the warmth to the economy. We know full well that no country in today's world can stay immune to the negative impact of the international financial crisis and we can not overcome the difficulties of the crisis out of the context of the international economic difficulties. But we know full well that we would better fetch a flint than beg for light and we would better dig a well ourselves than beg for water from others. That is why I hope that all the Chinese people would be able to pass on the

warmth they feel in their hearts to the Chinese economy. Thank you!


Premier Wen, from Financial Times. You mentioned in your previous response that China has a huge domestic needs for spending particularly in rural areas. In that context, does that make sense for China to have 2 trillion dollars of reserves which money you affectively lends to richer countries? Second question is about Tibet. Last week particularly has been extraordinary security measures not only in Tibet autonomous region but in other Tibetan parts of China. Given these very extreme security measures, does it not indicate that there are serious security's problem in your policies in the region of the country?

[温家宝]:关于第一个问题,其实我在英国回答《金融时报》记者问题时已经谈到了,但是我还想说明一下。 As for your first question I think I had already given an answer to the question raised by FT in the UK. Still I would like to use this opportunity to make further clarification.


China's foreign exchange reserves are created thanks to the strenuous efforts made by the Chinese people. This has greatly increased China's capacity to pay in external transactions and trading. At the same time, this has also demonstrated China's economic strength. However, the holdings of foreign exchange are in the form of a kind of borrowing on the account of the banks. Foreign exchange reserves are not money of fiscal resource. The use of the foreign exchange reserves should be made mainly in external investment and international trade. We have already introduced a diversified strategy in managing our foreign exchange reserves. As far as the current state is concerned, our holdings are generally safe. We will further open up China to the rest of the world to make full use of both domestic and international markets and domestic and international resources. We need to give full play to the role of foreign exchange reserves. So that the foreign exchange reserves we have will not only be following the principle of good value, safety and liquidity but also support the national development and improvement of people's lives.



The situation in Tibet is on the whole peaceful and stable and the Tibetan people hope to live and work in peace and stability. Both the Chinese constitution and the law on regional ethnic autonomy have provided the freedoms and rights for the people in Tibet, particularly their freedom on religious belief. Over the past few years, the state has also made efforts to increase fiscal input in Tibet to accelerate the economic development in the region and improve the livelihood of the farmers and herdsmen in Tibet. Tibet will remain committed firmly to the policy of opening up because this meets the needs of Tibet own development. Actually I believe that we need to put your question to the other ground, that is the true fact Tibet's peace and stability and Tibet's continuous progress have proven that the policies we have adopted are right. Thank you!


Thank you Mr. Premier, I am with the CNA from Taiwan. My question is about the economic cooperation agreement for the two sides of the Taiwan straits. People from both sides of the straits are very much interested in the signing of such an agreement. I would like to know that is it possible to sign such an agreement before the end of this year? If so, will that mean that Taiwan would be able to participate in the ASEAN plus one mechanism in this regard. In you report on the Work of the Government, Mr. Premier, you also said that the mainland is willing to make fair and reasonable arrangements for Taiwan's participation in World Health Assembly. I would like to ask you to kindly analyze the situation for people back in Taiwan, is it possible for Taiwan to participate in the activities of the World Health Assembly this year? The finally question is that, we know Taiwan is renowned or its rich sight seeing resources and a lot of people went to Taiwan on sight seeing trips. If you have the opportunity to visit Taiwan and do the sight seeing, where would you like to go?


I would like to share with you the following facts Taiwan and mainland already have very close economic ties. It is fair to say that our ties are so closed that actually such ties are indivisible. Last year, despite the impact of the international financial crisis, the two way trade volume between the two sides was nearly 130 billion US dollars, with Taiwan running a surplus of 77.8 billion USD. As things stand, over 30 thousand Taiwanese enterprises are up and running on the mainland with a total investment of 47 billion USD. Given the close ties we have. I believe that we should step

up our cooperation in joint endeavor to tackle the financial crisis.


In my report on the Work of the Government, I did say that the two sides of the Taiwan Straits should enter into consultations at the early date to sign a comprehensive economic cooperation agreement and establish a cooperation mechanism tailored to the features of the two sides. I think if we take a close look at what we put down in the report, we can see that concerning the signing of the agreement and the establishment of the mechanism, we need to follow three alignments. Number one this should be aligned with the state of development cross the straits relations; number two, this should be aligned with the needs of the cross straits economic cooperation and trade; and number three, this should be aligned with the features of the economic ties and trade between the two sides. In short, we want to attain the goal of mutual benefit and win-win result for both sides. We sincerely hope that the two sides of the Taiwan Straits would be able to intensify their efforts in their consultations to sign such a agreement in a proper way and establish a cooperation mechanism that is conducive to both sides.


Taiwan is a treasure island of China. I have long cherished the hope of going to Taiwan and I sincerely hope that I can go to Taiwan and see much of Taiwan. I really like to go to the Alishan mountain, the sun and moon lake and all other places in Taiwan. I want to visit more places on the island and have contact with the people in Taiwan. Although I am already 67 years old this year, if there is a possibility for me to go to Taiwan, even I can no longer walk, I will crawl to the island. In the report on the Work of the Government, I made it clear that we will make fair and reasonable arrangement for Taiwan's participation in international organizations that concerns Taiwan's interests through consultations. We are willing to have consultations and coordination. Thank you !


Good morning, Mr. Premier, I am with Itar Tass News Agency, I have a few questions. This year