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sidle ( v.) :move sideways,esp. in a shy or stealthy manner(羞怯或偷偷地)侧身行走

shuffle ( n.) :a slow dragging walk拖着脚走

papery ( adj.) :thin,light,etc.1ike paper(在厚薄、质地等方面)像纸的

dingy (adj.) :dirty—colored;not bright or clean;grimy昏暗的,不明亮的;不干净的;无光泽的;弄脏了的 lizard ( n.) :any of several types of(usu.)small creatures which are reptiles。with a rough skin,4 legs,and a long tail蜥蜴 nave ( z.) :a small mark or sunken place in the middle of he stomach.1eft when the connection to the mother(the umbilical cord)was cut at birth肚脐

hug ( v.) :hold(someone)tightly in the arms搂抱;紧抱 perspiration ( n.) :the act or action of sweating出汗;汗 make—believe ( n.) :① n. pretense;feigning假装;虚假②adj. peek ( v.) :glance or look quickly and furtively,esp. through an


dimwit ( n.) :[slang]a stupid person;simpleton[俚]蠢人,笨蛋,傻子

organdy ( n.) : very sheer,crisp cotton fabric used for dresses,curtains,etc.蝉翼纱;玻璃纱(一种细薄的透明布)

pump ( n.) :.a low—cut shoe without straps or ties一种浅口无带皮鞋

flicker ( v.) :move with a quick,light,wavering motion摇曳,摇动;晃动

mossy ( adj.) : full of or covered with moss or a mosslike growth生了苔的;多苔的;苔状的 hook ( v.) :attack with the horns,as a bull;gore(牛等以角)抵破,抵伤

shingle ( n.) :a thin,wedgeshaped piece of wood,slate, etc.1aid with others in a series of overlapping rows as a covering for roofs and the sides of the houses屋顶板;木瓦 porthole ( n.) :an opening in a ship's side,as for admitting light and air(船侧采光、通气的)舷窗;舱口

rawhide ( adj. ) :done or acting in a stealthy manner,as if to hinder observation;surreptitious;stealthy;sneaky;secret鬼鬼祟祟的,偷偷摸摸的;秘密的

cute ( adj.) :[Am.colloq.]pretty or attractive,esp. in a delicate or dainty way[美口]漂亮的,俏的,迷人的;逗人喜爱的 scalding ( adj.) :fierce in attacking in words措辞尖锐的

lye ( n.) :any strongly alkaline substance,usually sodium or potassium hydroxide,used in cleaning,making soap,etc.碱液 recompose ( v. ) : restore to composure使恢复镇静

stocky ( adj.) :heavily built;sturdy;short and thickset矮胖的;结实的

kinky (adj.) :full of kinks;tightly curled,esp.of hair(尤指头发)绞缠的;纽结的;弯曲的 wriggle ( v. ) :.twist from side to side,either in one place or when moving along蠕动;扭动

earring ( n.) :[usu.p1.] an ornament worn on the ear[常用复数]耳环,耳饰 bracelet ( n.) :an ornamental band or chain worn about the wrist or arm手镯

armpit ( n.) :the hollow place under the arm at the shoulder腋下,腋窝

opening or from behind something(尤指从缝隙或隐蔽处)偷看;窥视

Polaroid ( n.) :[short for Polaroid Land Camera]a portable camera that develops the film negative internally and produces a print within seconds after the process is initiated (Polaroid Land Camera的缩略式)(一种即照即成相片的照相机)波拉罗伊德照相机;“拍立来”照相机

stoop ( v.) :bend(the head and shoulders)forwards and down屈身;弯腰

nibble ( v.) :take small bites(out of something);eat(something)with small bites细咬,细食;一点点地咬

snap ( v.) :take a snapshot of抢拍;用快照拍摄

limp (adj.) :1acking or having lost stiffness;flaccid,drooping,wilted,etc.柔软的

crop ( v.) :(used in crop up)arise,happen,or appear,unexpectedly(用于crop up)突然出现;突然发生 trip [trip] :口.(used in£rip over)make an awkward mistake in(something such as words)(用于trip over)(在语言上)出差错;卡壳,支吾

herd ( n.) :a number of cattle or other large animals feeding,living,or being driven together牛群;畜群 collard ( n.) :a kind of kale(Brassica oleracea acephala) whose coarse leaves are borne in tufts羽衣甘蓝

chitlins ( n.) :[p1.]the small intestines of pigs,used for food[复](猪等的)小肠(供食用)

streak ( n.) :streak [colloq.](used in talk a blue streak)talk much and rapidly[口]连珠炮似地谈话;滔滔不绝地讲话 rump ( n.) :[humor](of a human being)the part of the body one sits on[幽]臀部

churn ( n.) :.a container in which milk is moved about violently until it becomes butter搅乳器(用以搅拌牛乳而制成黄油) clabber ( n.) :thickly curdled sour milk酸牛奶 whittle ( v.) :cut(wood)to a smaller size by taking off small thin


dasher ( n.) :a rotating device for whipping cream,as in a churn,etc.(奶油)搅拌器

centerpiece ( n.) :an ornament,a bowl of flowers,etc.for the center

of a table放在桌子中央的装饰品(如花瓶等)

alcove ( n.) :a recessed section of a room,as a breakfast nook凹室(如早餐座)

sink ( n.) :[geo1.]an area of slightly sunken land,esp. one in which threshold ( n.) :doorstill;entrance or beginning point of sth.门槛;water collects or disappears by evaporation or percolation into the 人口;开端 ground渗坑;洼地 、

rifle ( v. ) :ransack and rob(a place,building etc.);pillage;plunder抢劫,掠夺(某地)

scrap ( n.) :a small piece;bit;fragment;shred小片;碎片

till ( v.) :work(1and)in raising crops,as by plowing,fertilizing,etc.;cultivate耕种;耕耘;耕作

immemorial (adj. ) : extending back beyond memory or record;ancient无法追忆的;无文字记载的;古老的

teeny ( adj.) :[colloq.]variation of the word “tiny” tiny的口语体 wring (v.) :.get or extract by force,threats,persistence,etc.; extortslam ( v.) :shut or allow to shut with force and noise使劲关(门等);强求;榨取;勒索 砰地(把门等)关上

lavender ( adj.) :pale—purple淡紫色的

stump ( v.) :[colloq.]puzzle,perplex;baffle[口]使困惑;使茫然不知所措

scrape ( v.) :(cause to)rub roughly(使)磨擦 checkerberry ( n.) :[Am.]the edible,red,berrylike fruit of the wintergreen[美]平铺白珠树的果实 snuff ( n.) :smell;scent气味,气息

dopey ( adj.) :[colloq.]mentally slow or confused;stupid[口](感觉)迟钝的;迷迷糊糊的,昏昏沉沉的;愚蠢的;呆傻的 hangdog (adj.) :ashamed and cringing羞愧的 短语 (Expressions)

crop up: v.to appear unexpectedly or occasionally意外出现,偶然出现

例: All sorts of difficulties have cropped up at work.在工作中,各种各样的困难意想不到地出现了。 Unit 5 Speech on Hitler's Invasion of the U.S.S.R. 词汇(Vocabulary)

horde ( n.) :a large,moving crowd or throng群,人群

croquet ( n.) :an outdoor game、n which the players use mallets to drive a wooden ball through a series of hoops placed in the ground槌球游戏(一种用木槌击木球钻小圈的游戏) luncheon ( n.) :a lunch,esp. a formal lunch with others午餐;午宴;午餐(聚)会

Nazi (adj. & n.) :designating,of,or characteristic of the German fascist political party(German National Socialist Party).founded in 1919 and abolished in 1945德国国社党的,纳粹党的;纳粹党党员,纳粹分子

indistinguishable ( adj. ) : that cannot be distinguished as being different or separate不能区别的,不能辨别的,难区分的 devoid ( adj.) :completely without;empty or destitute(of)完全没有的,缺乏的(后接of) excel ( v.) :be better or greater than,or superior to(another or others)优于;胜过

ferocious ( adj.) :fierce;savage;violently cruel凶猛的,残忍的;凶恶的

unsay ( v.) :take back or retract(what has been said)取消(前言);收回(前言)

folly ( n.) :foolishness;any foolish action or belief愚笨,愚蠢;愚蠢的行为(或思想等)

primodial (adj.) :not derivative;fundamental;original根本的;基本的

hideous ( adj.) :horrible to see,hear etc.;very ugly or revolting;dreadful骇人听闻的;非常丑陋的;可怕的 onslaught ( n.) :a violent,intense attack猛攻

clank ( v. ) : make a sharp,metallic sound发当啷声,发铿锵声

dandify ( v.) :make a look like a dandy;dress up使打扮得像花花公子;给??穿上盛装,给??乔装打扮

crafty ( adj.) :subtly deceitful;cunning;artful;sly狡猾的,狡诈的,诡计多端的

cow ( v.) :make timid and submissive by filling with fear or awe;intimidate恫吓,吓唬,威胁

docile ( adj.) :easy to manage or discipline;tractable易管教的;顺从的,温顺的,驯服的;听话的

brutish ( adj. ) :of or like a brute;savage;gross野兽般的,残忍的;粗野的

plod ( v.) :walk 0r move heavily and laboriously;trudge沉重缓慢地走

swarm ( n.) :a moving mass,crowd,or throng(移动的)大群,大堆 locust ( n.) :any of various large grasshoppers,often traveling in

great swarms and destroying nearly all vegetation in areas visited蝗虫

smart ( v.) :feel mental distress or irritation,as in resentment,remorse,etc.感到痛苦;感到伤心

prey ( n.) :an animal hunted or killed for food by another animal:a person or thing that falls victim to someone or something被捕食的动物;牺牲者;牺牲品

villainous ( adj.) :of,like,or characteristic of a villain;evil;vicious;wicked坏人的;邪恶的;恶棍似的

cataract ( n.) :any strong flood or rush of water;deluge洪水;急流;大雨

concur ( v.) :agree(with);be in accord(in an opinion,etc.)同意,赞成,与??(意见)一致(常与with,in连用)

irrevocable ( adj. ) :that cannot be revoked,recalled,or undone;unalterable不能取消的;不可废止的;不可改变的;无可挽回的 vestige ( n.) :a trace,mark,or sign of something that once existed but has passed away or disappeared残迹;遗迹;痕迹

parley ( v. ) :have a conference or discussion,esp. with an enemy;confer会谈(尤指与敌方的谈判)

creed ( n.) :a statement of belief,principles,or opinions on any


divergence ( n.) :departure from a particular viewpoint,practice,etc.偏离,背离,背驰

wrong,often in a self—righteous or tedious way(在言谈或写作中)论道德问题;说教


blood—lust ( n.) :a strong desire to kill or wound杀人欲,嗜杀狂 lure ( v.) :attract,tempt,or entice(often with Dm)吸引;诱惑;机,最终

例: Your request will be dealt with in due course.你的要求将在适当的时候予以处理。 见,由此断定

例: He doesn’t come to work today,but it doesn’t 是病了。


moralise ( v.) :think,write,or speak about matters of right and it follows that: it shows that;from this we carl see that由此司

catastrophe ( n.) :any great and sudden calamity,disaster,or necessarily follow that he is ill.他今天没来上班,但并不见得他就


hurl ( v.) :throw or fling with force or violence猛投,猛掷;猛抛 prelude ( n.) :anything serving as the introduction to a principal event,action,performance,etc.;preliminary part; preface;opening序言;序幕

intervene ( v.) :come or be in between as something unnecessary or irrelevant;interpose干涉,干预

subjugation ( n.) :bringing under control;conquering征服,制服 hearth ( n.) :the fireside as the center of family life:family life;home炉边;家庭生活;家庭 短语 (Expressions)

round up: cause sb.or sth.to gather in one place驱集,使集拢

例: The guide rounded up the tourists and led them back to the coach.导游把游客集合在一起,领他们回到车上。 count on: rely on sb.or sth.with confidence依靠,信赖,指望

例: Don’t count on a salary increase this year.别指望今年会加薪水。

go all out: do one’s utmost,spare no efforts全力以赴 例: I’lle team is going all out to win the championship.这个队为了争取冠军而全力以赴。 make a reference to: speaking of or mentioning sb.or sth.提到,提及

例: The commentator made a pointed reference to the recent scan. dal.这个评论员有针对性地提到了最近的丑闻。 to the effect that: with the meaning that?,giving the information that?大意为

例: He left a note to the effect that he would not be returning.他留下一张字条,大意是说他不回来了。

on the threshold of: at the point of entering or beginning of在??门口,在??的开端

例: The politician was on the threshold of his career.那位政治家的事业刚刚起步。

tie down: reduce to bondage;enslave束缚,限制,奴役 例: The veteran worker refuses to be tied。down by petty restric tion.那个老工人不理会琐细的规章制度的限制。 in due course: at the appropriate time;eventually在适当的时

blackmail ( n.) :the obtaining of money or advancement by

threatening to make known unpleasant facts about a person or group敲诈;勒索 suite ( n.) :a group of connected rooms used as a unit,such as an apartment一套房间 cryptic ( adj.) :having a hidden or ambiguous meaning;mysterious


fray ( v.) :make or become weakened or strained(使)变弱;(使)紧张

dispatch ( v.) :send off or out promptly,usually on a specific errand or official business(迅速地)派遣,派出(常指特别差事或公事) errand ( n.) :a trip to carry a message or do a definite thing,esp. for someone else差事(尤指为别人送信或办事) piggy ( adj. ) : like a pig;gluttonous猪一般的;贪婪的(=piggish)








laughter)disdainfully or bitterly sneering,ironic or sarcastic讥讽的;嘲笑的/sardonically adv.

gross ( adj.) : big or fat and coarse—looking;corpulent;burtly肥胖的,臃肿的;粗壮的

jowl ( n.) :the fleshy,hanging part under the lower jaw下颚的下垂部分

encompass ( v.) :shut in all around;surround;encircle 围绕,环绕

flip ( v.) :toss or move with a quick jerk;flick(用指等)轻弹;轻拂 decor ( n.) :[Fre.]decoration[法语]装饰,装璜

obese ( adj. ) :very fat;stout;corpulent过度肥胖的;肥大的 appreciative ( adj.) :feeling or showing appreciation欣赏的;有欣赏力的;有眼力的;有鉴赏力的 incongruous ( adj.) :lacking harmony or agreement; incompatible不


falsetto : ①n.an artificial way of singing or speaking,in which the voice is placed in a register much higher than that of the natural voice假声(说、唱)②adj.假声的;用假声唱的

emission ( n.) :the act of sending out or giving forth(heat,light,smell);the action of uttering(sound)(热、光、气味等的)散发,放出;(声音等的)发出

spit ( v.) :eject,throw(out),emit,or utter explosively喷出,吐出;激烈地说出

savagery ( n.) :savage act,behavior,or disposition;barbarity暴行;unequivocal ( adj.) :not equivocal;not ambiguous;plain;clear不残忍;凶猛

blandness ( n.) :being mild and soothing温和,和蔼;文雅 adversary ( n.) : person who opposes or fights against another;opponent敌手;敌方;对手

high—tail it )[口]匆忙离开,匆忙走开;迅速撤退;迅速逃走(主要用于high—tail it)

blink ( v.) :wink(the eyes)rapidly;cause(eyes)to wink眨(眼);使眨(眼)

inbred ( adj.) : innate or deeply instilled天生的,生来的,先天的 含糊的;不模棱两可的;明确的;明白的

bulbous (adj.) :shaped like a bulb;fat and round(often derog.)球茎形的;又肥又圆的(常用作贬义)

countenance ( n.) :the face;facial features;visage脸,面孔;面貌,peremptory (adj. ) :intolerantly positive;dictatorial;dogmatic;imperious高傲的;武断的;专横的;强制的/peremptorily adv. rivet ( v.) :fix or hold(the eyes,attention,etc.)firmly(把目光、注意力等)集中于??

imperious (adj.) : overbearing;arrogant;masterful,domineeringhigh—tail ( v.) :[colloq.]leave or go in a hurry;scurry off (chiefly in 面容,容貌,脸色

flicker ( v.) :move with a quick,light,wavering motion摇曳,摇动,晃动

interject ( v.) :throw in between;interrupt with打断;插入,插(话) clasp ( v.) :hold tightly(with the arms or hands);grasp firmly握住;紧握

conceal ( v.) :put out of sight;hide把??藏起来,隐藏,隐匿 puff ( v.) :blow,drive,give forth,etc.in or with a puff or puffs(一阵阵地)吹;喷出

leastways ( adv.) :(chiefly dial.)leastwise;anyway(多用于口语)至少;无论如何

smug (adj.) :narrowly contented with one’s own accomplishments,beliefs,morality,etc.;self—satisfied to an annoying degree沾沾自喜的;自鸣得意的;自满的

tuck ( v.) :put into a secluded or isolated spot把??放入隐蔽或隔离的地方;使隐蔽;(收)藏起

cluck ( v.) :make a low,sharp,clicking sound,as of a hen calling her chickens or brooding;utter with such a sound(母鸡唤小鸡时的)咯咯叫,作咯咯叫声;(人)咯咯地叫;咯咯地说

reproving ( adj. ) :expressing disapproval of指摘的;非难的/reprovingly adv.

hunch ( n.) :[colloq.]a feeling about something not based on known facts;premonition or suspicion[口]预感,预兆;疑心

jockey ( n.) :[Am.slang]one who operates a specified vehicle,machine,etc.[美俚](某种车辆的)驾驶员;(机器等的)操作者 bust ( v.) :[slang]burst or break[俚](使)爆裂,(使)击破

despairing ( adj.) :feeling or showing despair;hopeless绝望的,没有希望的/despairingly adv.

shrug ( v.) :draw up(the shoulders),as in expressing indifference,doubt,disdain,contempt,etc.(为表达冷漠、无奈等)耸肩 twig ( v.) :[Brit.colloq.]observe;notice[英口]观察;注意 discreet ( adj.) :careful about what.one says or does;prudent:keeping silent or preserving confidences when necessary (言行)谨慎的;慎重的;考虑周到的/discreetly adv. holler ( v.) :[colloq.]shout or yell[口]叫喊,呼喊 oafish( adj.) :stupid愚蠢的,笨拙的 grotesque (adj.) :ludicrously eccentric or strange;ridiculous;absurd;fantastic怪僻的;荒谬的;滑稽可笑的


respite ( n.) :an interval of temporary relief or rest暂时的休息;暂


whiplash (adj. ) : showing resentment and ill humor by morose,unsociable withdrawal愠怒的,闷闷不乐的/sullenly adv. vacillation ( n.) :he state of wavering in mind;hesitation;indecision


dally ( v.) :be slow or waste time闲荡;延误

bulge ( v.) :swell or bend outward;protrude or project膨胀,肿胀;鼓起,隆起,突出

beady ( adj.) :(esp.of an eye)small,round,and glittering like a

bead(尤指眼睛)似珠子般小而亮的 短语 (Expressions)

put out: stop sth.burning熄灭

例: I threw water over him.desperately trying t0 put out the flames.我往他身上泼水,拼命地想扑灭他身上的火焰。

take one’s time(doing sth.或to do sth.或about sth.): do sth.slowly不着急,慢慢(做事)

例: You can take your time coming to See me.你不用着急来看我。 on a hunch: based on feeling and for which there is no proof凭


例: Few people are wiHing to stake their reputation on a hunch.很少有人愿意贸然用名声冒险。

Unit 7 The Age of Miracle Chips

miracle ( n.) :an event or action that apparently contradicts known scientific laws and is hence thought to be due to supernatural

causes,esp. to an act of God奇迹

chip ( n.) :a semiconductor body in which an integrated circuit is formed or is to be formed集成电路片

silicon ( n.) :a nonmetallic chemical element occurring in several forms.found always in combination,and more abundant in nature than any other element except oxygen,with which it combines to form silica(used in the manufacture of transistors。solar cells,rectifiers,silicones,ceramics,etc.)硅(符号Si)

inert ( adj.) : having few or no active properties;inactive惰性的