Dictation (1)综合英语听写 联系客服

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Dictation (Unit One)

With hope of finding more survivors/of Turkey’s devastating earthquake/now all but gone, / the Turkish authorities are turning their attention / to caring for those who have survived.

A full-scale relief effort / in the area hit by the earthquake /is finally beginning after days of confusion. / Turkish and foreign volunteers / have been joined by soldiers and the police, / and heavy equipment /sent by nearby cities and by private companies / has been moved to almost every victimized town.

The Minister of Housing estimated that / 60,000 buildings had been either destroyed/ or seriously damaged in the quake. / It is hoped that /within a few days, / many of the homeless / will be moved /out of the fields and tents /where they are now living. / Forty-two countries and 38 international organizations / have sent aid to Turkey. / The World Bank had sent $200 million/for housing construction. Dictation (Unit Two)

I think / that a successful old age is easiest for those / who have strong impersonal interests / leading to suitable activities. / It is in these activities / that long experience is really fruitful, / and the wisdom born of experience /can be used /without becoming a burden. / It is no use telling grown-up children / not to make mistakes, / both because they will not believe you, / and because mistakes are an essential part of education. / But if you are one of those /who are incapable of /impersonal interests, / you may find that /your life will be empty / unless you concern yourself / with your children and grandchildren. / In that case/ you must realize /that while you can still help them / in material ways, / you must not expect /that they will enjoy your company.

Dictation (Unit Three)

Love means that I know the person I love. / I’m aware of the many sides of the other person / —not just the beautiful side / but also the limitations. / I have an awareness / of the other’s feelings and thoughts. / I can see the other person on a deeper level.

Love means that I care about the welfare / of the person I love. / If I care about yr, / I am concerned about your growth, / and I hope you will become / all that you can become.

Love means trusting the person I love. / If I love you, /I trust that you will accept my caring and my love / and that you won’t deliberately hurt me. / I trust/ that you will find me lovable / and that you won’t abandon me. / If we trust each other, / we are willing to be open to each other / and reveal our true selves.

Dictation (Unit Four)

The main reason for the widespread demand for English / is its present-day importance as a world language. / Besides serving the infinite needs of its native speakers, /English is a language / in which some of the most important works in science, technology, and other fields are being produced, / and not always by native speakers. / It is a language of wider communication for a number of developing countries, /especially former British colonies. / Many of these countries have multi-lingual populations /and need a language for internal communication / in such matters as government, commerce, industry, law and education as well as for international communication / and for access to the scientific and technological developments in the west.

Dictation (Unit Five)

With the invention of the radio, /newspaper publishers wondered / how broadcasting would affect them. / Many feared / that the radio as a quick and easy means of keeping people informed /would displace the newspaper industry altogether.

Others hoped /that the brief newscast heard on the air / would stimulate listeners’ interest in the story/ so they’d buy the paper to get more information. / This second idea turned out to be closer to the truth. / Radio and print actually supported each other. /However, this is not always the case. /Take television and motion pictures for example. / With the popularization of TV, /the motion picture suffered greatly. /Movie attendance dropped / when people chose to stay at home and be entertained.

Dictation (Unit Six)

My Berlin diary for December 2 / was limited to four words. / “Only three more days!” The Foreign Office was still holding up / my passport and exit visa, / which worried me. / I had to get my passport and official permission / to leave on December 5.

There was one other thing to do. / For weeks I had thought over / how to get my diaries safely out of Berlin. / At some moments / I had thought / I ought to destroy them before leaving. / There was enough in them / to get me hanged.

The morning I got my passport and exit visa / I realized I had less than twenty-four hours / to figure out a way / of getting my Berlin diaries out. / Iagain thought of destroying them, / but I wanted very much to keep them, if I could. /Suddenly, later that morning, / the solution became clear. It was risky, / but it was worth a try. Dictation (Unit Seven)

Professors may establish social relationships with students / outside of the classroom, /but in the classroom they maintain the instructor’s role. / A professor may have coffee one day with students / but the next day expect them to meet a deadline / for the submission of a paper or to be prepared for a discussion or an exam. / The professor may give extra attention outside of class / to a student in need of help / but probably will not treat him or her differently / when it comes to evaluating schoolwork. / Professors have several roles in relation to students; / they may be counselors and friends as well as teachers./ Students must realize / that when a teacher’s role changes, / they must appropriately adapt their behavior and attitudes.

Dictation (Unit Eight)

It could be the title of a 21st-century movie: /“Death by Global Warming.” Instead, it is a real-life warning / from an American university ecologist / who believes /global warming may account for /millions of human deaths from disease. /Right now / the evidence of / significant global climate change /is minimal, / but there are already noticeable increases/ in human disease worldwide. / Most of the increase in disease /is due to numerous environmental factors, /including infectious disease, / pollution by chemicals / and biological wastes, / and shortage of food. /Global warming will only / make matters worse.

Global climate change /will result in a loss of available food. /Although there may be some benefits / in crop production from warmer climates, /these beneficial effects / will not be so great./ Crop losses from plant disease and weeds / will increase in a warmer climate.

Dictation (Unit Nine)

Wealth achieved through dishonest means / does not bring happiness. / Lottery winnings do not bring happiness. / Wealth left by parents / does not bring happiness. / In fact, / money alone is almost worthless. / If you have both self-esteem and money, / you may be well on the way to happiness. / However, what is still missing in both self-esteem and money/ is productive work and a real contribution /towards the happiness of others. / The secret to happiness / lies in the contribution towards the happiness of others. / You can fool others / but you can never fool yourself. / If you have taken advantage of / or hurt others to earn your wealth, / you will not be happy. / You will not like yourself. / You will not feel you are capable.

Dictation (Unit Ten)

As the eldest son of my parents / who were themselves poor, / I had to, fortunately, / begin to do some work / while still very young / in order to earn a living, / and therefore came to understand / in early boyhood / that my duty was to assist my parents / and become, as soon as possible, / a breadwinner in the family.

It was a terrible task for a lad of twelve / to rise every morning, except Sunday, / to go to the factory / while it was still dark, / and not to be released / until after darkness came again in the evening, / with only a forty-minute break at noon.

But I was young and had my dreams, / and something within always told me /that this would not, could not, should not last / — I should some day get into a better position. / Also, I felt myself no longer a mere boy, / but quite a little man, / and this made me happy.

Dictation (Unit Eleven)

Take the control away from your offender. / Mentally replaying your hurt gives power to the person / who caused you pain. / Instead of focusing on your wounded feelings, /learn to look for the love, / beauty and kindness around you.

Try to see things /from the other person’s perspective. / If you empathize with that person, / you may realize /that he or she was acting / out of ignorance, fear —even love. / To gain perspective, / you may want to write a letter to yourself / from your offender’s point of view.

Recognize benefits of forgiveness. / Research has shown /that people who forgive / report more energy, /better appetite and better sleep patterns.

Don’t forget to forgive yourself. / For some people, /forgiving themselves / is the biggest challenge. / But it can rob you of your self-confidence if you don’t do so.

Dictation (Unit Twelve)

Moral Intelligence is the theory / put forth by Dr. Coles, / that children learn some of the most important lessons / by observing the behavior of those around them / in authority positions / (mainly parents and teachers). / His background in child psychology / is deep and he makes / full use of ideas /from other experts/ in the field. / His theory goes beyond the teaching of moral lessons / such as “you shouldn’t steal, or lie”/ and reaches a deeper level of analysis. / He theorizes

/ that children pick up / and retain information about moral behavior /from witnessing the action of others. / He feels that this manner of learning / has a more lasting impact on children. / Moral intelligence is created by children, /but can be modeled by proper guidance. Dictation (Unit Thirteen)

Karl Marx was the most important of all socialist thinkers / and the creator of a system of thought called Marxism, / and the political system called communism. /Marx developed his revolutionary theories /over a period of four decades beginning in 1843. / He formulated his theories / with the intention to liberate wage workers or laborers /from the capitalist societies of nineteenth-century Europe. / He maintained that in order to emancipate humanity / from economic domination, / a social revolution was needed. / He helped to organize the international socialist movement. / His ideas motivated radical activists / who joined his call to overthrow capitalism. / Marxism, reduced to the theory / that all events are caused by economic self-interest, / had a strong influence on many areas of though / from politics to history to literature.

Dictation (Unit Fourteen)

Good luck to the Bridge and Groom. / Many ancient practices /that were supposed to prevent bad luck / and bring blessings to the bridal pair/ have come down through the years. / In many Western countries / people shower the bridal pair with confetti / to express the hope that the couple will be blessed with children. / Tin cans or old shoes are sometimes tied to the automobile / that carries the bride and groom away. / This practice may have come out of the ancient belief / that loud noises frighten bad spirits away. / To assure good luck, / brides often heed the old saying and wear for the wedding / “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.” / The bride’s good fortune in getting a husband/ may be handed on to the unmarried girl / who catches the bride’s bouquet after the marriage. / According to an old belief / the groom carried his bride over the threshold of their new home / to protect her form being caught /by any mischievous sprits hiding nearby.