2020高考英语一轮复习Unit2Healthyeating教学案新人教版必修3 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2020高考英语一轮复习Unit2Healthyeating教学案新人教版必修3更新完毕开始阅读5faa46becad376eeaeaad1f34693daef5ef713b3

①(2019·北京卷)The students benefitting(benefit) most from college are those who are totally engaged(参与) in academic life, taking full advantage of the college's chances and resources(资源).

②a.(江苏卷)Today we benefit from countless inventions and innovations. b.(福建卷)China has been pushing the reform of public hospitals for the benefit of all its citizens.

③(2018·北京卷)Anger is rarely looked upon as a beneficial (benefit)character trait, and is usually advised to reduce it.



(普通表达)It has been two weeks since you came to our school for the exchange program,and it is good to all of us.

(高级表达) It has been two weeks since you came to our school for the exchange program,and it is of benefit to all of us.

(高级表达)It has been two weeks since you came to our school for the exchange program,which is of benefit to all of us.(非限制性定语从句)

6.get away with受到从轻发落;(做坏事)不受惩罚 get across(使)被理解,(把……)讲清楚 get away from脱离,摆脱 get down to开始认真地做某事

get over爬过……;克服(困难);从……中恢复过来 get through完成;花光(时间、钱等);通过;接通电话 [基础练习]——单句语法填空

①(福建卷)We've just moved into a bigger house and there's a lot to do.Let's get down to it.

②She got all her students through the exam.

③It took a long time to get across to the workers the way the machine worked. [链接写作]——完成句子


The boy is too naughty.You shouldn't let him get away with breaking the windows. ②如果我们克服了目前的困难, 那么一切都应该会好起来。

If we can get over our present difficulties, then everything should be all right. 7.cut down削减;删节,砍倒,减少

cut in 插嘴,打断 cut off切断,阻断,隔绝 cut up切碎

[基础练习]——写出下列句中cut down的含义

①(陕西卷)My uncle hasn't been able to quit smoking, but at least he has cut down.减少

②With more and more forests cut down, some animals are in danger of dying out.砍倒

③(湖北卷)The community college has to cut down on staff to save money.裁减 [链接写作]——完成句子


When their children lived far away from them,these old people felt cut off from the world.

②(湖南卷)我当时正跟玛格丽特说话,杰克森打断了我们。 I was just talking to Margaret when Jackson cut in.

8.[教材佳句]“Nothing could be better,”he thought.他想:“再没有比这些更好吃的了。”

[句法句式]句中否定词nothing与比较级better连用,表示最高级的含义。 so+adj./adv.??


??such+a/an+adj.+可数名词单数any other+单数名词??

(2)比较级+than+?all the other+复数名词

??any of the other+复数名词

(3)never/not+enough/too ...“再……也不过分;越……越……” [基础练习]——单句语法填空/单句改错

①How exciting the 2019 Volleyball Women's World Cup is! I have never watched a more exciting(excite)match before.

②—Must I turn off the gas after cooking?

—Of course.You can never be too careful with that.

③How beautifully she sings! I have never heard so a better voice before.去掉so


(2018·全国卷Ⅲ)就我个人而言, 身体健康最重要, 因此, 我们在新建的体育场参加


①In my view, health is the most important thing in our daily life.As a result, we often take part in varieties of after-school activities in the newly-built stadium.(最高级)

②From my point of view, nothing is more important than health in our daily life.As a consequence, we often take part in varieties of after-school activities in the newly-built stadium.(比较级表示最高级)

9.[教材佳句]He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉!

[句法句式]句中could not have sb.doing sth.意为“不允许某人做某事”,have sb.doing用于否定句时,have表示“容忍”之意。 (1)have sth.done让(别人) 做某事 have sb.do sth.让某人做某事

have sb./sth.doing让某人一直在做某事/让某事一直发生 (2)have sth.to do有某事要做(不定式作定语) [基础练习]——单句语法填空/单句改错

①(2018·天津卷)I need a new passport so I will have to have my photograph taken(take).

②a.(北京卷)I won't have you making (make)the same mistake again and again. b.When his mother had him do his homework, he decided to have his light burning(burn) all night to pretend he was working hard.

③a.(山东卷)I have a lot of readings to complete(complete) before the end of this term.

b.I am going to see my son next week.Do you have anything to be taken(take) to your son?

④(福建卷)If anyone happens to drop in while I am out, have him or her to leave a message.去掉第二个to


(普通表达)You should take the chance to deepen your knowledge of Chinese traditional culture.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ满分作文)

(高级表达) You should take the chance to have your knowledge of Chinese traditional culture deepened.(have+宾语+宾补)



1.(2017·江苏卷)The publication of Great Expectations, which was both widely reviewed and highly praised, strengthened(strengthen)Dickens' status as a leading novelist.

2.(2017·天津卷)I was watching the clock all through the meeting, as I had a train to catch (catch).

3.Nowadays more and more people have come to realize the importance of a balanced (balance) diet to their health.

4.Having realized that your time is limited (limit), you will have to study for your goals without anger and hesitation.

5.—How was your interview for going abroad to study?

—Oh,I couldn't feel any worse(bad).I hardly understood most of the questions they asked.


6.If you don't want to put on weight, you should cut down on the amount of foods rich in sugar and fat.

7.In a word, books are the source of knowledge, from which we benefit a lot. 8.Learn to combine your knowledge with experience, and you are sure to succeed. 9.We could not have him getting away with making such a serious offence. 10.As we all know, she is a person who doesn't like to be in debt. 维度3——查缺补漏