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– a lot of money that he didn’t know he had and couldn’t use anyway.

Americans were shocked by this story, but the fact is that more and more rich Americans are leaving their dogs money when they die – 250,000 dollars is not unusual. In Britain, people don’t spend as much money on their dogs as Americans but they do spoil them. At Christmas, 46 per cent of dogs can expect to receive toys, and biscuits. And one in ten dog owners say they dress their pet up for the special day.

One woman was in the news in America for designing 120 outfits for her dog, which has its own wardrobe, and a $17,000 bed that it doesn’t actually sleep in. Its owner has a very successful dog boutique that sells – yes, you guessed it – designer clothes for dogs.

Now dogs may enjoy all this attention, but spoilt dogs can create problems for their owners. Dogs need a master and if their master acts like their friend or parent, they start behaving badly, attacking other animals, and damaging property – often their owner’s homes. Yet, often, this doesn’t make their owners love them less – dogs are their children, after all.

Passage2 Interviewer One of the most exciting creatures in the sea is the blue whale. Daniel

Cameron is a film-maker who has been filming blue whales for ten years in the south Atlantic. First of all, tell us why you have this fascination with blue whales.

Daniel Well, it seems obvious to me, really. They’re extraordinary creatures.

They’re the largest mammals that have ever lived on earth. They – they can be as long as 33 metres – that’s more than 16 times taller than a


human being. And they’re also the loudest animal on earth – the noise they make is louder than a jet plane. I’ve heard them – very, very loud. And when they come to the surface to breathe, their blow – well, it’s usually about ten metres high.

Interviewer That’s amazing.

Daniel And I forgot to say, they live for at least 80 years. Interviewer But their numbers are declining, aren’t they?

Daniel Yes, well, at the start of the 20th century there were between 275,000

and 300,000 blue whales in the sea. Now there are probably, probably under 5,000.

Interviewer And that’s as a result of …?

Daniel … well, of whaling, both in the Atlantic and the Pacific. And also, climate

change is beginning to destroy the food they eat, krill.

Interviewer So they’re an endangered species?

Daniel Yes. We’re not at all sure they’ll survive. That’s partly why I film whales –

to raise awareness of them and let people know how extraordinary they are. We don’t want to lose them.

Interviewer Is it very difficult to film them?

Daniel It’s very difficult. The thing is, we know very little about them so

they’re very hard to find. We

– we had a boat with 12 men and often the weather was so bad that we couldn’t go to sea. We had a small plane that we used to locate the whales and the plane would find them alright, but, but it would take


hours for the boat to get there, and by the time we got there – the whales had gone!

Interviewer That must have been very frustrating.

Daniel Yes, it was. But then sometimes we’d meet another whale while we were

on our way out.

We’d see its blow – as I said, it’s about ten metres high – and that’s

quite something to see.

And then one day – finally – we managed to film a whale feeding. None of

us will ever forget that.

Unit 8 time off

Listening in Passage1

Speaker 1 Jacob Interviewer: Can you tell me what your favourite type of music is?

Jacob : Yes, I can. If I’m pushed, I mean I like a lot of different types of music;

but the music of my youth, that glam rock of the 70s beats them all.

Interviewer Yes, and do you play any musical instruments or …?

Jacob : Yeah, I do attempt to play the instrument that I would love to play well,

which is the guitar – the kind of, guitar hero, lead guitar. That’s what I’d like to do.


Interviewer : Yeah, so, who’s your favourite musician? Do you have a favourite singer

or group?

Jacob : Well, again, all those glam rock bands, there was T-Rex and Slade, David

Bowie – they were all brilliant but the kings of them all were Queen.

Interviewer : Oh, yes. Yeah. And what kind of music … Is there any kind of music

that has any special memories for you?

Jacob : Well, yeah. I mean, really, it is Queen and, I have to say, when we were

kids, we all learnt the words to Bohemian rhapsody.

Interviewer : Bohemian rhapsody.

Jacob : And I’ll never forget it, as long as I live. Interviewer : Yeah. Thank you.

Speaker 2 Patti Interviewer : What’s your favourite type of music?

Patti : Oh, well, I just love classical music. I just … it’s so relaxing. I often

have it on, particularly Bach, I think, is just beautiful.

Interviewer : Oh yes. And do you play a musical instrument?

Patti : No, I don’t, actually. I, I started to play as a kid. I played a little piano,

a little guitar. I wish I had kept up the piano. It’s a great instrument.

Interviewer : Yes, yes. And do you have a favourite musician? A favourite singer or a group?