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国际贸易 名词解释中英文 自己整理




机会成本(opportunity cost):生产某种产品而必须放弃的能够生产除此以外最大可获收益的产品的代价。The amount of another item must be given up in order to release sufficient resources to produce one more unit of a given item.


国际分工(International Division of Labor):指世界上各国(地区)之间的劳动

分工,是各国生产者通过世界市场形成的劳动联系,是国际贸易和各国(地区)经济联系的基础。Division of labor or specialization is the specialization of cooperative labor in specific, circumscribed tasks and roles, intended to increase the productivity of labor. 完全分工Complete Specialization: The utilization of all of a nation’s resources in the production of only one commodity with trade. This usually occurs under constant costs. 不完全分工Incomplete Specialization: The continued production of both commodities in both nations with increasing costs. 绝对优势(absolute advantage)各国间存在的生产技术上的差别,以及由此造成的劳 动生产率和生产成本的绝对差别,是国际分工和国际贸易的基础。各国应集中生产并出口具有“绝对优势”的产品,进口其不具有“绝对优势”的产品,其结果比自己什么都生产更有利。 比较优势(comparative advantage) 绝对成本理论

比较成本理论 The law of comparative cost The nation with the lower opportunity cost in the production of a commodity has a comparative advantage in that commodity. H-O model


要素密集度 Factor Intensity 要素密度是指生产某种商品时,与生产另一种商品相比,

所投入两种生产要素的比例。这是一个相对的概念,与生产要素的绝对投入量无关。It measures the input ratio of product factors in the production.

要素丰裕度 Factor Abundance要素充裕度是指一国所拥有的两种生产要素的相对比例。

这是一个相对的概念,与其所拥有的生产要素的绝对数量无关。 It measures the relative abundance of one nation’s economic resources.


要素价格均等化理论The Factor-Price Equalization Theorem 特定要素模型




产业外贸易(intra-industry trade)在同一时期内既进口又出口属于同一产业的产品。

产业内贸易指数(index of intra-industrial trade,IIT)测度一个产业的产业内贸易程度。 内部规模经济


重叠需求理论 人均收入水平接近的国家需求结构存在重叠之处,可能会消费相同类型的制


技术差距理论(Technology Gap Theory)各国技术发展情况不一致,就可能产生技术垄断。 产品生命周期理论 (Product Life Cycle Theory)是关于产品生命不同阶段决定生产与出口该产品的国家转移理论,是一种动态经济理论。 恩格尔效应

恩格尔定理 随着家庭和个人收入增加,收入中用于食品方面的支出比例将逐渐减小

罗伯津斯基定理(the Rybczynski Theorem) 假定一个国家只生产两种产品,在商品价格

固定不变的前提下,某一生产要素的增长将导致密集使用该要素部门的生产增加,使密集使用其他要素部门的生产下降。The theorem postulates that at constant prices, an increase in the endowment of one factor will increase by a greater proportion the output of the commodity intensive in that factor and will reduce the output of the other commodity. 荷兰病(Dutch Disease):一个行业的增长扩张导致其他行业的萎缩。the increase in the production of X will lead to the decline of Y. 福利恶性化增长(贫困化增长)(Immiserizing Growth),又叫福利恶化型增长和巴格沃蒂效应。即出口商品生产能力的提高对贸易条件和国内经济可能产生不利影响。It is the situation where a nation’s terms of trade deteriorate so much as a result of growth that the nation is worse off after growth than before, even if growth without trade tends to improve the nation’s welfare.

关税 是进出口商品经过一国关境时,由政府所设置的海关向其进出口商所征的一种税收。

(custom duties)Tariff is one of the tax imposed on goods when they are moved across a country’s custom territory, which levied the exporters or importers by the customs. 财政关税(revenue tariff) 以增加国家的财政收入为主要目的而征收的关税 保护关税

海关税则 从价税(Ad valorem tariff )按单位商品价格的固定百分比计征的关税。A fixed percentage tax on the traded commodity.

从量税(Specific tariff)A fixed sum tax per unit of a traded commodity. 按照商品的重量


进口税 An import tariff is a tax (or duty) on imported goods or services. 进口国家海关在外


最惠国税 The Most Favored Nation Duty (normal tariff): an import preferential tariff is applicable to the countries which have the bilateral or multilateral agreements. (适用于从与该国签订有最惠国待遇条款的贸易协定的国家或地区所进口的商品) 差价税 Variable levy

进口附加税 Import surcharge (specific tariff) The tariff is imposed temporarily because of some specific reasons。对商品征收一般关税外再额外加征的关税。

反补贴税 Counter-vailling Duties is a kind of additional tax imposed on foreign imports

that directly or indirectly accept any subsidies.是对直接或间接的接受任何补贴的外国进口商品所征收的一种进口附加税。 反倾销税 Anti-dumping 是对实施倾销的进口商所征收的一种进口附加税。

普遍优惠制 (GSP is gained after the set-up GSP resolution in 1968, which is the long efforts of

the developing countries in the UNCTD. 是发展中国家在联合国贸发会议上进行了长期斗争,在1968年通过建立普惠制决议之后取得的。在该决议中发达国家承诺对从发展中国家或地区输入的商品,特别是制成品和半制成品,给予普遍的、非歧视的和非互惠的优惠关税待遇。

最佳(优)关税 An optimum tariff is the tariff rate that maximizes the net benefit resulting

from the improvement in the nation’s terms of trade against the negative effect resulting from reduction in the volume of trade. 在零关税(自由贸易)和禁止性关税之间必然有一能使进口国福利增加的关税率------能使本国的经济效益达到最大的适当税率。 有效保护率 The effective rate of protection is calculated on the increase in domestic

value added, or processing, offered by tariff protection. It is important to the producers because it indicates how much protection is actually provided to the domestic processing and import-competing commodity. 一个国家整体保护措施使该行业每单位产出增加值提高的百分比。增加值(附加值)是最终产品价格减去用来生产该商品的中间产品成本。 非关税壁垒 进口配额制

自动出口配额制 出口信贷 买房信贷 买房信贷 跨国公司 间接投资

国际贸易政策 自由贸易政策 保护贸易政策 保护幼稚工业论 战略性贸易政策 自由贸易区 共同市场

完全的经济一体化 贸易创造

无歧视待遇原则 最惠国待遇原则 国民待遇


1、 绝对优势理论的先进性和局限性 36

答:先进性:a、揭示了国际分工和专业化生产能使资源的到更有效的利用,从而提高劳动生产率的规律 b、首次论证了贸易双方都能从国际分工与国际贸易中获利的思想,即国际贸易可以是一个双赢游戏,而不是一个零和游戏,从而部分地解释了国际贸易产生的原因 c、亚当.斯密的研究把国际贸易理论纳入了市场经济的理论体系,开创了国际贸易的经济分析。 局限性:不能解释当两国之间一国的两种产品均有绝对优势或者绝对劣势时,这两国的贸易是否发生、能否获利等问题。

Significance:(1)It showed the law that division of labor or specialization could make the resources more efficiently used and improve labor productivity.

(2)It’s the first time to certify that both nations could benefit from division of labor and world trade, that means international trade is a win-win game but not a zero-sum game. By this way it partly explained the reason of foreign trade.

(3)Smith’s study brought international trade theory into the theory system of market economy. Limitation :Absolute advantage requires one nation to be better at production of one product and another nation to be better at production of another product for specialization and trade to be mutually advantageous.Then, What if one nation is better at both products?So, the theory of absolute advantage only partly explained the reason of foreign trade, or, it just explained one special case, which made the theory not to be used generally. 2、 什么是比较优势理论 37

如果各国之间存在着劳动生产率的相对差别,就会出现生产成本的相对差别,从而使各国在不同的产品上具有比较优势。各国应该集中生产并出口其具有比较优势的产品,进口其具有比较劣势的产品。According to the law of comparative advantage, even if a nation is less efficient than (has an absolute disadvantage with respect to) the other nation in the production of both commodities, there is still a basis for mutually beneficial trade. The first nation should specialize in the production of and export the commodity in which its absolute disadvantage is smaller (this is the commodity of its comparative advantage) and import the commodity in which its absolute disadvantage is greater (this is the commodity of its comparative disadvantage). How can we judge absolute advantage of one nation? Two ways: (1) labor productivity(Qj / L).

Absolute advantage exists when one nation can produce more items than another nation. (2) cost of manufacture: αLj = L / Qj

Absolute advantage exists when one nation can produce one piece of a item by putting into less factor of production than another nation.

How can we judge comparative advantage of one nation? Usually by 3 ways: relative labor productivity、relative cost of manufacture 、opportunity cost Comment on the Theory of Comparative Advantage

? The model of comparative advantage is simple, but it’s probably the most wonderful part of economics.

? It gave the concept of relative cost, formed the basis of modern trade theory, developed the theory of absolute advantage, supplied the theoretical basis for free trade.

? Like Adam Smith, Ricardo was also an opponent of protectionism for national economies, especially for agriculture.

Limitation :

※ There are too many Assumptions,especially the constant opportunity cost made the model